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HOH rituals

Guest janey_doll

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Guest janey_doll

I was just wondering if anyone else besides me and my sister have rituals you do for HOH so the Soverign will win HOH......

Every Thursday night my sister and I have take-out nachos from this mexican restaurant, we ALWAYS get extra cheese sauce, and the ONE Thursday night they forgot to give us the cheese sauce DANIELLE GOT HOH!!!! We were livid! And this past Thursday night our parents had take-out nachos with us and we got 2 extra cheese sauces and Erika won HOH, but then after the second HOH comp Janey won HOH, so we think it got all mixed up because our parents ate with us and the 2 extra cheese sauce REALLY messed it up, so needless to say our parents WILL NOT BE EATING WITH US Thursday night, AND THEY BETTER NOT FORGET OUR LUCKY CHEESE SAUCE!!!!!

So please post and tell me what if any rituals you guys have.

After the first 3 HOH's we finally put it together that we had to have nachos every Thursday night, so now we have to keep it going.


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Thank you, janey_doll! :lol:

I actually spend about 15 minutes in meditation, just to keep my heart rate down during the show....although the nachos with extra cheese sauce is sounding like a pretty good substitute.

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Guest janey_doll


Your welcome, I do it for the love of Janey Howie James and Kaysar (RIP). Gotta keep them in HOH!!!


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Wow... I thought I was the ONLY one who did weird stuff like that... I haven't done anything this year, but last year i made homemade nachos and had a particular alcoholic beverage and when HOH came on I stood up with my "beverage" and was pacing back and forth and one of the Sov's ended up winning...so the very next week I made the EXACT same nachos and drank the EXACT same drink and paced during the HOH too... (I sound like a freak :mellow: ) needless to say they didn't win HOH again but if they DID i sure would have been eating nachos every week!!! U better make sure u get ur special sauce tomorrow night we really need Howie to win HOH!!!!

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Guest janey_doll


Maybe if you make your homemade nachos and we get our take-out nachos maybe that will be enough to get Howie to win HOH, I really want to see what his HOH room will look like.

And you are not a freak, my sister and I also pace around the room while the HOH comp is going on, sometimes we scream so loud we can't enjoy who won until later.


I even change my desktop picture to the picture when Janey won HOH with the infamous "give that key bitch" just for that extra push for HOH.

I really feel that the force will be with Howie this week & you better believe we are getting our nachos and will even make an extra trip back to the restaurant if they forget our cheese sauce.

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Yeah im always so tense to find out who won (on pretty much all reality shows, but mostly bb) so I always check websites like mortys first, just to prepare myself. If Janie (or someone lovely like howie) wins, then im excited and fine to watch the show... if someone else (esp. danielle, etc) wins, then im sad but i prepare myself for the worst. I did the same last week, and when I saw that Erika won, I was extremely dissapointed, but then I heard about the HOH screw up and got all excited about janelle perhaps winning it. I crossed my fingers and went "oh please oh please let janelle win" and then i refreshed the page [i get live feed updates on here, i dont have the feeds] and she did! yayyyy! were any of you guys super nervous during the hoh redo? how extremely excited were you when janie won? i was estatic.

Oh and janey_doll, make sure to get your sauce!! even extra sauce if you need to! We need Jedi Howie to win!

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So good to know that I am not the only one to have a ritual for Big Brother. While it is not anything too strange, I refuse to go on Morty's or any BB site on Thursdays. Last year, whenever I checked ahead of time, the SOV always lost... so this year, I just wait to find out until the show. The one time this season that a SOV lost (besides the Erica one... although I kind of hoped SOV would lose so that they would try harder for the Coup), I felt it was because I had to find out the HOH results online instead of by watching the show.

Are other reality show fans as extreme as us BB ones? The only show I have near-panic attacks with is BB... every other show is so normal, but there is something about Big Brother that is super intense.

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Every Thursday night my sister and I have take-out nachos from this mexican restaurant, we ALWAYS get extra cheese sauce, and the ONE Thursday night they forgot to give us the cheese sauce DANIELLE GOT HOH!!!! We were livid! And this past Thursday night our parents had take-out nachos with us and we got 2 extra cheese sauces and Erika won HOH, but then after the second HOH comp Janey won HOH, so we think it got all mixed up because our parents ate with us and the 2 extra cheese sauce REALLY messed it up, so needless to say our parents WILL NOT BE EATING WITH US Thursday night, AND THEY BETTER NOT FORGET OUR LUCKY CHEESE SAUCE!!!!!

:lol: That's so funny & cute!

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I stop and get my 2 cheese enchiladas and rice and beans. I log on to Morty's and jump in the chatroom and wait for Fuskie to do the live update at 5:00 BB time. I live for Thursday nights. Tonight sould be very very interesting......

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my mom and I call each other before the show,during the commercials,and after the show. We vent and yell and laugh and celebrate.

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Guest janey_doll

Also my sister and I will chant throughtout the day " Lets go Howie Lets go" "Lets go Janey Lets go" LOL kinda silly but it works. :lol:

Today we will be chanting "Lets Go Howie Lets Go" :D

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not a groupie so i cant say i do :)

btw if you not a groupie dont take offense to post ;)

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So cute all. It seems like a lot of BB fans have nachos on Thursdays, or at least some type of Mexican food, which is yummy. Gee, did I miss the memo?!

I watch the show, while logged into Morty's Chat, and usually scream on there GO JANELLE AND HOWIE!!!!!!!! Tonight, it will be all for Howie, thought.

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JaneyDoll, I think that's precious that you guys have your ritual! :)

I don't really have anything I do specifically but hope that someone I like will win... and yell at the tv if they don't...

Though the booze does sound like a fun addition :D

Nevermind the flunkies and their haterade... enjoy your nachos!!!

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Janey Doll, would it be considered bashing if I said that I thought you were half crazy? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess I really don't have any rituals, although I usually close my eyes and just listen to Julie's commentary of who is eliminated----- I guess I'm half crazy too.

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