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Everything posted by Cajunboiler

  1. Jessie: I think Renny said "Sayonara" Dick: Is that Korean? Jessie: No, I think it's Egyptian... wtf? Jessie. lol
  2. Someone asked "Who has the best gameplay?" and he says "I hope Michelle wins." He doesn't answer the questions.
  3. He is defensive and has no reason to be. Why is he acting like a child?
  4. Gretchen and ED are obviously frustrated with him.
  5. Jessie is ridiculous, getting defensive and not answering questions correctly. Gretchen is right, he is "touchy."
  6. Julie is very professional in the interview. Jessie makes it difficult.
  7. If America votes between Memphis and Jessie, America will evict Jessie, and all Dan has to do is get 3 more people.
  8. Angie has a day and a half to get into Keesha's head. We'll see what happens.
  9. I liked her as Julie, lol. "With the only votes in that matter... by a vote of 3 to 0,.. Brian, you are evicted."
  10. I really have no opinion of Angie yet, but I still like her. She really hasn't done anything in the house yet that makes me want to root for her. However, I want her to win POV becasue I want to see either Jessie, Memphis, or Michelle leave.
  11. I've been alright. I haven't even been paying that much attention nor have i watched a full episode of Idol yet. So much reality tv that it's hard to choose lol

  12. Happy Birthday! Pretty crazy we have the same birthday and age.

  13. Three star cookies. *chomp chomp chomp* :D

  14. Thanks for the stars. I'll return the favor!

  15. lol, thanks! It's a funny commercial!

  16. I think it was season 4 when I found this site. Because I remember being here at the beginning of season five. I remember the summary was about Adria and Michael playing chess and that it was going to be a looooooooooooong summer. Anyways, I went to the CBS chat rooms and someone eventually gave out this site. Loved the summaries updated throughout the day.
  17. lol hi, sorry I haven't talked to you in awhile.

  18. Hi! Wow, when did all this new stuff come in?

  19. Hey, you're my first friend!

  20. Yay! Marcellas loves my idea!!! I'm very glad y'all are under contract already. I can't get enough of house calls! I got a question. Will house calls still be on after sept 20th to interview houseguests about what they did, why they did things, etc.? I want to see you and Gretchen grill Maggie, Ivette, Beau, and the rest of the friendshit for how they played.
  21. They need to extend house calls to an hour and have Howie and Janelle host weekend shows next year.
  22. finished watching housecalls... Okay, at the end of it, they show the "live feed" (quotations b/c sometimes it isn't live) and Howie had one of those asthma things... I didn't know he had asthma... or a missing pinky...
  23. Scott needs to stop because he can't form a sentence, but I always liked Karen. Then again, I didn't pay attention to live feeds like I did this year. I also like Adria and Nat. Karen's posts are funny though and entertaining. This is for Scott. When I forget how to form a sentence, I remember this jingle: A sentence, sentence, sentence is complete, complete, complete. With five simple rules, it meets, meets, meets. It has a subject, subject, subject and a verb, verb, verb. It makes sense, sense, sense with every word, word, word. Add a capital letter, letter and end mark, mark. Now our sentence has all its parts. Even though I learned that in 6th grade, I still remember it.



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