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JUROR #9 - Vanessa Rousso (Final Three) - HoH Part 1 winner (Evicted Sep. 23)


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What I did not like this year about Vanessa is she cried fake little tears and claimed to be all alone when she had an alliance with mostly everyone in the house.  She should have stayed with Austin and Liz and I think she would have won because she claims she is so loyal the whole time while lying. Which is fine its big brolther but she rubbed me the wrong way from day 1 when the feeds came on and she was crying about is it worth it to be here for the money blah blah blah.  I would have put her up and out just for that reason.  She always was in the face of whomever was HOH and like sheep they all listened to her so bravo for you Vanessa.  Does she deserve to win probably but I cannot stand her so like I said nothing she does will make me want her to win or think she played a great game.  She got lucky that more people were not on to her like Becky who had her pegged.  It is painful to watch her talk and talk about percentages and it drove me up a wall. I couldn't watch after dark last night because I knew she had won the veto.  Many people including Becky said that if she was at the end they would vote for her.  I think she wins no matter who she takes.  It sucks LOL.

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My understanding is that they were out there for over 4 hours and production finally made them get off of the disc's they were sitting on and sit on the ball or apple and Steve fell and then of course Vanessa started her talk about the next comp would not be good for her and Liz would do good typical Vanessa BS but Liz was not biting but actually slipped off the ball not sure if this is truth or not but I hope they did not just give it to her.  She was also talking to Liz and promising her to take her  to the F2 but she could not tell Steve.  Right here I would be running to Steve she has to pick someone so who cares if Steve knows maybe he would not pick Vanessa if he won.

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The house-guest can't be that gullible to allow vanessa to control the whole game....I mean really!!! I believe she has had help from the production...oh yeah, you are not allowed to TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION :)

LMAO!  HG's are not allowed to talk but we can rip production a new one, LOL.  I firmly believe that the production staff favors certain HG's and set up competitions that give those they like certain advantages.  I also firmly believe the production staff give certain HG's "suggestions" on what they can do or how they can play this game. 


Still, all we can do, lacking proof of production's involvement, is react to the game as shown.  And it is difficult to deny that Vanessa is kicking ass and taking names!

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Well Vanessa won part one of the Final comps.

Dayam, dayam, dayam. You keep looking and hoping, and begging and pleading for one of the other players to step up, but it seems absolutely hopeless. These people just don't seem to have the mental or physical abilities to beat Vanessa. It would be depressing if I had a favorite in the game, but I don't.


It is time for me to throw the hail mary. Whoever I pick as my favorite (BB, Survivor, TAR) almost always loses. With that in mind, I am declaring Vanessa as my favorite. I want her to win so bad. It will be so unfair and I will never watch BB again if she does not win.

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Dayam, dayam, dayam. You keep looking and hoping, and begging and pleading for one of the other players to step up, but it seems absolutely hopeless. These people just don't seem to have the mental or physical abilities to beat Vanessa. It would be depressing if I had a favorite in the game, but I don't.


It is time for me to throw the hail mary. Whoever I pick as my favorite (BB, Survivor, TAR) almost always loses. With that in mind, I am declaring Vanessa as my favorite. I want her to win so bad. It will be so unfair and I will never watch BB again if she does not win.


:laugh4:  Me too!  Vanessa for the win! 


The end of this season is like watching the Superbowl when my team isn't playing.  Of course I'll watch, but it no longer matters who wins. 

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Someone said that Vanessa may have been recruited because she may be in line to host an upcoming show on CBS.  It may be some truth to that because Vanessa does have the appropriate experience.  Check out this clip from the Bank of Hollywood where Vanessa is a guest host.



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Someone said that Vanessa may have been recruited because she may be in line to host an upcoming show on CBS.  It may be some truth to that because Vanessa does have the appropriate experience.  Check out this clip from the Bank of Hollywood where Vanessa is a guest host.




Thanks for posting that link, Linda.  Wow, it's amazing how much Vanessa has changed.  She looks at least 15 years older now than she did then (2010).  She has definitely done some things to ruin her looks, especially her skin. 

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Dayam, dayam, dayam. You keep looking and hoping, and begging and pleading for one of the other players to step up, but it seems absolutely hopeless. These people just don't seem to have the mental or physical abilities to beat Vanessa. It would be depressing if I had a favorite in the game, but I don't.


It is time for me to throw the hail mary. Whoever I pick as my favorite (BB, Survivor, TAR) almost always loses. With that in mind, I am declaring Vanessa as my favorite. I want her to win so bad. It will be so unfair and I will never watch BB again if she does not win.


LOL, I feel the same.  The only season my favorite won was BB8.  I've had three Survivor faves win.  I think my husband is going to try out for Survivor next year.  I have to research to find out the best way to be picked.  Any suggestions?

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Vanessa has said that her family won't be coming to the finale because they're "too busy".  Wow.  I can't imagine not having any contact with one of my kids for months and then, when the opportunity happens, I am "too busy".  I wonder what's up with that. 

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Busy could just be an excuse (hers and/or theirs)

Some people don't want to be on TV, or in raucous crowds, or be pummeled with questions from strangers.

Thank goodness no one close to me wants to be on BB. I'd hate to disappoint them, but none would be surprised. :)

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Well I think Van has pulled her last sleazy act. Instead of confronting Liz together with Steve about their final 2 deal she tells him oh I took care of that. Give her the money and get her out of my sight.


Steve knows Vanessa is a liar, so if he's stupid enough to believe her now, he deserves what happens.  That being said, I don't know why any of them ever thinks they need to forewarn someone about what's going to happen.  Expect the unexpected is sort of the motto of the show, but the HGs never seem to have bought into that. 

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Steve knows Vanessa is a liar, so if he's stupid enough to believe her now, he deserves what happens.  That being said, I don't know why any of them ever thinks they need to forewarn someone about what's going to happen.  Expect the unexpected is sort of the motto of the show, but the HGs never seem to have bought into that. 

Ha ha. I'm not sure BB even buys into that anymore.  :)

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