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Why you should vote for me:

I would never ask for anyone to vote for me because politics suck. However, ALL-STARS would suck without me! Love ya, and thanks for your support!

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I read this and found it very amusing..


I love Jase so whatever I find I will post it here for other Jase lovers...

Speaking of Jase....I dont know if this has been posted here or not. But I was flipping through the channels the other day and happened to stop on Elimate and saw Jase get the boot. LOL He was just as annoying as he was on BB. I do NOT want him, Scott, Alison or Holly in that house this summer.

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I agree, but just wanted to comment that if you watch enough elimidate episodes, eventually you wind up seeing someone on there from another reality show - Elimidate and The Third Wheel are the best reality show washed up contestant recyclers on television!!! :)

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Am I the only one who thinks Jase was entertaining? I loved when he was campaigning with the cardboard.lol I think he is funnier than most who are on there, at least he tries to entertain, jmo

Speaking of Jase....I dont know if this has been posted here or not. But I was flipping through the channels the other day and happened to stop on Elimate and saw Jase get the boot. LOL He was just as annoying as he was on BB. I do NOT want him, Scott, Alison or Holly in that house this summer.

Ooh some are so mean to poor Jase!

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During BB6 they did an update of the BB5 couples; Drew/Diane, Cowboy/Nakomis, Jase/Holly. Neither of the couples were together anymore and it was the first time since BB5 that Cowboy and Nakomis had seen each other.

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Am I the only one who thinks Jase was entertaining? I loved when he was campaigning with the cardboard.lol I think he is funnier than most who are on there, at least he tries to entertain, jmo

Ooh some are so mean to poor Jase!

i dont know, i just thought he tried to hard to get over with "fans" i mean he really came off as a prick, he seemed so superficial and tho i did love the look on his face when they tricked him and they didn't nom. Him and he thought he was slick rick till Veto. He was soo screwed from there on out. I liked him tho before Holly N Jase annoying lovefest. Then he took the whole game so seriously and wouldn't even talk to Scott at the end of the season. He shouldn't even be able to come back to the house just for the fact for taking what happens in the house seriously

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Jase needs to be back in that house! You may not like him but he truly is entertaining and is always up to something....he would be a better houseguest than Kaysar...JMO

Vote for Jase please!

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