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BB All Stars in serious danger!!!


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The season 6 team is close to complete rule of this game and if they do this season will blow big time. They should not have allowed this many 6ers in. They have Erika, and Marcelles i think for sure plus. What a shame dont get me wrong im happy Kaysar won HOH since i picked him to win it either him or Nak so that was good. I dont have any problem with that but if they win the next HOH it will be real though and if they win the following HOH after that then your almost assured of at least 2 6ers in the final 6.

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It is only the second week and there are only 4 of them. I think it is a little premature to say they have complete control of the house. Only 3 of them can compete next week for HOH and James is too much of a wild card to say he is in firm with the Sovs. They did pretty much screw him and Sarah last season. Also, Howie is not too much of a threat.

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It's only Week 2, people. Anything can happen - and it's waaaaaay too early to be thinking that anyone is dominating the game yet. Waaaay too many people left to be doing that so early. Seriously, please chill.

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uhhh no they didnt it was basically 6 on 6 once Mike and Ashela were gone. It was pretty much FS winning some clutch HOH's. They did have 2 in the final 5. I know its damn near impossible that one of them wont make final 4 but I just hope its not anymore than 1. 2 I can handle depending upon just who it is.

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I think it should be interesting how it turns out. From day one everyone already had their mind set on going for the S6 group. So I think it is only fair that they defend themselves. And even from the first moment before Janelle pretty much had a chance to say anything, everyone was gunning for her. If anyone else would have won HOH, most likely they would have been on the block.

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"It is only the second week and there are only 4 of them. I think it is a little premature to say they have complete control of the house. Only 3 of them can compete next week for HOH and James is too much of a wild card to say he is in firm with the Sovs. They did pretty much screw him and Sarah last season. Also, Howie is not too much of a threat"

BBDiva you speak well. Iam a little premature but I really think they could very well dominate if they can win the next two HOH's it is very close. Your right Howie is not a huge threat. Janie and Kaysar are and as long as one of them is in the HOH comp they have a damn good chance. James I think throws comp on purpose no one is really trageting him except Nik.

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Only one person has been evicted. We are only two weeks into this thing. This is like declaring a World Series victor on April.

I'm glad that they are doing well. It's just a matter of them playing their cards carefully this week. Hopefully they are smart and go after Will and Boogie. If I'm Kaysar I give Will his wish to go up.

Play is off as a mercy eviction to save the house some headaches. Will like to dare people and call them cowards. I'd do it to call his bluff.

The players in this game have an honor code with sending the people home who want to leave.

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If if the Sov's dominate good for them cause I like them all but Howie is Pissing me off with the whole him saying nakomis and stuff is like the friendship when it's not..

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It is only the 2nd week, but also remember that at some point, there is going to have to be a double eviction week, so 2 of the 3 or 4 sovs could go back to back.

It's a mixed bag with Kaysar winning this week. He will probably put up Will and someone else who is considered strong, so good will come of it, but the Sov6 already had a huge target on their backs and everytime they win HoH, it is just going to get bigger. Janelle really needs to get out of the HoH bedroom and start making some in roads with other players besides her team, just in case.


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depeche (mode rules), I agree with you about Janelle, she's being way too cliquey and obvious. She needs to mingle and make some faux friends if need be. And Diane, she's being totally weird too, her facial expressions and attitude are showing her ill-feelings toward the bb6ers. She also needs to start kissing some butt or atleast make some faux friends as well if she wants to stay in the house longer.

In regards to the bb6ers taking over, I am afraid that they'll have a winning streak in the beginning but I can see the others taking over and fighting for their lives, leaving the bb6ers vulnerable. You can't be lucky the whole entire time like they have been so far. But on the other hand, they are fighting for their lives too because they know they are the prime target.

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Ooooohhhh BigBroSister, you just inspired a possible new BB'ism.

We already have "Showmance" this season for romantic relationships that happen in the house

Now, we could start using "Fauxship" to describe a fake friendship that is born out of necessity or strategy on the show!!

And if it caught on, we would know it started here on Mortys :)


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I am so happy because I keep hearing that Nakomis and Diane may be the targets! That would be fine with me, not so much Nakomis, but with Diane. I am still scratching my head over why Nakomis is allied with Diane. If the BB6 crew is smart they will put up Boogie and Diane, then watch Will campaign for Boogie and Nakomis for Diane. That is what Kayser did in season one and it swung James/Sarah over to his side, as they were with Crappy and the Nerd Herd. If he does it again, it would be brilliant. But I pray Boogie goes before Will, just so Will can be miserable while he is still there.

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You came up with that one, you get the credit! The definition for fauxship is solid, totally accurate! i wish we could somehow sneak that new word into the house. i'd like to be there right now, sitting on kaysar's virgin lap. jk.

Btw, list all your fave dm albums. Here are mine in order: music for the masses, black celebration and violator...oh and catching up with dm. wait, nevermind, i can't put them in oder, they're all number one for me. but i remember that i stopped buying dm cd's after violator. i did by the most recent one that came out in ' 05, it's ok, a few songs I like.

Tvrocks, I agree with you about Howie needing to shut up about Nak. If he were smart, he'd try to be nice to her to get her on his team's side. His team needs to keep him under control so that she'll side with them. Howie needs to put his emotions aside and think ahead, it could have easily been Nakomis as hoh, then he would have been kissing her bum. Maybe Will was right: maybe Howie IS mentally retarded (sorry sov, i still love you but howie's a liability sometimes...?)

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Howie needs to put his emotions aside and think ahead, it could have easily been Nakomis as hoh, then he would have been kissing her bum. Maybe Will was right: maybe Howie IS mentally retarded (sorry sov, i still love you but howie's a liability sometimes...?) ~ BigBroSister

LOL! I don't think Howie could keep his emotions in check if his REAL life depended on it. The man has some serious issues. I think a woman must have really hurt him in the past. Me thinks his mama didn't hug him enough :) (That was said in humor folks, I know nothing of his real life relationship with his mother)

I will email you my DM list so as not to get off topic :)


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I will admit I was disappointed when a SOV won HOH. I guess that means we have another week of listening to talk of BB6 & the Nerdherd in the HOH :rolleyes:

Oh well it's too early for anyone to say they have taken over. We can always hope for a non-SOV HOH to make the game more interesting next week.

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Season 6 are dominating the Game this year. It's a nightmare for the other Houseguests not from Season 6. I liked the Sovereign 6 last year, but this year they are totally dominating the play. For me, the Sovereign 6 has become the "Friendship" in terms of their numbers and power. Will is my favorite Houseguest so he has to step up and start playing the game. Not waiting for 3 weeks to play the game before he makes his move. Will has to step up his game and get serious and start making alliances. Wake up Will!. He looked detached last night on the show. He has to start the game. Will and the other Houseguests have to put their heads together and figure out a plan.


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