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Christian Birkenberger

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Christian Birkenberger


Age: 23

Current City: Harwinton, Connecticut

Occupation: General Contractor Assistant


Three words that describe you: Charming, friendly, and determined.


Favorite activities: Being with friends, disc golf, mini golf, basketball, fishing, and flirting.


Who are your favorite Houseguest duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

Zack & Frankie aka Zankie.


What are you most excited about living inside the Big Brother house?

Making new friends for life and competing in comps.


What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?

Isolation from loved ones.


What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?

Jeff using his Coup d’etat power to backdoor Jessica.


What is your strategy for winning the game?

Ultimately be myself because I am a joy!! But I would like to appear fun and clueless as to not raise any flags, align myself with more people, and slip up as a physical threat when I need to schmooze the house.


My life’s motto is…

“Sometimes your ice pop falls on a penny.”


What would you take into the house and why?

  • Bucket hat, I look good in it.
  • My cologne, it makes me literally irresistible.
  • My ring, it reminds me to play through things.


Fun facts about yourself:

  • I can ride a unicycle.
  • My pupils are two different sizes.
  • I can do multiple flips.
  • I’ve only had one girlfriend.
  • My favorite food is chicken and waffles.
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He's got to go. They always think they are hiding their showmance but the house always knows. There is no way one can hide it when stuck in a house with all those people. And for some strange reason, I like Alyssa. I may change my mind about her at some point but I want her to stay for now but not tangled up with Christian.

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4 hours ago, straykat said:

He's got to go. They always think they are hiding their showmance but the house always knows. There is no way one can hide it when stuck in a house with all those people. And for some strange reason, I like Alyssa. I may change my mind about her at some point but I want her to stay for now but not tangled up with Christian.


Their whole four person group will now have a major target on their collective backs. I think he'll be the first target in that group.

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