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Everything posted by Cajunboiler

  1. Ah yes, season 3 was the first appearance. How did I miss that? However, I must correct you and say that it was not season 6 when players were chosen by random draw. That changed during season 7 with all-stars. Remember that the six-finger plan was also implemented in season 6 to oust James. When April won HOH at the final 7, she nominated Janelle and Howie. April, Janelle, and Howie chose Maggie, Ivette, and Beau to participate in the veto while James hosted it. No matter who won, the veto was going to be used and James was going to be evicted. April won the veto and saved Janelle. She then nominated James in her place, and he was successfully backdoored.
  2. But the diamond power of veto did make a second appearance in Big Brother 12 when Matt won it in secret during his second HOH in Pandora's Box. He only had a two week time span to use it, and he used it the next week when Brendon nominated him. The power associated along with the diamond power of veto included not only removing a houseguest from the block, but also naming the replacement nominee. Matt removed himself from the block, then nominated Kathy. Kathy was then evicted. (Two can play at this game. )
  3. 10:41PM BBT Random talk in the HOH room as GM and Elissa continue to play Jenga. Andy wonders how TVGN works with BBAD and if they have to block cursing because it's basic cable. He then proceeds to curse as BBAD is muted for about ten seconds. GM says she is going to rock out the veto competition. Talk turns to Candice, and Andy says that he's going to come after GM saying, "This is for Candice!" Elissa says during the next eviction, she says Andy should say, "Who voted Amanda out over this! Everyone loved her! She wasn't here to hurt none of yous!" Talk now turns to the OTEV competition and how Elissa "Enzo-ing" Andy during the competition and how it was played slow-mo during the live show. They also talk about past OTEV competitions such as Janelle and James from BB7. 10:50PM BBT GM brings up how Aaryn protected Amanda, evicted her, and now Amanda is on the block. Judd: "That's what you get for backstabbing so many people. You backstab everybody, you got nobody left." GM then mentions that Amanda told Elissa to nominate GM. 10:54 PM BBT GM and Elissa continue playing jenga. GM is counting how high their stack is. GM counts 32, and asks how high Andy and GM's stack was. He says it was 36. 10:58 PM BBT Andy asks if anyone was asked about the chicken suits because he wants to talk about the chicken suits. GM says she did, and Andy is a bit jealous. BB says, "Andy, shut it down." Andy: "Well you know what I want, production!" BB: "Andy, stop that." Elissa: "The less people, the more obvious when we say something we're not supposed to." GM and Elissa are up to 34 rows high. They're trying to beat 36 and very carefully placing and removing jenga blocks. They're also standing up to finish. And that concludes tonight's BBAD. I guess we'll never know the ending of GM and Elissa's game.
  4. 10:00PM BBT Andy is now in the HOH and says he was just talking to Amanda. He is saying it was heartbreaking talking to Amanda because she knows nothing about the exterminators. Seems like Elissa is not in there, and Judd gets called to the DR. GM lets out a burp that's better than anything I could let out. GM goes on to say that McCrae is a beast in competitions week 1, but now he's like whatever. GM says that when she walks out, she'll be walking into Nick's arms instead of alone. Elissa was in the DR and comes back to the HOH. Andy is saying if it's a double eviction, they can get both of them out. GM continues to talk about McCrae throwing competitions to Amanda. GM says she likes Amanda, but she's just too much. Andy says there were a few moments that made him wary of Amanda, but the moment that solidified it was when she went off on Elissa last week. GM says she thought it was funny for a few moments, but not after that. GM says that Amanda said earlier that she tortured Elissa for Aaryn. GM didn't buy it and Elissa seem surprised Amanda said it. Elissa says when you're an adult, it's about being positive and making an impact in the lives of others. Spencer says that you reap what you sow. Andy is now talking directly to Elissa saying that Amanda can't expect to belittle people and expect not to be nominated. They continue to talk about Amanda. Elissa brings up she has some sort of behavioral problems, and GM brings up Amanda is on medication. GM says when Amanda isn't on her medicine, she's crazy. Elissa and Andy play Jenga while they all talk. 10:14 PM BBT Andy said a student wrote a paper about him for another class about who the student looks up to. Andy was flattered. Elissa then tells a story of a young girl that looked up to her and drew a picture of her. They are all sharing stories of the like. It's random chit chat going on now including GM's cockroach comment. Judd walks in and wearing the top of his chicken suit like a toga, probably because he's hot. Judd asks GM if Andy reminds her of Napoleon Dynamite. Andy responds, "Shut up, Judd!" Elissa and Andy have a very intense game of Jenga going on. Judd, "I hope Andy is the one that knocks it down." Andy: "Quiet, slutty chicken." Talk turns to different unitards that the houseguests may have to wear such as unitards. And Andy loses the game of Jenga. 10:28 PM BBT GM is now playing Elissa in Jenga. Judd says that GM wasn't mean during her speech, and it was to the point. Andy says that Amanda sounds defeated and may throw veto to McCrae 10:33 PM BBT Andy is reiterating that his loyalty is to the people in the HOH room, but he's not going to be mean to McCranda. Judd says he is not talking to them because it pisses him off that they threw him under the bus. Judd says he can't fake too much. GM says she is glad she wasn't close to Amanda because look what happened to Aaryn. No one is going to boss her around except Nick.
  5. 9:13 PM BBT In the HOH, Elissa, Judd, and Spencer are playing blackjack. GM is in the bathroom laying down in the tub. Spencer thinks that an ace is a 1 or 10, but then GM corrects him saying it is a 1 or 11. They continue to play blackjack. Judging by Judd's facial expression, he is either bored or confused. Elissa has been winning a lot of games of blackjack, and GM says she is taking Elissa to vegas. Elissa then says she is going to "beat all of yous." Elissa says that she goes to craps tables and people start asking her to play for them even though she doesn't know what she's doing. They're also trying to figure out what other card games to play. GM joins them and is going to show them how to play Rummy. 9:18PM BBT Camera switches to Amanda and McCrae laying in bed not talking. Amanda is on her side looking at him, and McCrae is staring at the wall. Feeds switch back. BB asked GM to reattach her microphone followed by "Thank you for your cooperation." GM is explaining Rummy to Judd, Spencer, and Elissa. As GM is explaining, Amanda walks into the HOH room and asks for some candy. GM continues explaining, and Amanda asks if she can say something real quick. Amanda: "Just in case this is my last week here, I apologize to you both. (starts crying) I really do love all of you guys here. I just want to be happy and I'm sorry if anything I said is taken on a personal level. I truly and honestly do love all of you and Im totally like accepting that I'm going home this week. All game aside, I love you and I love you and I love you. I know it's just a game. I know after this, this will all... and we're here for so long that it's hard to separate personal from game. But I'm not going to campaign against McCrae. He loves this game. He wants to stay here badly. I do too. We're both going to fight hard tomorrow, but know that I have no hard feelings. I understand why you do what you had to do. I fought really hard to get here, we all did. And I love you guys, so I hope nothing is weird." GM then responds she can come up any time. Amanda continues to say not to let anything that she has done be also blamed on McCrae because he tried to stop her too. She leaves. GM says Amanda has never saw herself as ever being nominated with McCrae, and now she's realizing everything she's done in this game. GM said it's nice she came up like a lady and apologized, and she told them she and McCrae could have her room one night. They then go back to rummy. 9:25 PM BBT Amanda is now telling her conversation in the HOH to McCrae. McCrae doesn't really seem to respond immediately, but BBAD goes to commercial... 9:31 PM BBT Upstairs crew is still playing cards. Doesn't seem like there is going to be any alcohol tonight. GM said is was because Amanda was going to go on a rampage, and BB tells her to "stop that." Elissa says it's nice to know "they" (BB) cares. GM says she did exaggerate a little bit. GM noticed that the King of Hearts is stabbing himself in the head, and Spencer says the he is the suicide king. 9:35 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are still in their bed. McCrae seems to be reading the bible, and Amanda is asking him questions such as, "What's your favorite part of the bible you've read so far?" McCrae says the Moses story. Amanda keeps asking questions about the bible. 9:37 PM BBT Upstairs, they continue playing Rummy with very little talking. GM does ask Elissa how does it feel being in a chicken sandwich? Elissa says it is like a low carb sandwich. It's pretty boring watching them. (I would love to teach the houseguests how to play Egyptian Ratscrew, then it would be a little bit more entertaining for the viewers). 9:43 PM BBT Not much has changed. McCrae looks like a zombie as Amanda goes in for a kiss. Andy walks by and goes into the color bedroom. Elissa has made her way down to the bedroom to get something, makes small talk with Andy, then they both leave. Elissa says that she realized or maybe saw something in the storage room two days ago that we're on a tv show. As Elissa leaves, Andy stays with McCranda, and Andy says he told Spencer, "I think I hate her. I think I totally hate her so much." McCrae seemed more excited to see Andy come join them than laying down next to Amanda. Amanda says that the house knows Andy is with them so Andy needs to separate. Amanda says that Elissa knew that as soon as GM won HOH, Elissa was safe. Amanda says GM told her that Aaryn said that GM and Elissa should work together. Amanda says that their alliance lasted the longest in the game. Amanda has been very calm talking and talking like she is going to leave. Andy says not to talk like that and Amanda starts crying. Amanda says that she trusted McCrae and Andy the most. She came here to play the game, not for the money, and didn't think she was going to make it this far. Andy starts tearing up a little. Andy, "I feel like my hatred for Elissa is going to fuel me." Amanda reiterates that Andy, McCrae, Spencer need to separate. Amanda believes that Judd/GM/Elissa will be together. She says Andy needs to keep with GM and Elissa, and that McCrae needs to stick with Judd because they had a good relationship. Andy says he doesn't believe Elissa will ever trust him again. Amanda says Elissa and Judd are the biggest threats in the game to Andy and McCrae. Amanda says GM always kinda wanted her out. She says that she is going to fight hard tomorrow for the veto. Andy chimes in every now and then with, "God!" Amanda: "You're with people 24/7, you learn to love them. You two are the only ones I care about in this game. Up until this point, I think we've made each other stronger, but I think now I make you weaker. Now that I'm going, you both have the ability to make it to the final two. Just stay loyal to each other." McCrae hasn't said anything yet. Amanda: "I can't believe how blindsided I was. I did not see that coming." Amanda believes GM is lying when she says she is not working with Elissa. Andy chimes in saying it makes him nervous too because GM kept saying "Elissa" last week to go up on the block. (Andy, have you yet to realize your mouth gets you in trouble? You can lie to Amanda, but don't throw people under the bus!) Andy says it doesn't make any sense GM nominated Amanda because Elissa nominated Nick. Andy leaves to go upstairs. Andy: "Just know when you see me being nice to Elissa, I want to punch her in the face." He then puts both hands to his head and says, "Oh my god! Like, I want to talk to her about how she was listening to our entire conversation." Andy talks about his confrontation earlier with Elissa and uses swear words that BBAD blocked. It looks like he called her a "fucking cunt" and then he confirmed saying he just used the c word on BBAD.
  6. I DVR'd BBAD (I'm going to write what happened from 9 to 11 PM BBT) 9:00 PM BBT Andy, GM, Spencer in the LR. GM goes upstairs to shower and is limping as she leaves. Andy leaves to go to Amanda and McCrae in the outside bedroom. He asks if they are ok. Andy immediately says, "fuck." They start whispering and can't hear them at all. After BB finally realizes we can't hear them, Andy asks Amanda what she is going to do tomorrow for the competition. She says she will take every single luxury (Kinda odd since they just had a luxury comp). Amanda tells Andy that Judd/Elissa/GM are working together and possibly Spencer. Amanda says that GinaMarie implied the only person that wouldn't be gunning for McCranda would be Andy. Elissa is in the hallway next to the bedroom and now talk switches to comps and what to expect. Andy gives her a signal that Elissa is still there and Amanda gives the evil death stare to the hallway where Elissa is. Amanda then says she never thought she would make it this far. Elissa goes into the other bedroom and Amanda starts whispering again about what GM said. Amanda tells Andy that McCrae, Andy, and possibly Spencer need to stay together. Elissa and Judd walk out into the bedroom and silence. Then as they leave, Amanda says it's not fair that Judd came back, and then Elissa got HOH, so she knew she was screwed. Amanda says that Judd got to bypass two evictions and that he is pissed at her. 9:07 PM BBT Spencer walks into the bedroom with Andy, McCrae, Amanda and asks if they want to play blackjack. They decline. They then start talking about blackjack and playing the odds. Andy is called to the DR. There was a slight DR leak but it was just the person on the other side and Andy saying "Hi!"
  7. Amanda goes toe to toe with anyone it seems, but will she go after GM this week hard after GM became a pit bull and wanted to attack her when Amanda called her out? Should be a good show.
  8. Agree wholeheartedly. Also agree too. If Julie is always as tough as she was on that exit interview, she should be grilling every single houseguest that walks out of the doors. I don't think Aaryn did herself well by blaming it on how she was raised in Texas. I love Texas and the people from Texas, and for Aaryn to just throw an entire state under the bus is ridiculous. I believe racism and homophobia are learned, not part of a culture. However, I do have sympathy for Aaryn after the way Julie grilled her. Yes, she said some of the rudest comments of any Big Brother houseguest, but she deserves the same treatment as other houseguests when they are evicted. Julie said that she can't let her know anything from the outside world, but she let Aaryn know the internet is ablaze with her racist and homophobic slurs. It definitely makes me look at Julie Chen in a different light for how Aaryn was treated tonight. By the way, I love statistics about BB. Drew (BB5), Janelle (BB7), Hayden (BB12), Rachel (BB13), Ian (BB14), and Aaryn (BB15) have all won four HOH's, and Aaryn becomes the second houseguest after Janelle to win four HOH's and go on to lose the game.
  9. Thanks for posting that video, Marty. Very interesting watching the dynamics change.
  10. It would seem likely that the veto comp would be played earlier than usual, but BB does have a reputation of getting a late start on comps.
  11. POV players I believe have been picked. Amanda, Judd, and GM were chosen.
  12. 11:43 PM BBT Seems the conversation with Elissa has ended and Spencer and McCrae are playing with the balls from the competition. McCrae tells Spencer that Elissa said Spencer wasn't going up at all. Spencer leaves and Aaryn walks in and Amanda says that if GM and Aaryn are nominated, GM is leaving. Amanda tells her that is the truth despite what ever she hears this week. Aaryn says, "I trust you." and she leaves. Amanda and McCrae continue to whisper. They have worried looks on their faces. Amanda says she's going to have to be on top of Elissa all night. Judd and Aaryn are talking in the cockpit room with the door open about Judd being nervous during competition and random chit chat. (Insert unusually long commercial here). 11:55 PM BBT Andy continues to ask Judd about jury in the open bedroom with Elissa, Judd, Amanda, and McCrae in there. Spencer goes into the have not room with Elissa. Elissa says everyone wants Spencer as a pawn, and she says to him that would be a waste. She wants to make a two week deal with him. She also verifies he will not be a replacement nominee either. She tells him of possibly nominating McCrae and Aaryn. She wants him to really fight for veto and she says if she sees someone not trying for veto, then she will nominate that person. He mentions GM winning veto, and she says she will talk to GM later about not using it saying she will be targeted next week if she uses veto. He also asks what if Aaryn wins veto, she also tells him she doesn't know who she would replace her with. Elissa tells Spencer he has to fight for the veto. And they all lived happily ever after. That's it for tonight's BBAD.
  13. 11:00 PM BBT Amanda is now back in her bed and McCrae is laying down next to her. Judd says he saw a big wild tarantula out by the jury house, and no one really knows if they are poisonous (the correct term would be venomous). Spencer says they can jump. They continue talking about spiders making a web and what life would be like as a tarantula. (Fun facts about tarantulas: Their bites are not deadly to humans. They have venom, but it's not enough to kill a person. If a normal sized chilean-rose tarantula were to bite you, it would feel like a bee sting. However, I'm sure a Goliath Birdeater Tarantula would hurt a little more than that, but still, it wouldn't kill you if it bit you.) McCrae says everyone is going to be up Elissa's ass. Judd, Aaryn, Gm, Elissa, and Andy are now in the kitchen. Andy is asking what he can talk about from jury. Judd says he would get threated with something. He was mouthing words to Andy, but I couldn't tell what they were, but Andy understood. Judd and Andy leave to the bathroom. Judd steps into the shower to change, and Andy and Judd start to whisper in the bathroom. Judd says Jessie has been pissed. Judd once again says he is starting fresh. Andy says he would love to have Judd on his side. Andy asks Judd why did he mention to GM to nominate Andy as a replacement. Judd says he didn't. Andy says he is loyal to end if Judd is, and Judd says he was. Judd says he swears on his life that he has never been MVP "unless he just blacked out." (lol) Judd and Andy then walk out of the bathroom. GM and Andy in the kitchen talking about following BB rules. Elissa says she got yelled out real bad during the competition. Amanda and McCrae are still in the bed whispering. They're saying they need to talk to Elissa tonight. Commercial 11:13 PM BBT Elissa and Andy in cockpit room. She is now saying someone who has fire needs to go up next to Aaryn. Andy asks if it was him. Elissa is saying with Judd here, Aaryn now has two people. Elissa asks who should be nom'd, and Andy says it scares him that GM isn't going up, and Elissa says she isn't putting GM up. She also reaffirms she isn't putting Judd up. Andy, "That's a ballsy move, but I respect it. That's what I love about you. I feel like you're just 'I don't give a shit.'" He then says that he and Elissa would work well together. Andy relays that earlier, Aaryn did not want to vote out Spencer. Elissa says that ultimately it was Aaryn who sent Helen home, not Amanda, Aaryn didn't have to listen to Amanda. Elissa affirms to Andy that she is going to nominate Aaryn and McCrae, and Andy asks what if GM wins veto and uses it on Aaryn, then who goes up? Elissa says she doesn't know. Andy says he is going to fight his ass off for veto. Elissa says if she doesn't see someone fight for veto, she is going to nominate them. So if McCrae doesn't try to win veto, Elissa says she'll nominate Amanda next to him. Andy, "I won't tell McCrae anything." "My lips are sealed." (Now begins the waiting game to see when he runs back to tell Amanda). Before they leave, Elissa makes a two week deal with Andy. Amanda is seen walking around the house and she once again goes back to her bed Elissa is talking to McCrae in cockpit. She tells McCrae she is going to nominate Aaryn and McCrae so that McCrae fights for the veto. McCrae says that Elissa said in the storage room that GM had to go up next to Aaryn. Elissa says she never said that. She is not putting GM up. McCrae is saying they have the votes with McCrae, Andy, and Amanda and is basically trying to say anything to not go on the block. McCrae: I'll put all my cigarettes, my life, anything you want. You have those three votes no matter what. Whoever you want to go home will go home. McCrae is pushing hard to get GM on the block. McCrae also once again mentions that Elissa said GM needed to go up next to Aaryn in the storage room. Elissa says she wants to make sure that McCrae fights for veto. Elissa says she really wants to get Aaryn out of her. McCrae says she's going to shoot herself in the foot. Elissa responds with "I don't care." He's still pushing for GM. And it goes to commercial. 11:30 PM BBT Elissa and McCrae are still in the cockpit. McCrae: "You saying I'm going up scares me." McCrae is telling her he will leave if he is on the block. Now they are talking in circles. Elissa brings up the fact that McCrae did put her up. He then pushes for spencer, and Elissa says she will not put Spencer up. Amanda walks in. He keeps pushing for Aaryn and GM to be nominated. Amanda says 100% GM will take down Aaryn if she won veto. Amanda and McCrae are doing the "swear on my life" routine on voting Aaryn out. Amanda and McCrae saying they have to keep numbers for next week to Elissa. They also tell her that the three of them need to be strong going forward. Elissa also says she is not nominating Judd because they will vote him out. It's more of the same as it goes to another commercial.
  14. 10:29 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are still in bed whispering. Amanda seems to have isolated herself from the rest of the house for the moment as everyone else is in the kitchen. (Elissa still has yet to be called to the DR for her HOH room). They're sitting there in silence at times with Amanda starting to tear up. All we can hear are faint voices from the kitchen and camera movements. Amanda: "Promise me you'll always tell me what Judd tells you." McCrae is saying Judd said he wanted to start with a "clean slate" and doesn't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing for the two of them. Elissa says the distractors in the competition were so weird. More competition talk. Elissa and Judd were hit in the throat by one of the balls. GM: "Damn, that ball was hard. That thing came out like bullets." Talk about water spraying them in the face. Judd says he took four pepto-bismols today saying he's been nauseous all day and couldn't eat anything. McCrae and Amanda continue to strategize as the camera switches. Amanda says, "We'll just say she's lying." Not sure what that convo was about. Judd walks in and Amanda says she got hit in the boob so hard. They talk about the balls hitting them. Judd: "I felt like if I stayed under, I couldn't caught any balls." Judd asks, "What's wrong Amanda?" Amanda: Um. Nothin, just worried. Judd asked if she was pissed he came back. Amanda says no, she's glad he's back. Andy briefly says he didn't want Jessie or Helen back because he voted against them. Judd gets called to the DR. Spencer, Andy, McCrae and Amanda are now in the open bedroom. 10:44 PM BBT Amanda says she's so hungry. It's 1 hour and 15 minutes until the have nots can eat. Amanda leaves, GM is now in the bedroom with Spencer, McCrae, and Andy. GM says she is good at baseball, but she just couldn't catch these balls. They're talking more about the competition. GM is a have not and has a liter of diet coke and a liter of coke in her arms waiting for midnight to come around. GM talking about how she and Candice were cordial with each other during the time Candice came back. GM says she doesn't like to fight anyway, and didn't want to kiss ass for a vote. She would've apologized because she meant it, not for a vote. She's talking a lot and dominating the conversation. They continue to talk about the HOH competition. GM: "At least we have Judd here." She says he won't start too much trouble in the house. Aaryn, Elissa, and Amanda in the kitchen. Amanda is sitting right next to Elissa. GinaMarie walks into the kitchen and open the soda. Aaryn says GM's cake is in the oven and should be ready in a half hour. GM says it doesn't feel like a birthday until someone sings over a cake to her. Spencer, McCrae, Andy whispering about Amanda. McCrae saying that Amanda is scared about Judd being back and she doesn't know how to handle it. They stop, and Andy walks out. Now just small talk about being tired between Spencer and McCrae. Judd is now out of the DR. Commercial
  15. BBAD starts at 10 PM tonight and goes until 12 AM 10:01 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae just finished talking in the cockpit room. Amanda leaves. I believe the conversation consisted of McCrae possibly going on the block against Aaryn. GM is telling Judd in the kitchen along with other houseguests what has been happening since his eviction. Amanda walks back into the cockpit room and whispers. Amanda said Elissa said she is not going to put GM up because she needs a strong person to compete against Aaryn, but Amanda said she was going to vote however Elissa wants to anyway. Andy walks in part way through. Andy looks like he has just seen a ghost. Amanda is saying that Judd needs to go up next to Aaryn, but Elissa said that she won't nominate Judd. McCrae thinks that Elissa knows they would vote out Judd. They're strategizing trying to make sure Aaryn and Judd are still with the three of them (in two different alliances). Andy asks if his name was mentioned at all and Amanda says no. They are whispering very softly and trying to figure out what Elissa is thinking. Andy, "It's going to be so hard to get Judd out." McCrae: "Spencer doesn't want to keep him." Amanda has convinced herself that Judd is going to try and get her out this week. Amanda reiterates that she knows Judd was MVP. It's difficult to hear because it sounds like the rest of the houseguests are talking loudly in the kitchen. Amanda says, "This is the worst case scenario." Commercial 10:16 PM BBTBack from commercial, looks like Amanda was crying a little bit as she's wiping her eyes. Andy has since left the room. Silence and then BB says, "You are not allowed to talk about production." They're strategizing about what to tell Judd. McCrae walks out of the room. Amanda goes to lay down in the bathroom. Judd, Spencer, Andy, Elissa, GM, Aaryn in kitchen. McCrae walks into there too. Elissa says she can't believe Jessie said what she said earlier. Aaryn said she thought she was on Amanda's side. Aaryn says Jessie was "screaming like a crazy bitch." They're joking that Jessie went out of the Backyard and started attacking production. No game talk going on, just general chit chat. Judd said they had Apples to Apples in the jury. Andy continues to talk about Jessie and says GM pegged her as a flip flopper for the last week. GM: "Last week? Last ever!" Judd says Jessie and Candice got close in jury. Andy keeps asking questions about jury and BB says, "You are not allowed to talk about production." Andy responds, "What did you think would happen?" Spencer and McCrae are tossing a ball in the kitchen that was taken from the competition. BB tells McCrae and Spencer to stop it. GM got snippy with Spencer saying a man needs to take out the trash. Spencer says she's crabby for 33 jokingly, and she says she can't get her hands dirty. Amanda is in her bed and McCrae joins her and says, "You gotta stop freaking out. You can't control everything." Amanda has been crying, "I'm just scared." Commercial
  16. 10:27 PM BBT Aaryn has made her way out to the hot tub with Helen and Elissa and can't tell what they are talking about. Aaryn walks back into the house. Maybe one of the male houseguests had a tragedy growing up? I keep hearing, "really sad." Elissa says she knew about "it." They finally mention David's name, but I still don't know what the tragic event was in his life. They then speculate what tragedies have happened in other houseguests' lives. 10:41 PM BBT Aaryn, Andy, Spencer, McCrae, Amanda, GM are in the kitchen talking. It's not game-related. Aaryn seems to be defending herself against the wine bottle incident in week 1 or 2 that involved Jeremy. Aaryn is saying the house was mad at her. She says Jeremy took the wine, but everyone assumes she took it. Andy tries to explain why people thought she took it, because she was tipsy. Aaryn says everyone hated her in the beginning. Amanda asks why? Aaryn says it is because she didn't get along with Elissa. Amanda says no one got along with Elissa in the beginning and that wasn't the reason people hated her. Then it calms down as they continue to discuss that night in the house. The houseguests then start mentioning happy birthday to random people (or production) and feeds switch to the hot tub with Elissa and Helen. They are saying this is the hardest season ever because of the length. They then talk about how difficult playing Big Brother is. Helen asks Elissa if she could change one thing about her experience so far, and Elissa responds saying not fighting harder for Aaryn to leave over Kaitlyn week 4. She says she feels that was a bad move and she didn't want to vote her out. Helen is bringing her lips into her mouth as she says this. 10:55 PM BBT Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Spencer have made their way to the backyard couches. Amanda is complaining about being a have-not right now and joking about other random stuff in the house. Not important. GM has joined Helen around the hot tub. Talk of hair and hair extensions. And that concludes tonight's exciting episode.
  17. 9:45 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are cuddling on the hammock. Aaryn, Helen, GM, Andy are in the kitchen. Elissa is heading to the hot tub. Idle chit chat among everyone in the house. GM's stomach is still hurting. McCrae and Amanda seem to be studying days for upcoming competitions. Elissa and Helen are talking in the hot tub. Elissa says Amanda has been trying to pick off everyone she is close to (and BBAD goes to commercial right as their convo started). 9:58 PM BBT Elissa and Helen are now making idle chit chat. Elissa: "I can't believe we're on BB. That's so crazy." Helen still believes that there are 40 days left. (The season finale I believe is September 18 so that would make it one more month left.) Spencer gets called to the storage room and McCrae asks, "What's in the storage room? Your drugs?" Both Elissa and Helen have some mix of defeated/annoyed look on their faces while sitting in the hot tub. Amanda then comes to the hot tub to talk. They're making more small talk about there being no alcohol and having head cheese as a food. Elissa says that she told the DR they're going to have to give her a different food option because her chest has been hurting. Amanda then says she is allergic to slop and Helen says the same thing. They laugh. McCrae and Spencer are in the storage room. They seem to be having a burping contest. Wait, no, they are chugging beer before they bring it out to the rest of the houseguests (only Andy and Aaryn can have it anyway). Spencer talks to Aaryn in terms of how to split up the alcohol. They come up with Spencer/McCrae taking the "four beers" and Andy/Aaryn splitting the bottle of wine. (lol.) Elissa and Helen in the hot tub. El: "It'll be a horrific day in this house without you." They talk about Rachel living in the house without Brendon. Elissa says they had normal people on Rachel's seasons, but this season is full of crazy people. Helen: "I wonder if America is looking at our cast going 'This is the best cast ever.'" Elissa: "No, they probably hate us, did you see what they gave us to eat?" Helen: "I think they like to do that anyway because it's funny." Elissa is saying she doesn't think a lot of people in this house are likeable. Elissa: "I don't like them." 10:12 PM BBT They continue to talk about the cast. Elissa says they didn't have that good of an attractive male cast, but they agree what Howard was attractive. Elissa thinks that Howard telling Amanda something from week's earlier was a lie, but Helen believes it was true (referring to Howard making a sexual comment to Amanda). Elissa says that her chest hurting is serious even though they were joking about it earlier. Helen is still trying to figure out how to stay. She said that McCrae would vote to keep her if Helen promised Elissa would not target him. Elissa says she still wants Aaryn to go. Helen asks her what she would do if she won HOH. Elissa gives a roundabout answer not saying who she would nominate, but Aaryn seems for sure. Elissa believes she isn't anyone's target but Aaryn's. Helen says Aaryn's and GM's. E: "If they get to stay together and I lose my ally, that's just disgraceful." Helen says she needs to get GM to keep her this week. Helen doesn't know if she can trust GM any more. Helen says she had gotten close to GM and formed a friendship. Helen: "She was never my target." Helen feels even if she were to stay this week, both Helen and Elissa would be on the block again next week. They continue to strategize.
  18. (It's been awhile) BBAD 9:01 PM BBT Amanda, Andy, McCrae, and Aaryn are in the HOH room. Amanda and Andy are complaining about sleep schedules are having nothing to do. Aaryn says she is nervous, but Andy says not to be because the three of them are backing her up. Aaryn: "I don't want y'all to put me up as a pawn." Everyone in the room then says Aaryn will not go up as a pawn. McCrae: "Spencer already has the pawn role." Andy quickly rushes to the HOH bathrom making it look like he was showering or something as they see Spencer is walking up to the HOH. Spencer tells them that Helen pulled him aside and now he's relaying the conversation to the HOH crew. He says Helen apologized and would appreciate his vote. He also said that Helen said, "See, I told you I would get you to jury." Spencer tells Amanda that Helen was once again campaigning to get Amanda out. Spencer spills more beans to her. Seems like Spencer knows he is going to be the replacement nominee. The DR told Spencer that seasons 3 and seasons 9 hold the record for the most times of a contestant being on the block, six times. (That's BB3 Amy and BB9 Sharon. Technically, Frank BB14 also tied that record). The conversation continues with Andy and Amanda questioning Spencer about his conversation with Helen. 9:15 PM BBT Amanda has made her way down to the kitchen with Helen and Elissa and the conversation revolves around slop and being a have-not. GM, Spencer, Andy, and Aaryn are in the HOH. Game talk has ceased and now there is chatter about birthdays in the house. Aaryn's is September 3rd. Amanda and McCrae are on the backyard couches. McCrae is being pretty quiet while Amanda makes idle chit chat and eats slop. Amanda says she really wants to win HOH. McCrae says it is about will and refers back to his first HOH win on the popsicle. Seems they are speculating an endurance HOH coming up. After a minute of silence, Amanda: "It is so boring here." In the HOH with Andy, GM, and Aaryn, they are laughing while looking at the spyscreen, and GM complains about a headache. 9:29 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae have made their way to the hammock talking about memorable moments in the house. Amanda seems like she wants to talk, but McCrae is being kinda distant and not talking a lot. Aaryn and GM in HOH Aaryn: "Why would I change who I am? Why would I now become a negative person when I'm so positive at home?" Aaryn is saying if she were to stay negative like she was in the beginning of the game, she would be gone now. GM: "That's why I try to stay cool and somewhat relaxed." GM is saying that Amanda overthinks things and it's nice to talk to McCrae when Amanda is around. She says that's why she gave Nick space. "I didn't want him to get sick of me and shit." "Some people need alone time." Aaryn is saying she's happy to have gotten this far even if she leaves next week. "We're on the top half of this house." Aaryn then tells GM to let's go back to a time when Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Jessie were in the kitchen. "Those four bitches were in the kitchen, cooking, and Candice was like unpacking her bags here to stay like this is my house. Guess what? Three of the four bitches are gone (talking about Helen leaving this week). I never would've said that about Helen until I realized she was trying to play me." (So much for being a positive person. Didn't Aaryn say she made a friend in Jessie in her goodbye message to her?). Aaryn says that the game Amanda talks about in front on them is real. They're just talking about all the people who are gone. Aaryn saying the only people she doesn't want to stay longer than her in this game are Elissa and Spencer. She also says she would only vote for GM and Amanda in the end. She says she wouldn't vote for McCrae because he lies to other people and her, and Amanda came up to her and explained why she voted the way she did in this game. Aaryn is saying Andy being gay is an advantage to him in this game. Aaryn is telling GM that the reason the house knew all our moves in the house is because Andy would tell the house their moves (finally, someone realizes that). Aaryn is telling GM she is the one person she will slay others for to keep. "We are sisters forever." GM: "If you're not my maid of honor at Nick's wedding, no one's going to be, I swear to God." (I'm starting to realize why I haven't been watching BBAD lately)
  19. I've just about given up on this season.

  20. 10:59 PM BBT Camera is now back on the majority of the houseguests in the bedroom. Candice has walked by and some houseguests have roped her into trying to talk about the HOH competition. After talking a little bit about the HOH competition, she walks back into her bedroom. The rest of the houseguests continue to talk about the competition. Candice walked out of the bedroom and laid down in a bed to join the bedroom crew of Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Aaryn, Helen, Andy, Amanda, and McCrae. Not sure where Judd and GM are. Now conversation has switched to past houseguests. Andy: "Was Jerry the oldest houseguest to ever play the game." Spencer: "Yea, besides Helen." They laugh. They now try to figure out who was the youngest. Amanda thinks there was an 18 year old one season. They say Daniele was 20, but Amanda is sure there was one younger. (Michelle from BB4 I believe was the youngest houseguest to ever play the game at age 19, part of the Ex-factor season, same season as the famous buzzard crotch comment by Jack about Dana). 11:12 PM BBT Aaryn shows Spencer that he can speak softly with the megaphone and demonstrates. Then Spencer takes it back and starts talking loud. Aaryn takes it back and talks loud to Spencer followed by BB saying "Aaryn, stop that." They laugh. Spencer has the microphone clipped to the megaphone. Aaryn mentions to the group that Jeremy and Kaitlyn were strategizing to keep Jeremy in the house while Aaryn and Spencer were sleeping in the same room and they heard the entire conversation. More talk about Jeremy and his promises followed by things Julie said during the live show including the halfway point coming up and Kanye naming his baby North. Spencer says that Kate Middleton can bring good genetics that the royal family needs. GM is in the DR. 11:26 PM BBT There is still general chit chat in the bedroom. Elissa is cleaning up in the kitchen, and you can hear the megaphone from the bedroom. She waxes on with one paper towel, then waxes off with the same paper towel. Judd is laying down in the Have not room and Amanda walks into the bedroom. They talk a little bit about Jessie and Candice, but Judd is obstructing his microphone so it's making it difficult to understand. Amanda walks out and Judd continues to lay down in the Have-not room. Spencer is still having fun with the megaphone in the bedroom. Spencer has the room laughing pretending to be the guy from "Saw," "McCrae, you lived your whole life delivering pizzas. You must now cut off your ass and deliver it to your mouth." He then does Jessie, "Jessie, you've spent your whole life and looking hot. I have you chained to the bed and when the clock ticks to zero, you will give yourself a hysterectomy with a spoon and an ice pick." For Amanda, "Amanda, I want to play a game with you. You spent a small portion of your life living in homes and using keys to get into the doors. I have a key in the back of your eye. You will pull your eyeball out and remove the key, then you will use the key to stab your tits and drain the fluid out." For Elissa, "Elissa, you have spent your life turning water on when you poop. To be able to survive today, you have to poop without the sink running." They laugh. Helen: "We should let Spencer have the megaphone the whole season." 11:40 PM BBT Gm got her HOH room during the commercial break (thanks BBAD). She has a photo of Nick in the HOH room. GM also shows a picture of her not being a natural blonde. GM also has her crown. She says it was a big achievement in her life. She's basically giving a speech about how she used to be fat and used to have braces, and how it helped her to push herself more and more to be a better person. It took her 7 years to win it. She choked up a little bit. For her letter, it's from her friend Jen who is in one of her pictures. It starts off, "GM, if you're reading this, congratulations!!!" And GM calls the exclamation points, "Experation points." It's the generic, "We're rooting for you!" type of letter. GM has butter in her fridge, "I live for butter, my mom probably told them that." GM is now looking at the photo of Nick and starts crying. 11:54 PM BBT GM continues to talk about her friends and family. GM has a bag of all-red only starbursts (OMG, you can get that?). GM is now saying that she declined Helen's offer for the BBQ. GM is now explaining the rules. "The person that can imitate me the most." Yep, those are the rules. They're going to be doing it tomorrow at Noon. (As GM is talking, she says that people that she knows are on America's Got Talent. I think the "Struck boyz" that are on America's got Talent are somehow connected to her. They were eliminated from the competition this week though. BTW) End of BBAD
  21. BBAD 10:01 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, Judd in lounge. Andy walks in and Helen asks who has won the most HOH's? Andy says "Jodi from season 14" and then they start naming all the houseguests that aren't memorable and didn't win anything. Helen: "Jodi is being shown more in our season than in her own season." They laugh. Spencer and GM are sitting at the kitchen counter talking. Spencer says they didn't tell him there would be penalties if he didn't talk into the megaphone. Just general small talk about GM's HOH room and Pandora's box. Amanda and McCrae are in their bed doing what they do best and Amanda says, "She's not going to put us up." 10:08 PM BBT Judd, GM, Helen, Spencer, Andy, Jessie, and Elissa are in the lounge laughing. Elissa grabs the microphone and speaks into it. Andy: "I feel like everyone is going to hate Elissa and not you (Spencer)." They laugh. Amanda and McCrae are continuing to speculate about who GM is going to nominate. We can hear Elissa on the megaphone and McCrae says, "God, I never want her to have that thing. Instantly annoyed." Feeds switch to the lounge with Elissa talking into the megaphone. They're continue to joke about houseguests that didn't win anything giving them shoutouts. 10:15 PM BBT Aaryn, GM, Amanda, McCrae are now all in McManda's bed. They're now talking about the HOH competition. GM was worried about people seeing her arm fat jiggle. Aaryn said she was annoying herself when she was cheering on everyone else because she felt she was annoying the houseguests. They then start talking about production laughing at GM asking if she won HOH. Aaryn and McCrae then talking about a "creeper" guy staring at them and feeds switch to the lounge where Elissa, jessie, Judd, Andy, and Helen remain. Candice walks by the door and Helen says, "Good Morning, Candice!" Spencer walks in and Elissa starts talking about production and feeds switch to the bedroom with McManda, GM, Aaryn, and Andy has joined them. Cameramen can't make up their minds and feeds switch once again to the lounge. There's really not much game talk going on now, just general chitchat about the HOH competition. Helen says she is bringing Aaryn and Elissa to the bbq, Aaryn because she held up her deal and Elissa because she is her closest friend. Helen says there can be a competition tonight for the 3rd spot since GM declined it. 10:29 PM BBT Aaryn and Helen talking strategy. Helen says Jessie asked her for a spot in the BBQ and then asked Helen who she gave it to already. When Helen told her Aaryn, Jessie asked "Why did you give her one?" and Aaryn said she heard that comment as she walked by. Helen and Aaryn are singing GM's praises. Aaryn says she believe GM will win America's player and Helen agrees. Helen: "If I was in America, I would be picking her too." "$25,000 will be huge money for her." Now Aaryn is bashing Candice and Helen says Candice isn't talking to her. Aaryn is upset that Candice said that only one good thing has happened to her during this whole game, and Aaryn feels that comment was disrespectful. They say that they have the votes now with both of them, GM, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy and the MVP nom won't matter. Most of the houseguests are in the bedroom joking. Spencer is fake farting into the bathroom and annoying Elissa. Then the conversations once again revolve around the HOH competition. 10:48 PM BBT GM tells the houseguests that it's 15 minutes until the have nots can eat. They all cheer. Then she says to wait, it's an hour and 15 minutes. They all groan. Aaryn and GM are now in the bathroom. Aaryn is once again complaining about Candice's "one good thing" comment. Aaryn: "You want to say, 'the only one good thing that didn't happen to me.' Bitch, how about you didn't get evicted." "Fuck you." GM: "She's a fucking asshole." Aaryn: "She has no integrity. She is inconsiderate. She's disgusting, a bitch, a liar, a manipulator." (Pot calling the kettle black?) Aaryn and GM now talking about Aaryn's eyebrows. Candice comes walking in. She touches GM on the shoulder and says, "Good job again, y'all." GM: "Thanks, Sweetheart. I wanted to talk to you and say, I know you're probably sour and I know how it feels. I'm sorry, and he was a great guy and you guys had a good connection and the same thing I felt about Nick." Candice is crying. GM: "Everyone told me, you will see him, you will get over this, just focus on the game and everything will be A-OK, and congratulations on the money. I applaud that. It's great. You're going to be upset and cry, but you know what, you let it flow." "I hope everyone tries their best and does great and we have fun times and good times and it sucks everyone has to go. I wish we could all frickin stay." "When I get my room, if you don't want to stay long, I understand that because Helen had gotten HOH and I went to just congratulate her and everyone's all excited and I just wanted to mope by myself." GM says they are also there for her (Not even a minute ago, GM called Candice a fuckin' asshole.)
  22. BBAD (I have to call it an early night tonight, so this will be my only update) 8:00 PM BBT Jessie and Aaryn are talking in the HOH about the Have Not competition. Sounds like it was a word competition similar to scrabble. Jessie has only competed in one POV so far this season. Aaryn is buttering up Jess saying she is stronger than a lot of the girls here. Aaryn thinks there are three duos, Amanda/McCrae, Judd/Jessie, and Andy/Helen. Aaryn said that Elissa hugged her twice and squeezed her tight after nominations, and that Helen said that they weren't going to nominate Aaryn. Jess said Howard was crying after nominations. GM is yelling very loudly that they can hear her in HOH to tell them that the backyard is open. Jessie/Aaryn hug and are being BFF girly girls. 8:10 PM BBT Amanda is smoking on the backyard couches. McCrae is there and Jessie joins them. Jessie gives Amanda a hug saying, "hey my gorgeous girl." Amanda then fills Jessie in on what GM said, saying that GM is targeting her. Jessie says she doesn't care. 8:15 PM BBT Jessie/McCrae/Amanda still on the couches in the BY. Andy/Howard/Spencer/Candice in lounge talking about their parents' ages and other random topics. Spence and Andy leave Howard/Candice alone. Aaryn and Andy have joined the outside crew. Helen has also joined and the topic are favorite competitions so far and grumpy cat. Nothing important going on. 8:22 PM BBT Howard/Candice talking game sporadically. Candice said she'll be like GinaMarie next week when Howard leaves with Howard's earrings in her hand. They laugh. Spence has joined the BY crew and more useless chatter. Jessie: "Y'all haven't figured it out yet? We're never getting out of here." Helen says her coworker got her hooked on BB, and when the summer would end, she would be depressed (I feel your pain). GM now joins the BY crew carrying Nick's hat. They are discussing how many days they have left. They think it's 54 or 55. 8:29 PM BBT Most of the houseguests are in the BY talking and trying to entertain themselves with beach balls and other random things. GM is trying to do the elliptical in high heels while wearing Nick's cap. Amanda/McCrae are now underneath covers at the hammock. Amanda comments that Elissa hugged Aaryn. BB: "Andy, please go to the Diary Room." Andy: "Damn it!" Candice/Howard still talking in the lounge. GM walks in and gives Howard a hug. GM says the elliptical is not working. She invites them outside to join. In the other snuggle session, McCrae: "You're not going anywhere, pretty girl." Amanda, "Thanks, baby." In the background, you can hear Helen, and Amanda comments: "She's so loud." BBAD continues until 11 PM BBT tonight. Good night.
  23. 11:25 PM BBT Aaryn is saying this HOH is another chance to make amends with Elissa. Judd comes up with wine glasses and McCrae, GM, and Jessie are still in the HOH room. Andy comes walking into HOH also. Andy says he's going to stuff himself tonight til he pukes. (Have nots eat at 12:00 AM tonight) There's nothing important to report in the HOH. 11:35 PM BBT They're talking about Elissa now and how she snubbed Aaryn during the HOH. GM then brings up the fact how Elissa pushed GM off her when she tried to hug her after Elissa was nominated by the MVP last week. 11:40 PM BBT Same people are still in the HOH. Some are randomly walking out and getting stuff from the downstairs and bringing them up. GM is on her period. She said she's going to be mopey the next few days. 11:42 PM BBT Spencer, Candice talking in lounge. Sounds like they were trying to talk some strategy, but couldn't make out what they were saying before they dispersed. Seems like fewer people are in the HOH now getting ready for midnight. Elissa is in the chair bedroom reading the bible and tells Helen and Judd that Nehemiah is a really interesting chapter in the bible. Elissa is saying in the book of Daniel, everything he has prophesied has happened. 11:47 PM BBT Aaryn and GM are alone in HOH. Aaryn is telling GM that she is putting up Howard and Spencer. Aaryn said she made a deal, but couldn't tell her because GM and Kaitlyn were close and Aaryn was scared to tell her. Aaryn: "I told Helen that if she can let me stay, that I would either throw HOH or win it and let her choose the noms." 11:52 PM BBT Aaryn is saying she has more deals while GM says she has no deals with anybody. Aaryn says they are with the numbers now and that she was told that "they" want to work with her long term. GM says those same people told Kaitlyn the same thing all week long. Aaryn: "Basically Helen said that if I won HOH and put up who she wanted, that we were a team." GM: "Be careful, but Helen said she would also save Kaitlyn because of what she did with the POV." A: "I told Helen that Kaitlyn said she was going to use the POV either way and Helen said it doesn't matter." "The real reason they turned against Kaitlyn was because someone started a rumor, wasn't me, that Kaitlyn was going after Helen." GM: "I didn't know that." A: "Helen came up to me in the storage room and goes, 'Elissa is bat shit crazy. She's turned on me twice. Last night, she freaked out and then today she tried to flip the house. I don't trust her now. If you put Elissa up, I won't complain about it.'" Aaryn is smiling saying, "Do you understand we just went from lowest on the totem pole to HOH." They laugh and GM says, "the boys would be so proud of us." GM, "I want to go home with something. I don't necessarily need to go home with 500,000." "If I can go home with some chunk of change and be happy and buy a new car and get my teeth fucking fixed, I'll be happy." A: "I think we're going to make it jury. That's $13,000." "Three people leave then it's jury." "The next three people to leave are Howard, Candice, and Spencer." "We have the number to do that, we just have to win HOH." "Jeremy, Kaitlyn, they needed to win those HOH's and that's why we're in this situation." GM: "You're a smart cookie, you. I like you." "I'm not a have not either so I don't need to be downstairs." A: "We've never been have nots!" Talk about the HOH now. Aaryn said it was all luck. They say Elissa's ball was on the line and then rolled into the 0. They are now talking about how cute their balls were (botchy balls that is). GM is talking about Jessie being wishy washy. Aaryn is saying if Jessie didn't vote against Nick, she would be with us in this situation. A: "We just have to keep it going." G: "I know I stay chill. It's just the two people that I'm 'like this' on is Jessie and Candice." Rest of the house is around the Memory Wall talking about who is the unhealthiest eater. I guess they're playing a game. That's is for BBAD. Tomorrow BBAD begins at 8 PM BBT and goes for 3 hours. (Aaryn definitely seems a lot more amicable on the feeds lately.)



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