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Kryssie Ridolfi - Houseguest Discussion

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Age: 31 | Hometown: Chicago, IL | Occupation: Waitress


How did you get on Big Brother?

I was recruited! I was approached. They stalked me at my gym. They called my gym first which I thought was very strange. And then they found me. I was in a viral video. A video of me waiting tables went viral. At my last job I was basically paid to be a jerk to people and it went viral. 

So you haven't watched the show? Be honest.

I've watched seasons. 

Like two weeks ago?

A month ago, bruh! If we're being honest I watched the first season when it first aired. I'm bad at watching TV shows if they're just coming out right now. I need to be able to binge watch something.

Why will fans root for you and why might they not?

Fans will root for me because I'm not your typical, "I'm here to stab everyone in the back! This is all about the game!" I have a strategy, but I'm not here to ruin lives and destroy people. If it's necessary though I will absolutely do it. This whole thing is a means to the end. I'm here to win $250,000.


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I don't know about that. If America gets to choose there are fanclubs for Kryssie, Neeley and Cornbread. I think the people on social media are going to go after the young 20 somethings first. I hate that America chooses. The people on social media have already decided and it doesn't matter what kind of game you play. 

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13 minutes ago, straykat said:

I don't like that viewers get to choose either. Social media can have a herd mentality effect and haters will flood the forums against certain HGs causing others to jump on the band wagon.


You nailed it. Social media is filled with lemmings 


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13 hours ago, Moonpetal said:

Not bothered by the mouth. She is starting to sound like Paul with the stories. 


True and that really is not my forte. She loves to talk and never stop.... and the language. ugh 

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She told Monte no one has approach her to form an alliance or even work together. I'm not how true that is as I was unable to watch today. Of course this was after he won HOH. She kept fishing but Monte would not ask her to work either him. She knows she's in trouble. 

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I liked her and then I saw how cranky she was when she was HOH.  She makes a lot of comments more or less that she should get more attention

  when she was hoh and said Neeely and Jason were taking over it clicked as to how immature she is.


Then I let it go but last night she was just grating my nerves with her words and the belching.  Get some meds for gosh sakes.  she's not in her 20s  it's not cute.  I wanted Jason to go off on her so bad.

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10 hours ago, fredtheturtle said:


Then I let it go but last night she was just grating my nerves with her words and the belching.  Get some meds for gosh sakes.  she's not in her 20s  it's not cute.  I wanted Jason to go off on her so bad.


Jason's available ammunition appears to be methane!  I like Kryssie's personality and misfit ways, guess that means I am a misfit too.  But I understand how it can be a bit extreme at times.

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