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John McGuire (Week 3) - nominated by Vanessa - PoV winner, Saved himself


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After checking the updates, I can't believe that John agreed to be nominated to throw another BOB comp. If he throws the comp I hope that James will win the POV and leaves John sitting in that nomination seat with Jeff on Thursday. I was just starting to like John, but now I think his game play is getting too risky.

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Im getting worried that he will go this week. Pawns eventually go......

I can't believe that John is so comfortable with being used as a pawn. Does he think he is a part of Clay & Shelli and Vanessa & Austin's alliance? If he keeps snooping around the twin twist by commenting on the teeth being different, he may end up being the target this week.

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Johnny Mac is growing on me.   But he really needs to start aligning with people and not be the pawn de jour for the HOH. He has saved himself twice now, but one of these days his luck is going to run out.  While I understand he has no choice if the HOH nominates him, so I get him acting cool about it for his game play, he has to see that the other houseguests see him as disposable.  If he gets off the block great, but if he doesn't no harm or foul if he gets voted out.  I wish he would be more aggressive in finding an alliance so he doesn't end up the disposable hg.

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I like Johnny Mac but don't like that he is hitching his wagon to Jeff, James, Meg and Jason. 


I wish he would hook up with Steve and some of the others. 

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Johnny Mac is growing on me. But he really needs to start aligning with people and not be the pawn de jour for the HOH. He has saved himself twice now, but one of these days his luck is going to run out. While I understand he has no choice if the HOH nominates him, so I get him acting cool about it for his game play, he has to see that the other houseguests see him as disposable. If he gets off the block great, but if he doesn't no harm or foul if he gets voted out. I wish he would be more aggressive in finding an alliance so he doesn't end up the disposable hg.

So far, John has managed to save himself, but I also fear that he has set himself to be an 'easy pawn'. If he does it again I think he's gonna be toast because I don't believe that the other HGs would want to align with him knowing his record of throwing BOB comps.

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There really are no secrets in the BB house and all the previous HOHs know that Johnny Mac will throw comps. A number of other folks also suspect it. So, in my opinion, Johnny Mac is toast. It is just a matter of time before he is voted out. He needs to realize that he is not a respected player. That is the reason why all the HOHs felt so comfortable asking him to be a pawn and throw the competitions. He is allowing himself to be used to advance the games of the others.    

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I definitely thought he would be my least favorite in the house when he blasted out my speakers in the BB press junket with Jeff but he fast became one of my favorites in the house.


I like that he's a dentist and didn't come in as a toothbrush salesman or something.  My suspicious mind does wonder about the dental office have not room however and the correlation of having a dentist for a HG.


I hope he start stepping up and playing the game by getting an alliance.  Right now I think he is looking at how many lies they have in their mouths which will cause their teeth to fall.  I love how he outed Liz/Julia with his dental knowledge.

I guess that's known as #Tooth9!

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