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What Would Your Strategy Be?


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We're seeing the different approaches some of the players are taking, and are starting to see them play out. Kail's strategy was to form an unexpected alliance of 4 from Day 1, Nick's was to flirt with all the girls, Joe's was to be happy-go-lucky, etc.

If you were in the house, what would be YOUR initial strategy?

I would hang out for the first day or two and see who I really seem to click with, and who doesn't draw too much attention to themselves. Then I'd approach them to form an alliance of 2, much like Danielle and Jason did in Season 3. We'd then go out and try to "align" with the inevitable two groups that form - one to each - so we could spy and stay pretty much under the radar.

I think it would be important to emphasize to my partner that, we might not always agree, but we will support each other without question, never selling the other out...our friendships in the house might go in different directions, but our game allegiance is to each other, first and foremost. This is the mistake Nick is making...he needs to separate his feelings from the game.

I wouldn't be overly loud or flamboyant, but I would involve myself in as much as I could. I'd listen very carefully and be nice to everyone...making waves or arguing only draws negative attention.

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I would take the cook/housecleaning technique of Jen and Chicken George. I have had two kids and no one would really wants to see me in a bathing suit, and I am too old and probably get annoyed with the flirting game. I would be just the nice one that everyone likes under the radar enough that I would not cause to much of a stir. I would allign myself with everyone and I don't think I would talk that much about the game but rather show a deep interest in the houseguest and their lives.

If I was in the game right now. I would probably be very rude to Jen in a way she would not even know it. When I won HOH would probably be my demise because who I would nominate.

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I would wait it out to see who the strongest/biggest threats were and then align myself with the others. I would never be a leader but make sure my voice was heard without being too obvious. I'd be fun without being annoying. And I'd show alot of cleavage..but not so much that the girls would think bad of me.

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i am not telling any of you my gameplan.. i dont trust any of you.. lieing cheating comp throwing dirty hookers!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::runs really fast::::::::::::::::::::::

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I would wait it out to see who the strongest/biggest threats were and then align myself with the others. I would never be a leader but make sure my voice was heard without being too obvious. I'd be fun without being annoying. And I'd show alot of cleavage..but not so much that the girls would think bad of me.

My strategy would be pretty similar to the above. I would also try and form good relationships with everyone in the house, not alliances with everyone just relationships and make others think we have some sort of special friendship or something that way when they think they have my vote if they're ever put up so they don't attempt to put me on the block. I also think I wouldn't inform the other houseguests of my son or husband. I dont know I'd have to think about that though. My reason being that alot of times the mothers adn family women seem to go first and are looked at as weak and what not.

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Mike has tried several strategies, but other people have done them better, or they weren't appreciated like he probably thought they would be. He's dated. He's cleaned. He got in good with the first HOH and the second.

I'd probably try to be the quiet, sweet, cute one who cares about everybody (without crying) and I would listen, listen, listen. But in reality, I'd probably end up hating someone right off the bat and join the opposite alliance, and put a big target on my back.

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I'd try to seek out someone fairly strong and someone sweet and become best friends with them. I'd be the observant one with a pretty good memory, so we would hopefully do well in challenges with one strong person and one observant person, but we'd keep it all on the d/l as far as our alliance.

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Awww...Fizzle & King, what am I chopped liver ova here?!? I wanna be in your group. ease can I? Can I? Huh????

Whatever b**tches, I would just turn you against each other in the end. HA! HA!

Victory is mine!

Actually I would TOTALLY suck at this game. I have a big mouth & trust FAR too easily. My husband is a watcher & sees everything. I have encouraged him to go on the show, but he's too shy to do it (even though very outgoing in real life)...

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In the current house, my strategy would be to sit by the pool all day sipping margaritas, never talk to any of them and collect as many paychecks as possible. I would also smile into the camera alot, hoping to get noticed by a talent agency who thinks I have potential for stardom.

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I'd try to be humorous from the start, not overly outgoing and flamboyant to draw attention to me, find one other person that doesn't have bricks for brains lol

option two is to mention Mortys as often as possible so that everyone here knows who I am, and then hope there are lots of America's Choice votes and that you all will vote for me again and again and again and again and again...

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I think I would be so tired of the people there, except Dick, that I would pull a Maggie and just sit on the throne of the HOH bed, (for some reason thats what I remember about her) and make people come to me..make them worship me! HA!..oh I guess thats what I want at home right now. No really I think I would go for the immediate underdogs and be the good gal and make us all mean and win.

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My strategy when i go into the house next summer, will be to be the butler. I don't drink so I will also play bartender, and get the other HG's as drunk as I can every night.

I would clean everything, do the laundry and do the cooking. No one would want to vote me out since then they would actually have to do something.

I apply every September, and in 2005, I went to the open casting call in Philadelphia, and got to the first set of interviews.

I am so looking forward to when I get to be the old man (I am 50) in the house. Unlike Gerry from season 3, I will wash my hands after using the toilet and i will probably bring a ton of hand sanitizer with me.

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Find a houseguest on the first day, plan an alliance of 2 under the conditions we had to communicate with signals and not talk. I'd want the house to think we didn't like one another so no sneaking off to the storage room or hanging out in the hammock.

I don't dress skimpy enough to be the "hot girl", I'm not catty enough to be the bitchy one, I'm not old enough to be the mom-type, I'm not ethnic so I can't be the token black/asian/hispanic girl.... I guess I'd end up just clowning around and trying to be the comic relief...

Maybe I'd add a showmance... *swoon*

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i'll be gone week 1. so my strategy would be to avoid slop for the one week i am there. :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I really don't think I'd go in with a strategy...think I'd wait till I get there to size up the people and the situation.

But I'm definitely with uvp here..my #1 goal would be to avoid slop. :disgust:

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the best stratigy is to get to know your houseguests and take advantage of every situation to further yourself. about 50% of the HOH comps are based on knowing the houseguests (how they think or would react, or general stuff about them personally). you can win alot of comps just by being the social butterfly. not necessarily being friends or getting in good, but showing a genuin interest in people can tell you a whole lot that you can use. i do aggree with the person that said they'd be the bar tender for the house. you can learn SO MUCH from a drunk person. gaining a ton of knowledge in the first few weeks while the big personalities pick each other off can get you way further in the game than forming an alliance in the first few days, then trying to force them to stick with it once they realize you're not their cup of tea.

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