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Howie and Boogie incident your thoughts on it


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I agree the HGs made it sound really tense, but it was not portrayed or edited that way by CBS on Sunday night's show. Boogie had to know that Howie would call him out because he asked him several time "Bros before Hos". After last season's Busto incident, they should know Howie is going to call them out if he does not like the situation.

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dont get me wrong ct doesnt bother me i was just responding to a poster

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Seriously does everything come back to being Janelles fault?? You guys whine about as much as the hg's!!!

There is a hurriance coming...must be Janelles fault!!

Global warming...must be Janelle's fault!!

Hezbollah....must be Janelle's fault!! WHATEVER!!

As far as the Howie/Boogie thing...I thought it was uncalled for the way Howie acted, he could have went about it in a different way...he could have called people out but not get all in peoples faces... It did make Howie look bad but it also made Boogie look like a complete douche bag... which most of us already knew!

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Okay, after seeing the way the incident went down technically probably not assault in the eyes of the law because there was no apprenhension from the hat toss and the in-your-face moment was just words . . . scary but nothing criminal . . . (not sure though . . .)

Of course I could be biased in favor of Howie because I really think he got a raw deal from Chicken George. I still can't believe he could do that to Howie and Howie's not mad at him. I thought that part was really generous of him . . .

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Howie had every right to act the way he did! Booger promised him he was safe. Yes, the game is based on lies, but don't lie right to someones face. If Booger had any balls, he would've told Howie that he was voting to keep his bed "friend". I just wish Howie clocked him right in the head before he left! What Boogie did to CG was flat out WRONG! I don't blame CG at all for this!

I'LL MISS YOU HOWIE!!! Watch your back though, there's 20 guys outside waiting for you! oooohhhh, bet your scared! :D

GO GET EM' JANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, Janelle had most HOH's and she was on the opposing side, so I don't see anything wrong in placing some of the blame that CT is still in the house and Howie is gone.

The rest of the blame.......Kaysar and is fickled finger of freaking fate floater theory. Geesh, I hope he's grown back some brain cells since leaving.

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sorry Kaysar lovers....but....he sucked last year and guess what we watched a rerun of it this year.

<ducking, big tomatoes being thrown at me>

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i wished Howie had smashed Boogie's face in! he was already out of the game, and Boogie wouldn't have been able to do anything! if Boogie threw a punch he'd be out too! Howie's only mistake in my opinion! even though people think everything Howie does is stupid, I'm glad he did that to Boogie. he got a rise out of him. good enough for me. i'll really miss jedi Howie.

anyways, go janie!

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Of course I could be biased in favor of Howie because I really think he got a raw deal from Chicken George. I still can't believe he could do that to Howie and Howie's not mad at him. I thought that part was really generous of him

thats the way i felt when james rid jase. cg a fat azz liar point blank. i can understand doing what boogie did with the votes that happen all the time. but cg beg for an alliance and did this :lol: .

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Yes, the game is full of lies, but you have to expect some kind of repurcussion when you get caught in one. Howie was calling him out as a lier.

My problem with CT is that they get too personal and enjoy making people suffer. They actually said they want to make Erica and Janelle cry. Too bad they won't see it until it's too late. When they do find out, expect some major fireworks worse than what Howie did.

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how can you walk away like a man when you have some ghetto wannabe saying your safe? This game is personal even though everyone says "its just a game" your not in the house you dont know how many emotions come with this game. So please stop thinking what howie did was out of line. He had every right to be upset that he was VOTED OUT. And I love how boogie was like " get to steppin howie" LOL who says that

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