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Go Monica! Yes, my hand is about to drop but I'm trying to lift her from the trenches. I don't think she stands much of a chance with all the other popular people in the running, but I'm giving it my best shot.

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Oops, I didn't see Monica's thread earlier or I would have just focused here. Go Monica! I'm pulling for you all the way. I'll be surprised if she makes it in, but it'll be a great day if she does. Even with her tough edge, she is very likeable. I think she would put a number of the others in their place.

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I didn't watch BB2, but from what I saw, I dont' think i'd like to see her back. There are too many other girls from BB that I'd rather see. Now I would like to see Will from BB2, I never saw him in action. Woudl make things interesting for me.

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monica for some reason i cant remember how she was in bb2

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Actually, she made it to third place in season 2, behind Nicole and Will Kirby. That's higher than, let's see, Howie, Kaysar, James, Dana, Chicken George, Nakomis, Jase, Mike Boogie, Bunky, oh, and Marcellas, placed in their seasons.

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just waching the top 20 show. and monica gets my vote . she is a sassy broad and would make this season fun with alot of drama

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this season i think will be a drama fest

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I absolutely agree with you, Carmen!

Monica deserves a spot, based on her third place finish. Some of the same people that vilify Monica speak in glowing terms about Erika, who, IMO, brought nothing to the game. Erika's claim to fame is she looks great in a bikini. As a straight female, I couldn't care less.

Monica was entertaining and it doesn't matter what race you are.

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Being strong minded means absence of drama.

What makes you believe that? I believe the exact opposite is true. It is the namby pambys whose lives are drama-free because they don't speak up on their own behalf. Being strong implies you're able to take care of yourself. How do you stand up for yourself without creating "drama? The mere fact that you're strong CREATES drama, IMO.

Remember - If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything.

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Here is Monica's transcript from the show.


BB2 Monica...I'm an angry black woman, yes!"

Bb2..Monica."Baby it's on!"

BB2.Monica It's gonna be on!"

BB2,,Monica." It's on!"

NDR.Monica " If I say it's on something is getting ready to jump off."

BB2 .Monica.' Boogie you got something to say?'Kent you got something to say to me?"

NDR.Monica" I was honest, I played a good game, I kept it real."

BB2.Monica" Act like fuc**** grown ass people, and not like fuc@@@ kids! I will not talk behind your back. Anything I got to say to youI will say it to your face and Kent if you wanna talk let's get down!"

NDR..Monica" At that point I was just pissed off, I had had enough!"

BB2.Monica."I will bust all your a$$es if you fu** with me like this again!"

NDR Monica." When I made it to the final 3 I was a little surprised that I made it that far without a real strategy. I can't tell what I'm going to do different if I get on the show but I'm gonna continue to be Monica I'm gonna continueto keep it real and if you cross the line it will be on, you can best to believe that."

Julie." monica Bunky Mike Boogie will join Chicken George in our top 20. Will any of them become a big brother all-star your vote could make the difference. When we come back I'll give you a peak at the big brother all stars house and who will be the candidates from big brother 3. Stay with us."

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