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Saturday, August 26th


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Houseguests are waiting for midnight BB time to roll around because they've been on slop for the last 24 hours.

Ironically, CG is eating while the rest are on slop.... LOL

POV Competition later today... I think.

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Ugh! My allergies are killing me today, I've been up since 1AM and I am still waiting on the VETO!

If the comp is today, does anyone know if they will also have the ceremony today as well? Probably not since that is a Tuesday show thingy, huh? Damn.

I'm going to bed until Tuesday.

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Just got home and the feeds were fire then we got some feed back and Dani is ranting about Boogie got the power. I think he won POV? Not sure why she was ranting and saying that if Janelle goes to the finals she has the votes.

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They haven't played veto yet. Dani was ranting about Mike having the power and didn't get to use it. Dani tells ERika that she won't get any bb6 votes for her because she can't win comps and she thinks that's what is what they place most importance on.

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Dani is up in HOH really working Dani. She said she has a plan and for Erika to trust her. Now they are both trashing the guys. They are agreeing that they are dangerous. Could Erkia really be planning to play against her Boogie.

Dani and Erika are saying the Will has to go. Dani says will is the devil.

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Erika needs to speak with Janelle and figure out that Will and Boogie are hedging their bets on the 3 way split of the money. CT hasn't said anything about a 4 way split, so I wonder how the will sit with those two girls. They have got to be lying to someone!

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Dani is playing dangerously here trusting Erika not to tell Mike any of this.

In some way I would like to see Janelle walk in there right now and say okay if I win veto you two need to help me get rid of chilltown. They could vote out George this week get hoh for one of them and nominate chilltown...and then I woke up

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You would think that maybe Dani would approach Janelle about getting rid of Chilltown because she's been told numerous times that Janelle wants to go after them (granted this is by CT, but u get my point) If she REALLY wanted to go after them, she would get with Jani... I think she is all talk!!

And Dani telling Erika this is only going to give Erika more reason to put up Dani instead of Will if someone comes off the block because she just told her she was going to scumbag CT and I dont know if Erika would really take the chance of losing Will (if Mike has anything to say about it) If she did put up Will that would be a golden opportunity for Danielle to try and scumbag him... *sigh* these people are giving me a headache!!

OH MY GOD!!!!! Please someone shoot me... I cant believe what I just heard... Erika just said that Jani only likes Will because she cant have Boogie (b/c of Erika)... :blink: Sweetie PLEASE, if Janie wanted Boogie she could have him, and does Erika really think that out of the two she is the one who got the "catch"... I think I'll throw up now!!

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OH MY GOD!!!!! Please someone shoot me... I cant believe what I just heard... Erika just said that Jani only likes Will because she cant have Boogie (b/c of Erika)... Sweetie PLEASE, if Janie wanted Boogie she could have him, and does Erika really think that out of the two she is the one who got the "catch"... I think I'll throw up now!!

ROFL!!!!!! vomit-smiley-007.gif

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Danielle is drinking wine, but nursing it. She even put it on the bathroom counter, away from her, but went back to retrieve it.

She just confirmed that she came in to BB7 with no alliances.

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i am doing things in between watching the feeds... everytime i come back, danielle is getting more wacko. i wonder if erika is going bonkers inside. i would be thinking "please dear lord... please make her go away!"

i would be slipping her an ambien so she would pass out. :D

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Erika is feeding Dani's ego and going along with everything she says. I am so curious if Erika really will go after Will and Chill Town. I doubt it because she is a girl from the town of CHILL.

Anyone know when the Veto ceremony is?

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