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Mike (Boogie)


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Right when the show starts he disses Kaysar KNOWING America loves him. He knows being good wont do anything for him so he goes right off the bat after america's fav. I want to see him go down in flames.

its like what Kaysar said last year about jen... " I feel she may be....seeking attention"

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screw kaysar. go mike. will kaysar be a mytar when he gets evicted.

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You mean... right off the bat he's smacking his lips at Will's ass and riding his tail! He only has Will to help him survive. Man, they went in straight for Kaysar. And what about Will's comment to the camera. Like he was saying "Look a me America, I am a jackass!"

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I could see Will telling the producers he wouldn't be on the show unless his buddy Boogie could go with him. He knew they wanted him back on the show, and he's just that cocky. But I gotta admit, I find Will to be very entertaining.

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I don't know how Mike Boogie made it on there -- except as one poster said it was a deal Will made with the producers. I can see Will agreeing to be on the show ONLY if his friend gets to go too. I don't blame Will for doing that since he's such a huge target coming out of the gate, but I am a little offended that they agreed to let Boogie on there in front of some of the others who are more deserving -- LIKE MONICA. But that's another story.

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Oh yeah.....brushing his coat off...............like he got in there because he's so popular. It was nothing but a pity @*&% from CBS. Oh he makes me so sick. I wanted him off this week!!!! Damn It! :angry:

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sorry first of all im going to use a sports analogy! Kaysar could never even carry Will's jockstrap. I dont know what the love feast is with the guy. He is a byproduct of a strong alliance thats all he has. He never made any big moves in season 6 that changed the game unless you want to count helping getting Eric out. The man made it to the 4th and 6th weeks whoppity doo! Will is a great player and I guarntee he will make it farther then people think even I thought before the show. As far as Mikey B goes its true he isnt the best player or even a great player he is one of those average players though that a great player attaches unto and carries far and isnt afraid to align with since they know they arent targets. The only reason Will wont make it far is if someone finally smartens up and realizes he is the biggest threat in the game and I doubt that will happen.

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i havent seen season 1 or 2 or whereever this jackass is from but this guy needs to go along with his sidekick will. right now i cant really see why people ever liked these two guys or rooted for them at all. they are baddddddd like 1000 times worse than the nerd herd. the nerd herd was annoying but these guys are just so evillllll.

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Well I think I might be a minority here, but I like Mike. I personally voted for him (and Will) several times. I absolutely love the players from BB6, but this is suppose to be All-stars, not "Your favorite BB6" players. I think Will and Mike will make it interesting, Jase too for that matter. Here's hoping Mike is in there for the long-haul.

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i wont even lie... im in love with the bb6ers. but i have been watching bb since season 2 and absolutely loved will. but i have to side with kaysar cause i just dont see how mike or will can call anyone out on being arrogant or smug <_< - like how many times did they look in the mirror today or any other day. will being upset that he wasnt viewed as a threat... his arrogance makes will but seriously :blink: uck!

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Mike was working alot of people today getting information from them where they stand etc. He talked at length to Nakomis, Diane, Jase etc. He is trying to rally people to all go against the sov 6 especially Kaysar. He thinks he has James if it comes to that. This could get interesting. But we will only see it if the feeds actually stay on for more than 4 mins at a time.

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Ok, let me start off by saying that I have never been a fan of Mike's and when I saw his behavior on the first nights show, I was disgusted by him. BUT, after what I have seen of him on the feeds, he is actually really thinking about the game, planning, making backup plans, buut also keeping a bit of a low profile. Will, Howie, James, they are all center stage most of the time. Mike is kinda just sitting back and having fun when needed, but watching and listening.

He was in the hammock with Diane yesterday and had a long conversation about who the threats are and what he is looking at etc. I sat and watched (since there was nothing on the other feeds) and I actually kind of gained a bit more respect for him. Don;t judge him completely based on his friendship with Will (which I find very creepy and disturbing). I am gonnna laugh my ass off if Will made some deal to get Mike IN the house, and Mike ends up staying long after Will has been shown the door. Just don;t let Mike win, cuz I am sure he has some agreement to share the money with Will. :)


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Depeche, I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today. He seemed the same ol Boogie, based on the first eppy... but, from what I've seen of the feeds... it worked in his favor to not have the power early and he could settle in and play the game. I'm moving him up a notch or two on my "like" list... lol

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Depeche I completely agree with you on Mike. I didn't like him either and I still think he is a bit creepy but he is playing and thinking and scheming. Trying to gain people's trust by engaging them and sounding sincere etc. He's done a great job with Diane and Nakomis. He is at least playing. I don't really understand what Will's plan is but I think it's backfiring. He is turning people off with his arrogance.

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I've made a point of listening to him every chance I had in the past few days. Wanted to like him.

I find him nothing but a name dropper. Very insecure, he seems to define himself by the names he knows and the celebrities he knows or caters to. That's a sad thing, because he's not bad all by himself.

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I don't get the "Mike Boogie" thing. He seems like an extremely stupid player to me. I'd say the same for Will.

I think in season 3,4 and 6 these guys are out in the first 4 weeks. Mike is seen talking to too many people and the discussion is always about the game. Jase and Marcelles already know that Will is turing the wheels on it.

I just saw a clip of Boogie gettin a little smart with Kaysar and Will getting wise with Howie. Kaysar, may have been too trusting and willing to lay his cards on the table last season. In the same breath, he's pretty damn smart and can size people up almost as well as Janelle and Erica.

That was extremely stupid on Mikes part. Also considering that Jase is playing both sides by pitting Mike and Will in the middle.

Kaysay can win HOH.

Not very smart on Mike's part.

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well i do not find him at all interesting in the least. he accused kaysar of being arrogant like some one else posted i find that a little pot calling skillet.he slams on janelle he dislikes her how it must feel to the powerful and mighty booger to be threatened by a girl. if he was any kind of player why go after her keep her and see how mant time's she can be the diiack. but no he know's she will beat his tired ass as well as will's and i agree it was probably a deal to get will in the house to bring in his side kick.some one need's a shovel to pick up all the name's he dropped.

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