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So I met Nakomis Last Night


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I was downtown last night (I rarely head down there), and I was walking past the Hard Rock Cafe and Nakomis had peaked her head out. Later I stopped in their to get some change and I ran into her. Ok here comes the dumb part......I say "just so you know you're one of my favorite players of all time" she says thanks....THEN I SAY, "thanks for having real boobs" and she laughed....Then I say "please punch boogie in the face for me on tues, I think he's an ass.....So I think that I may have freaked her out. I had been drinking for about 5 hours before I actually met her. What I meant by that was thanks for being real...damn that booze. Well, I'm sure she will remember me!!!

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I live in San Antonio and she still works there. I was downtown a few weeks ago and was going to see if I could find her, but the guy working the door said that she didn't work until the next night. Her hair was actually all one color....BLACK. It looked really good, I thought it would be different colors, so it kind of threw me off. My roommate has met her a couple times at one of the bars she goes to, and verified that it was her.

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Kudos to you for meeting her(stumbly or not)I'd like to meet her as well.Setting her aside from BB I'm rather sure she's a driven & fun person to know. B)

Just wish she'd stayed in BB7 longer & had a match up or showdown with CT.OOOOOooooo that would've rocked!

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