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Videos saying goodbye

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when big brother was still fairly new, it seemed like just maybe you could buy yourself a vote with a bit of niceness in your goodbye message to whoever is getting voted out...didnt they used to show a goodbye from each person in there? i remember being surprised by some good bye messages where the people told them they actually liked them......(when you knew they didnt, but it was at least an attempt).....but now they dont get to see any messages sometimes?

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Personally, I would give Nakomis enough credit to have said "I don't want to hear their BS." And I would have said it (in the DR) at least yesterday.

One solid woman, however marked she may be.

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Well... that section on Kaysar's family was quite long and then they went through the Mr & Mrs Smith thing (and totally twisted around what has been said in the house!). And they also didn't give Diane and Nak a chance to say goodbye. I guess they planned to just skip those sections this time.

On the other hand, do people still think that Julie is pregnant? She didn't look like it to me.

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The show is live,and the goodbye messages are usually shown before the HOH competition, so they wouldn't know how long the competition lasted. It had to be something that ran over before the actual eviction, or maybe Nak just requested that if it was her that left, to not show any.

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You know... as much as i want to believe that its truely 100% live, there was fire for a long period of time before the show... it could be live but pre-taped live...ya know what I mean?

And I think that loss of sound after James won HOH was on purpose because of Howies stupid loud mouth...

ps. Nakomis was totally jipped... She was one of my favorites :)

pps. NEB, who is your favorite this year??

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And how do you think she'll be coming back?

I seriously doubt she'll actually be a HG again... unless they decide to do another All-Stars and put her back in... but I think CBS is smarter than that.

She COULD come back as a competition host... like Marcellas did once in S5 (I think) and Holly did in S6.

She could also do other stuff... away from Big Brother and/or CBS.

But what were you thinking?

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What if...

during that looooooooooong glimpse of the houseguest LIVE after Nakomis gets evicted BUT before they show her actually walking out of the house...

(It was reeeeeeaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyy long!)

a CBS producer tells her that she has the option to go to sequester and get voted back in, if she agrees, and that she has 10 seconds to decide.

The only other times they haven't shown the "goodbye messages" to the evicted houseguests were when they were going to have the opportunity to get voted back in.

Last year, Ashlea chose not to remain in sequester only AFTER the show.

But... since Alison was shown her taped goodbye messages, maybe she chose NOT to take the opportunity.

(Hmmmmm, has Alison been seen outside the house since she got out, apart from the Early show the next day?)

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I wouldn't put it past them to use this twist again in All-Stars, since it has been done twice before.

(But I'm hoping they don't do it again, personally.)

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Yes, Alison has been out of the house other than the early show. My friend Becca heard her on a radio station she listens to in the morning on the way to work .. and she posted on her website on July 19th.

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