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Bb Twists.


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So, do yall think there is another twist in store for us? I can't believe that they only have 2 twists, and they showed both of them on the 1st day... i think they have something up there sleeves.

Any thoughts?


whats your favorite BB twist, and if you could what would you do to change it?

Mine would be the twin twist. i loved those twins, i just wish they would of stayed longer.

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Sadly, I think this is probably it for the big twists. I'd love it if they would prove me wrong, though.

The twin twist was great up until after the reveal. After that, it was pretty much a disaster. They didn't have a chance after everyone knew they had each other in the game while everyone else had no one.

If I could change one twist, I would breathe some life into this year. I would have America's player do something every single day. I would take suggestions which would be submitted on the BB boards or something. They could be little things (like hiding the spoons, which has been talked about before), or big things (like strategy). But it would give us something to watch for every day on the feeds--and not just on the t.v. show. I would make sure that some of the tasks would take all day or all week to complete, too. So, it wouldn't be just one conversation. For instance, the houseguest might have to find out each person's favorite color, but the AP would have to work that into the conversation naturally with each person. Or the AP would have to talk one of the women into letting him shave their legs. Stuff like that.

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wait, do you like AMY?

season 2 i liked Nicole hated Mike

season 3 LOVED Amy hated Marci

season 4 Liked alison hated 3 stoogies

season 5 liked twins and 4HM, disliked will and karen

seaosn 6 LOVED SOV6, hated NH.

what bout you?

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Guest jordansmom

I so hope this is not it for the twists.. the show just started. I kindof liked the twin twist too but they should have never revealed it. BB should had let them play as one the whole game.

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I agree with you about the AP twist needing to have more to it. if it continues to go as it has so far, it's going to be pretty lame. My concern is that the twist isn't so much about getting America involved in the game, as it is a way for CBS to milk .99 a call/text from viewers each show. They could do so much with the twist, but if it doesn't involve viewers getting charged a fee per vote... have to admit during the show on Sunday night, I was already a little bothered by Julie Chen making it sound so dramatic that we'd get to choose which HG Eric would need to pour his heart out to... I was thinking, that's it?!?!?!

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see king123, i told you... you dont agree with the dirty hookers agenda. tisk on you.

catnip... i was thinking the same thing for the AP, i want it to be a continuous job!!!!!

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I have a twist:

Twist Skanknanny's arm and make her say

Ilovemypicture ilovemypicture ilovemypicture

ilovemy. . .

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Thanks, Ginger!

But you forgot "the bee's knees"

Oh wait . . . all you kids are too young to remember that one, aren't you?

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No, Fizzle. I was home-schooled. My mother expelled me when I was in 2nd grade, and that was the end of my formal education Just because Iwas having trouble with See Dick and Jane - and Run Spot Run.

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the twist of any telling hg which comp they are playing for

hoh or veto

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