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Tuesday Nights Show (August 22nd)


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I also believe that James was shown the tape. Maybe earlier, maybe today. That's why he shut up about it.

BB can't show the whole house the tapes, because if they show them it will out James as a liar. Then, when he is voted out, he could blame BB for his eviction. So that is why (in my opinion) BB didn't show the whole house the tapes.

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Thanks Squirrel. I have to go to beddy bye early, so as to get up by 5:15 to go drive a bunch of kiddies to school. I drive a bus and have to get on the road to my bus by 6am.

Will haveto wait and watch in the morning.

Can't wait to see what all the fuss was NOT about. :D

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Okay, everybody talk me through this . . .

Here's what I saw is James and Janelle fighting over a doll - yes Janelle got to the spot first, but we don't actually SEE who picked up the doll first. The struggle is behind a rock. James gives her the doll, then Janelle dives for another doll and drops one of the two while James is in an empty-handed stupor. CBS TELLS us that they were fighting over the Howie doll and that Janelle picked up the Marcellas doll first but you can't actually SEE that (can you?). Like they circled two dolls but all I could see is a blob (will have to go back and take a look at it) . . .

So isn't it POSSIBLE CBS is lying to cover their ass and that they were actually fighting over the Marcellas doll? I don't know because there's so much confusion over the moment, like why were they both fighting over the Howie doll in the first place if it was the wrong doll? But then again if they were fighting over the Marcellas doll in the first place why would Janelle and then James both dive for the Howie doll? I don't know . . . what the heck really happened?

Didn't James actually admit that they were fighting so hard over the Howie doll that the 'H' broke? So if that's the case then Janelle really did win it fair and square I would think (?)

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I don't think so, since James kept saying over and over that Jaie grabbed the Howie doll so hard she broke the "H."

That could only happen if they were tousling over that doll. So in his own way, his rant about the "broken H" actually supports Janie's story.

They tousled over the Howie doll, she saw the Marcellas doll, and grabbed it.

End of story. The veto king has been dethroned...he so deserved it too!

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i could see the m on the marci doll when it was on the ground, and then janie grabbed it...and it didn't look edited...looked like a clear janie grab to me...we actually played it 5 times(we're dorks!) and my tv is huge...so unless there was real "grassy knoll" editing...it was a clear janie win.

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First of all, the Marcellas doll was the only brown one. So to me, it's easy to tell it is the Marc doll. However, I can see your point: If you can't see that the Marcellas doll is truly the Marcellas doll, how can you be sure that CBS isn't lying about it?

Here's my answer. Listen to what James said right after the comp. He admitted that he and Janie were fighting over the WRONG doll at first. The Howie doll. He says that himself. THEN James lies and says that he dove for the Marcellas doll (the right doll) and that Janie took it out of his hand. End of story.

So, James himself outed his own lie. He, himself, agreed that the first doll was Howie and the second doll was Marcellas. He is hoping that no one saw a clear shot of their hands while they were going after the second doll--the Marcellas doll. However, unhappily for James, CBS got a VERY clear shot of James' empty hands grabbing at that spot where the Marcellas doll USED TO BE. :)

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James is such a whiner that even the houseguests are getting sick of it. It isn't surprising that James would lie about what happened during the veto-my god- the guy lies all of the time. The disturbing thing is is that he believes his greatly distorted reality is the truth! JMO

And, if I hear anything about a conspiracy theory come out of his mouth again, it will be too soon! JMO I'm fine with anybody else talking conspiracy theories, because it's pretty fascinating to entertain all of the different scenerios. But, once again, the evil Dr. Will summed up things perfectly by saying "James thinks the show is fixed in Jannelle's favor. Well, it is. I'm the one fixing it James. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

OOPS! Back to the original topic on this thread. It totally looked like Jannelle won it fair and square, and her story supported what appeared to be shown on CBS.

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Also, on the feeds right after the competition, when it was apparent that James was gonna make a big stink out of it, Janie also mentioned that they were fighting over the wrong doll. James seems to agree on that point. {"she grabbed it so hard she broke the H"}

It was hard for me to see the replay. I was still laughing at Janie saying "I broke a nail!", and then flipping James the bird. Classic Janie.

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Guest jordansmom

I thought the point James was trying to make was that she assulted him and that was against the rules. So in his mind there should be a redo b/c she broke the rules.

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Good points y'all . . . but here's another confusing bit - like from the video I thought Janelle had two dolls and James had none, but here is her version of events as told in the DR:

Janelle: Give it to me!

James: You can have it.

Janelle in DR: I fell to the ground with James and we were both like yanking on it. Then we got up and so that we each had a doll in our hand and we both looked at it at the same time-I looked down and it said 'M' he looked down his said 'H' and I was like, omg I got the right doll. Crazy.

And James' side of the story to Danielle right afterwards:

James: Did you guys not see it go down?

Danielle: I did-she says you guys were fighting over an H doll

James: She grabbed the H, I grabbed the M, she pulled the M out from my hands says 'Give it to me'. She grabbed the H doll so hard she cracked the H. I grabbed the M doll, pulled it underneath her when's I pulled it underneath her she pulled it out of my hand, hence the nail cut.

The replays are in black and white so I can't really tell but it looks like maybe they WERE fighting over a darker-coloured doll. Did Janelle perhaps dive for another M doll so James couldn't get it? I don't know? I really can't see a thing from those replays.

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I had to wait an extra hour to see BB. It was not pleasant. :angry:

I replayed it myself several times to see if there was any truth in James' statements. First, on the feeds he said she left before they said go. She didn't. Second, Janie got to the spot first, then James. Because of the shrubbery, I couldn't tell who grabbed the Howie doll first. But when Janie spied the Marcellas doll, she dropped the Howie doll and rolled away from James. James never touched the doll (unless it was in his delusional mind). And the "I broke a nail" while she shot James the finger was absolutely the high point of the night. :D

I wonder if James realizes how ridiculous he looked in the DR. Like Will said, James got his ass kicked. :P

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I thought the point James was trying to make was that she assulted him and that was the against the rules. So in his mind there should be a redo b/c she broke the rules.

Well if u wanna go by that then you have to get James for kneeing Janie in the back twice...but she didn't complain about that ... well she did complain her back hurt but never blamed it on anyone...

So isn't it POSSIBLE CBS is lying to cover their ass and that they were actually fighting over the Marcellas doll? I don't know because there's so much confusion over the moment, like why were they both fighting over the Howie doll in the first place if it was the wrong doll? But then again if they were fighting over the Marcellas doll in the first place why would Janelle and then James both dive for the Howie doll? I don't know . . . what the heck really happened?

You see after the tussle that she has the doll in her hand and realizes its not the right doll and then lunges for the correct doll and then proceeds to run to the spot with it... if she had the right doll to begin with (the one they were fighting over) then she wouldn't have lunged for the other doll...

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But by that same logic, why would she be telling James 'give it to me!' if it were the wrong doll? Nothing makes sense about this whole thing and I can't see a thing on the tapes either way so either James got robbed or Janelle is getting dragged through the mud unfairly by James but I really can't tell what's the truth :huh:

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Guest jordansmom

Im just saying thats why I "think" he made such a big deal about it. I saw James knee on her back i did not see him knee her.

PS. Me either Sam

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which mod keep deleting my [started and first post]

at least give a brother credit for the effort <_<

over modding imho ;)

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