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Sarah Steagall

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Sarah Steagall


Age: 27

Hometown: Boiling Springs, South Carolina

Current City: Ft. Myers, Florida

Occupation: Forensic Scientist


Three words that describe you: Sweet, quirky, and self-driven.


Favorite activities: Shopping, partying with friends, reading manga/watching anime, sewing, and singing.


Who are your favorite Houseguest duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

Frank and Bridgette, Britney and Ian.


What are you most excited about living inside the Big Brother house?

I’m really looking forward to interacting with the cameras and venting in the Diary Room!


What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?  

I’ve heard the house is really cold and has an ant problem. The only thing I hate more than being cold is dealing with ants!


What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?

Everything Zach Rance did on BB16.


What is your strategy for winning the game?

I plan to float! I want to make everyone around me feel at ease and convince them I’m a non-threatening, loyal person. Once they realize I’m only playing for myself, hopefully it’ll be too late to stop me.


My life’s motto is…

“Life is chaotic and mostly out of your control, so just do your best!”


What would you take into the house and why?

  • An mp3 player with all my favorite songs, because I’ll miss having music in my life.
  • Chewing gum, because it helps me concentrate.
  • Japanese language textbooks, because I’ve been studying really hard and I don’t want to forget anything while I’m away.


Fun facts about yourself:

  • I had a severe speech impediment and was unable to communicate clearly until I was seven years old.
  • I am a horrendous cook. As a chemist, I’m pretty ashamed that I can’t figure it out. Even if I follow a recipe, somehow it always turns out wrong.
  • I have a crippling phobia of moths/butterflies. I despise them and would kill them off if I could, regardless of the effects on the ecosystem.
  • I really like to cosplay, and because of that I’ve become quite the seamstress. I can also style wigs, make jewelry, and create prop armor/weapons.
  • Despite being a forensic chemist, I’ve never seen Dexter or Breaking Bad.
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Frenchie's wife said he's going to have to get someone in the house to cuddle with him that is gay and Sarah said she is bi and she'd be glad to cuddle with him. She's been in a relationship with her girlfriend for 3 years, so that will work well for both of them.  


I'm not liking her squeaky little girl voice, but I love her competitiveness so far. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

She has the most heart breaking story of all the players.  Once everyone knew her story, they know she will be voted AFH.  This put a huge target on her back.  She could have made it the jury by being a floater.  Sometimes keeping quiet is the smart move in the game.

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On 8/7/2021 at 12:18 PM, CrazyBBFan said:

She has the most heart breaking story of all the players. 

I don't know what her story is.  I read her bio and except for the speech impediment I don't see anything serious. I don't get live feeds.  In any case I haven't grown to like her very much either.  She's about on par with Britini in my mind.

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On 8/8/2021 at 9:52 PM, HeleneL said:

I don't know what her story is.  I read her bio and except for the speech impediment I don't see anything serious. I don't get live feeds.  In any case I haven't grown to like her very much either.  She's about on par with Britini in my mind.

I haven't heard her story either and I agree with you about her, HeleneL. Don't like her or Britni and SB seems fake to me. 

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Sarah’s father had passed from COVID-19 last year.  I think she only told one person and the story made it rounds thru the house.  After hearing her whole story, Tiff and Xavier both wanted her out.  It seems others were saying something similar but BB would cut the feeds.  

BB has been cutting the feeds a lot this season.  In the past, the feeds were cut for friends and family that didn’t sign some paperwork.  Sometimes they cut the feed for hours.  Is there some new rule what they can and can’t say in the house?




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5 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:

Sarah’s father had passed from COVID-19 last year.  I think she only told one person and the story made it rounds thru the house.  After hearing her whole story, Tiff and Xavier both wanted her out.  It seems others were saying something similar but BB would cut the feeds.  

BB has been cutting the feeds a lot this season.  In the past, the feeds were cut for friends and family that didn’t sign some paperwork.  Sometimes they cut the feed for hours.  Is there some new rule what they can and can’t say in the house?




I hadn't heard that about her father. It is very sad for her but it is really just another reason for her to go. The other's may sympathize with her loss but still have to play their game to win.


I tried watching the feeds the first night and it was really bad how often they cut the feeds. The people in the chat rooms on the side were having meltdowns, pasting REFUND over and over. I have only watched a few minutes on and off since then but it does seem to be a bigger issue than usual this season. 

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On 8/10/2021 at 8:55 PM, straykat said:

I hadn't heard that about her father. It is very sad for her but it is really just another reason for her to go. The other's may sympathize with her loss but still have to play their game to win.


I tried watching the feeds the first night and it was really bad how often they cut the feeds. The people in the chat rooms on the side were having meltdowns, pasting REFUND over and over. I have only watched a few minutes on and off since then but it does seem to be a bigger issue than usual this season. 


I don't know that it's a reason for her to go, but it's sure not a reason for her to be kept in the game.  


I find it a little annoying when someone whines about how they left their kids, or how they should win HOH because they miss their family.  When someone throws a comp to benefit themselves, that's fine.  But to throw it to someone because they've garnered your sympathy is not ok.  

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18 hours ago, RosieJun said:


I don't know that it's a reason for her to go, but it's sure not a reason for her to be kept in the game.  


I find it a little annoying when someone whines about how they left their kids, or how they should win HOH because they miss their family.  When someone throws a comp to benefit themselves, that's fine.  But to throw it to someone because they've garnered your sympathy is not ok.  


If a HG throws a comp to someone that they are mostly sure that they are safe with, is usually done to help their own game in some way.  It's not always good to win HOH, guaranteeing to piss off at least two people and if the other person will be keeping you off the block, you have an easy week. Same goes for VETO. Better to not have it if you don't really need it because then you have the pressure of using or not using it. Of course, in BB, tides can suddenly change and no one can be 100% sure they are safe as some HGs have learned in the past.

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Sarah had to win the HOH this week.   After last week with Ky, everyone wanted Sarah out this week.   I feel that she could use this win to get further in the game.  I don't understand her nomination for the block.  The smart move would have been to put Derek X on the block because he put her on the block.  If she backdoors him, it looks like she's playing someone else game.  

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