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Was Howie on the Early Show???


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The only staement I can say Howie has ever made for me is I have no control over my actions. I am almost 40 but act about 5. I have no care about anybody but MY friends and if you say anything against them I will come back and butt you up side the head.

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As annoying as Howie is and I know he would drive me nuts it has been said over and over what a good loyal friend he is. It has been mentioned that is outside the BB house he is such a good person. He sends lettters and remembers Birthdays and an all around #1 friend to have.

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Howie probably can be annoying at times, BUT he does seem to be such a loyal and true friend. I would love to have a guy friend like that. True to the end, unlike Boogie (what man wants to be called BOOGIE anyway) :unsure: who rides on peoples coat tails to sail to the end, is a jerk and a complete moron. Gotta love Howie! :D

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I don't think he was portrayed bad. He had a reason to be upset and he let everyone know about it. People understand that.

He should have opened his mouth in the Red room when Georgie asked him, "What do you think Howie"... Howie just said, "I don't know" (thinking he was safe and didn't want to create contraversy with the group). Once he was nominated and evicted within six hours, he just blew,,, so would I. Howie didn't hit Boogie and showed some restraint in the process cause he knew it wasn't just Boogie, it was Chill Town. That being said, I'm looking forward to hearing Howie on housecalls tomorrow saying he got beat fair and square.

hope that made sense

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Guest jordansmom
He should have opened his mouth in the Red room when Georgie asked him, "What do you think Howie".

Good point.

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I just want to know if Howie found out that James was double crossing he and the rest of Season 6. Does anyone know?

Kaysar looked so disappointed when Julie told him that James was working w/CT. James was really behind both Kaysar and James' eviction...Trying to get Janelle out. I doubt that Howie will EVER speak to James again, and I wouldn't blame him.

I think there is something that could be said about the game play...Would you rather leave the house w/integrity and know you played the game as honestly as possible, or would you rather sell your integrity, honesty and what you are as a person for $500,000?

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i think howie knew a long time ago that james was double crossing their alliance. Even though howie seems pretty stupid and silly at times, he knows who his true friends/allies are. Man i wish howie was able to survive just one more week to wreak havoc on chilltown. Those no good s.o.bs.

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I think a lot of Howie's act is just that. An act. He was on last year,acted that way, then got back into the real world and got a lot of positive feedback. This year I believe he thought people wanted him to act similar to last year, so he did. It's not the first time a reality show contestant has kinda flipped out on his way out. Remember Judd from Survivor last year with his "scumbags" comments?

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BBANGEL~~~~ I just want to know if Howie found out that James was double crossing he and the rest of Season 6. Does anyone know?

Julie couldn't talk about that with him. Kaysar wasn't going to sequester, so it was okay to talk to him about it. But like Kayman said, I'm sure Howie knew. Well, I would say he suspected pretty strongly, but was wanting to give the whiner the benefit of the doubt.

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Did anyone read this interview? It is interesting.

Flirting With Disaster

Howie talks with Jessica Shaw about how he got evicted despite coming on to all the women and one of the men in the ''Big Brother: All-Stars'' house

ERR FORCE Howie's Jedi powers failed him

You might think that after such a hostile exit last night from the Big Brother: All-Stars house, Howie Gordon would have calmed down by now. Guess again. Reached by phone at the jury sequester house, Big Boy is foaming at the mouth, taking down Danielle, Erika, and Marcellas at every opportunity. Herewith, his (somewhat toned down) venting session.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Hey, Howie! How's life in sequester?

HOWIE GORDON: This is a beautiful tropical paradise, instead of battling it out with houseguests like Boogie.

Speaking of Boogie, what was up with you two at the end? I thought you were going to throw some punches.

He and Dr. Will are the most untrustworthy guys in the house, and we made a so-called alliance with them. Unfortunately there were a lot of pregame alliances made, and I wasn't aware of all of them. Janey let Boogie and Dr. Will into our close circle, and they betrayed me. So when I left, I said, ''Thanks for the sellout.'' We got in each other's faces. He was like, ''Get out of here. You're a real class act.'' It makes for a great exit. I'm not gonna walk out like some punk. I had a great time walking out the door like that.

Did you know you'd be leaving?

I knew. Erika is emotional wreckage. When I saw her sitting next to me cool and confident, I thought, ''I'm in big trouble here.'' Normally she'd be crying because she's such a big baby. I saw Janelle and James sitting in front of me looking pretty distraught. I saw Janie staring down Erika. Earlier in the day I thought I had a shot of staying, but hey, it's Big Brother. You fumble the ball and you get your head blown off.

I'm not sure what that means, but anyway, were you surprised at how much the house wanted you and Janelle out?

Yeah, getting rid of me was part of the process to getting rid of her. Janelle is probably the biggest badass ever to play. I think she's a more dangerous player than Dr. Will, but she's younger than Dr. Will so she's more apt to believe things and do things you shouldn't do.

Speaking of Dr. Will, what was up with your obsession with him this year?

Dr. Will came in as the most notorious, greatest houseguest of all time. He claimed he was the best looking. Me getting close and personal was great for my strategy. It's fun for viewers, it's fun for the houseguests. I had a great time weirding him out and freaking him out. I'm Howie. I'm comfortable with myself. I don't think I'm gay or bisexual by any means. It's just the nature of who I am. I like to weird people out. I like to mess with people. If I could take Dr. Will away from planning season 6's demise, that was my strategy. At the same time, is he a good-looking guy? Yeah.

It seemed that all of a sudden, you stopped harassing him. Did the producers tell you that you had to?

Will got kind of freaked out, like, ''You're sexually harassing me.'' He can dish it out, but he can't take it. I was like, ''Okay, you skinny little bitch.'' Everyone has a threshold. He got a little annoyed with me.

You mentioned there were alliances before going into the house. What do you mean?

We walked into the house, and it was 10 on 4. Janie didn't even know I was in the running until she saw me in the casting special. This was breached by the other houseguests. They made pacts before moving into the house. They basically cheated because they breached their contracts of confidentiality by setting up pregame alliances.

Like who?

Erika is dating Boogie outside the house. They were fooling around in the house.

Why did you always listen to Janelle? Why didn't you take the power and tell Janelle not to listen to Will?

Janie, James, and Kaysar were the ones with the power carrying me through the game. They were keeping BB6 intact. They're like my family members, so of course I'm gonna do what they say. Before it all unraveled, I said to Janelle, ''Do not ever talk to Will and Boogie alone again.'' Me and James go to the backyard, and next thing you know [Janelle nominates] Boogie and Erika. I don't know. Janey started listening to Chill Town. I took Chill Town for granted. I thought they were trying to help us. But they were working with other people undercover because of pregame alliances.

I was shocked that George

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