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Thursday's LIVE Eviction Show - 8/24


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It sounded yesterday like Erika and Janelle were unsure if they should vote out James. I really think they aren't sure what is the right move. As much as I don't like James he would go after them if he won HOH I think. He would probably put up Janelle and Will.

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This is already a double eviction week so there is no way both James & Chicken George will be leaving tonight.

My fingers are crossed for James to leave. . . then I want to see Howie & Marcellas's reaction when he walks into the sequester house.

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Regarding the schedule -- I think that there will be double eviction week the last week in the house. Here is my explanation. If they do have another double eviction week this week and next week, that means that the final 2 will be in the house alone together from September 7 to September 12. What fun would that be? I think that they will have a "double eviction" week that last week so that the final 2 will only be in the house a couple of days by themselves. I think that they will do part 1 of the 3-part final HOH competition on September 7, part 2 and 3 on September 8 and the eviction on September 9. That way they can show parts 2 and 3 and the eviction on Septembe 10 episode and we will have the finale on the 12th.

Does any of that make sense? :unsure:

I am 95% sure that James will walk out the door tonight, but the main question is who will win HOH and what will they do with it? I'm not sure if Janelle has it in her to "throw" a competition to anyone. But I do think it might be in her best interest to let Will win it tonight. However, I do not think that Will wants HOH. He has said numerous times that he wants no part of that "position" in the house and he wasn't overjoyed that Boogie won it last week.

I think that Janelle is keeping her friends close and her enemies closer. I don't think she is on-board with the ChillTown alliance as she leads Will and Boogie to believe. I think that she will vote out James this week, because she doesn't see anyway around it. However, I think that she is keeping her secret alliance with CG very secret and no one seems to have a clue. I think that Janelle will go with CG because he has never lied to her in the game and that seems to be important to her.

I guess only time will tell how things will shake out in the BB house. My ultimate final two would be Will and Janelle. Let's have the best of the best fight it out with the jury.

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I'm trying to remember how long Maggie and Ivette were in the house alone last year, and I want to say 3 days. I didn't watch much of it on the feeds. At that point all of the plotting and lieing and alliance building and backstabbing is over, so it's just kind of boring.

I think James goes tonight . At least he's kind of calmed down from his melt-down after the veto competition.He might actually go calmly. He kinda suspects that he's going.

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Trackey.....I am with you....if Janie doesn't win HOH she can still win POV. If CG is HOH and Janie and Boogie are up, Ericka will throw POV, George winning is a long shot. I am not sure if Will is good at comps, that leaves Janie,Dani and Boogie playing with Boogie trying to throw it to Will to save them both.

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