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Boogie and Erika

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The Booger has made several comments about sleeping with reality tv "whores" (I guess he's slept with several). He has zero respect for women, including Erika. He had mentioned to Will that he wants to humiliate her on national tv. He also told Will (being fully aware of the live feeds) that Erika gave him a hand or foot job (I forget). Now if he were truly serious about her would put that info in the cosmos? It's like he wants people to have a bad impression of her.

I don't think he's capable of loving anyone and will die a sad, withered up old man.

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Fair enough, however, Will and Boogie have taken it upon themselves to "Make good TV" they are "Trying to make a show here" They are trying to do things that make the show better and more interesting.

I totally agree with you and I could be VERY wrong, but I'm not willing, at this point, to make a final decision on what their relationship really is. I am curious though. :)

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I know they think they're making good tv but it shouldn't be at the expense of someone you really care about. What Booger doesn't seem to realize is that although his actions may indeed make Erika look bad, they do not make him look good either.

I AM willing to bet that the relationship is bogus. If my fiance were making those kind of comments about me, good tv or no, I would be finished with him. Also, if he truly cared about her, wouldn't he want people to think highly of her? He's making her sound like a whore. How is that a good image for the woman you plan to marry? People talk about Will, but Will has not said anything derogatory about Erin and has even said that he wouldn't talk too much about their life, because she wouldn't like it. He may be evil but he's no fool, in that respect.

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If my dh behaved like Boogie OR Will have been, he would be fired! :angry:

But they are off, they are attention Wh****, some people will do ANYTHING for fame or money.

But again, I'm no expert, just an observation. You make great points.

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I agree, chichi that they will do anything for fame or money, but you think Booger would speak highly of Erika if he were really serious about her? I wouldn't date or marry a man that went around calling me whores and telling people about our most intimate acts. Again, he's not doing it out of love or respect, it's strictly DOOG TV, and that's just sad.

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I hope that as well. No one deserves to be treated like they're expendable. Especially not the woman you profess to love. I was never a Booger fan, but he sunk even lower in my book for these antics. I find it amazing that he thinks that would make good tv. He totally disgusts me.

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must have only reason the leech still in the game

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ok, I have briefly mentioned this in other posts but I figured this new secret alliance deserves its own post.

Mike Boogie and Erika. I believe they made a secret alliance before going in the house. He has done everything he can to protect her and I think this alliance is taking precendence over the CT alliance but even Will doesn't know it. They may very well be the final two, Boogie and Erika. There are alot of clues about this alliance without anything outward including the over-acting regarding their relationship and how "Boogie is just using her."

OK, discuss.

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Guest StarBaby

If that's the case, I hope Will figures it out and screws Booger over. He doesn't need him at this point, because he has Janelle (and Boogie can't stand it).

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I agree that Erika and Boogie probably made an alliance before entering the house. It's bad for Will, because if the final three is Will, Boogie and Erika, he is in trouble. Erika is a great endurance competitor, and she will probably win the final challenge and pick Mike to go with her to the final two.

I think Will knows this, and he has tried before to get Mike to vote Erika out. He's ensured his own safety by keeping Janie around. So in a way, they are both in the same situation with women who might win the final comp and take them to the final two with them. And the jury will probably vote for the guys in both cases.

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I'd again like to request that the heart on this topic be changed to the green nauseous face. ;)

I'm finally going to get some sleep tonight, given that half the quad is on the Booger and Nose making out in tepid bath water. My feeds are now off. What I think was incredibly interesting was that they were both wearing sunglasses, which I have to analyze to indicate that it's not real for either of them and they are both hiding their true feelings. Plus, they stay completely away from each other unless alcohol has been introduced. BLECCHHH!

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