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Early Show, Julie Chen


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Do you think Julie will tell the HGs which of them where voted in by america, and which weren't?

It will most likely be obvious who we put in, but you never know!

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Do you think Julie will tell the HGs which of them where voted in by america, and which weren't?

It will most likely be obvious who we put in, but you never know!

Ooh . . . interesting question! Disclosing that kind of info could really stir the pot (goody - more drama!), but maybe it'll cause the 'evil' people who aren't voted in like Alison to target the most popular players like Janelle out of envy - then we'll be stuck with her for weeks (boo!)

I don't know! :)

PS Of course, Alison might just get voted in on her own steam - heck, even I might toss a couple of votes her way . . . still waiting to see how this voting's going to go down . . . we'll see . . .

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Yeah it would be cool to see that. I'm sure though that Allison will be voted in though <_< , because she has that 'I'm evil and I make good television type of vibe about her.'

Not to mention she's the hottest HG to ever play the game.

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i dont think they care either way. it is pretty obviuos by now who america likes hint @ bad players but bb good guys and girls. :lol:

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June 1, 2006 -- Is "Big Brother" hostess Julie Chen actually an android? An Internet compilation clip of CBS boss Les Moonves' wife robotically uttering the phrase "but first" has led some to dub her "The Chenbot" - and even she seems to agree. "My best friend from college called one day and said, 'They call you "the Chenbot" on the Internet. You're like a robot,' " Chen tells Entertainment Weekly. "And I'm like, 'What?!' I watched that Internet compilation of every 'but first' I've said on 'Big Brother.' You know, my inflections are the same every single time. The turn is the same every single time. The facial expressions are the same every time. I am the Chenbot!"


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Guest Shockalot

Finally the Chenbot has her wires unplugged for a few minutes to reflect.

Maybe she ought to start drinking a bit before the show.

Normally I dont encourage that sort of thing but in Chenbots case it might loosen her up a bit.

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Guest Shockalot

Do you know I think I started getting hypnotised from watching that... like a trance state.

Im still in love with the Chenbot.. wiring and chips included!

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I couldn't picture anyone but her hosting this show. To have someone else say, "but first" well, it just wouldn't be right. :)

I agree. it would be like Jeff P not hosting survivor. just wouldnt be the same. B)

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