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I hope Ali rips Janies head off


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I dont like Alison never did and 4 and probablly never will. I hope she does exactly what she said she would do to Janie after being nominated. Jase has pretty much now sworn his alliangce to the 6's. I knew Ali would get in and that sucks but it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise if she can get out some of the 6's especially Janelle. I cant belive Kaysar wasnt right in Janelle face telling them the real threat is Will and Mikey B.

whoops sorry my computer funny it posted twice im getting some error message every time I post goffy

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Jase would be absolutely STUPID to put himself up on the first week, anything could have happened and he would have been GONE. and about Will and Boogie being the treat, I don't really see Boogie being a threat... I mean he could be, but I don't see it, and about Will being a threat, he is because he won, and I think they needed to worry about Danielle more this week than anybody ( not because I don't like her, but she was already playing athe game BIG TIME this week, no telling what should could do if she stayed in), and she has more of a chance of being evicted against Alison than Will. JMO

I think Janelle and Jase made a good choice, because I really don't think Alison has anything to worry about. I mean, I know it's BB and no one knows, but I think if they're smart, they'll get Danielle out.

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kaysar i am sure mention it but the creative minds of cbs didnt present it. they wanted it to seem like danielle and ali were the only ones out for blood. cbs i tell you cant believe everything they present to you. from tonight shows cbs clearly wanted to make ali and danielle the bad guys which they somewhat brought on themselves

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I think they made a good choice also.

But as far as "ripping" Janies head off. Man, a little extreme. :o Alison is a no-skilled tramp. Sleeping your way to the top does not make you a tough competitor, just makes the men stupid! :blink:

Jase is playing it smart.

As far as the sovs. James may talk to them but does not trust them. So full aliance? Nah. It will stand strongly as BB6 minus James. He will be peeking his head in now and again.

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I believe Jase has drawn his line in the sand. WOW. I did not think he would put Ali up. Will is right, that was just plain dumb to leave him off the block.

I would love to see James and Will form an alliance. That would be HUGE.

Oh and Let's not forget quiet little Erika. Notice how she isn't in the limelight. Yeah, pretty smart on her part.

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ericka is being the leech she is. if i was playing she would be the first to get evicted. you can somewhat figure out where everyone stands but her. she will make it far again no doubt.

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IMO-Ali is so jealous of Janie she would do anything to get her out. NOT because of her being a sov, and NOT because of her game play. Ali sees Janie as a huge threat simply b/c she has way more power over the men in the house than she does. And she doesn't have to go bed hopping to do it. She smarter and more beautiful and thats why I think Ali is scared of Janie. :)

Not to mention her popularity with America.

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lol @ AngeliaCG about the house holding all the egos.

i dislike ericka but man she is good at what she do. if ali stays thats the only way i see her not making it past week 6 and at least top 4.

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Jase would be absolutely STUPID to put himself up on the first week, anything could have happened and he would have been GONE. and about Will and Boogie being the treat, I don't really see Boogie being a threat... I mean he could be, but I don't see it, and about Will being a threat, he is because he won, and I think they needed to worry about Danielle more this week than anybody ( not because I don't like her, but she was already playing athe game BIG TIME this week, no telling what should could do if she stayed in), and she has more of a chance of being evicted against Alison than Will. JMO

I think Janelle and Jase made a good choice, because I really don't think Alison has anything to worry about. I mean, I know it's BB and no one knows, but I think if they're smart, they'll get Danielle out. - ElizabethF50

You totally called it! They both did the smart thing. Danielle and Alison came out way to early and hard cord, and were the perfect noms. I don't like Jase, but did they really think he was that stupid. I almost want to see Alison go first (even though Danielle is the smarter move) becasue she is such a piece of trash.

Any other viewpoint is just the jealousy talkin' baby!!!!!!! There are so many so jealous of Janelle they can't see straight, and they let it F with their game. I loved it - Danielle overplayed, and then Alison went along for the ride like the non-playa she is! :lol:

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You totally called it! They both did the smart thing. Danielle and Alison came out way to early and hard cord, and were the perfect noms. I don't like Jase, but did they really think he was that stupid. I almost want to see Alison go first (even though Danielle is the smarter move) becasue she is such a piece of trash.

To say Danielle overplayed her hand is one thing, but to call this woman "a piece of trash" shows a great deal of immaturity. Why the name calling...She is playing the game..at least. More than I can say for some of the UR peeps.

Please, lets not make this Season 6 all over again...If someone is playing the game, and they target a Sov, I call that person SMART. The SOVS are the most formidable thus far in the game. They should expect to be targeted and we should not be so thin skinned.

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First, Alison has got to survive the eviction vote, or she won't be around to rip anybody's head off. I don't think it's a given that Danielle will be voted out. I think Alison is trying too hard to be the villain this year. She kinda fell into that role during her season because-----well, because she's a sleazy skank. Her speech about pulling Janelle's hair out etc. was so over the top that it HAD to be to make herself the evil one in the house.

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Another truth teller - thanks! Previous poster mentioned thin skin, well let me tell ya, you talk about tearing out someone's hair and breasts - and whore your way to a win, you're a piece of trash in my book.

Crappysucks just calls 'em like he sees 'em, doesn't matter who she was going against - she's a skivosa! :lol:

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I was under the impression that crappy was calling Allison the piece of trash, not Danielle. And let's face it -- she earned that title from her time on her first BB. I might be wrong, but I don't think it was because she dared to go after Janelle.

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You're abso-frickin-loutely have it right Ivy. I was not referring to Danielle, but Alison. And Alison is a piece of trash because she is a pice of trash. Has nuthin' to do with Janelle.

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It's not nice to call someone Trash.

And I hope that Ali does get janie kicked out.

Show her who the original blonde with a brain does business.

Go Ali!

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honestly if ali doesnt leave i think janelle fate will be seal :lol: . ali is a badass and i dont think janelle wants none of ali. but with that said i think ali will be the one evicted if she doesnt win veto

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Hello all I'm new to the boards...I've been reading since last year but just decided to sign up tonight. Some of you are hilarious.

What if the POV twist is...the two noms can compete together if they want, and if they win, then they both come off the block and the HOHs have to make new selections or the winners get to make the new selections.

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you janie lovers make me want to throw up. I can see its going to be a long summer of this same crap. Were as soon as someone talks bad about our precious Janie, or our prince Kaysar, or our POV god James, or our goof ball Howie we will bitch them out and call them names. If this all stars ends up being dominated by the Sov's then I can guarntee ratings will go down because I think most people will be sick of seeing a rerun of last season. The only one of the sovs that I can stand is Howie and sometimes James.

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Did I miss something? Was anyone calling anyone names?

Oh, BTW, before you climb up on that 'high horse' and claim that 'moral high ground' look at the title of you're own thread...it says it all.

Oh, and Alison was a skanky whore LOOONNNGGGG before I ever even heard of Janelle! :lol:

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i think ali will be the one evicted if she doesnt win veto

ita uvp . . . even though Danielle way overplayed her hands this week - what a shame! - Danielle's a better self-promoter than Alison.

PS In contrast Diane's playing the perfect game so far - nice and quiet . . . probably no easy feat! :lol:

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so sam you agree with me that ali goes first?

diane can lay low for about another week or so. but eventually i see someone dragging her into the fire. ericka is the only one i see that can avoid the fire for awhile.

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