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Everything posted by Cajunboiler

  1. Who is Chicken George? (I started watching BB at the beginning of the 3rd season.)
  2. Ok, I'm looking at revenge of the houseguests at the cbs.com website and.... who is Winston? It looks like Mike's pic from BB5 reversed. :?: I'm looking at the cbs website and at the main page http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/ when they show revenge of the houseguests, Drew's face comes up. Is Winston in for Drew... I'm so confused. And this looks interesting too. I'll just stop posting for awhile too. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_...ests/drew.shtml
  3. It's already confirmed that Ashlea and Beau are a pair from friendster. Plus on night 1, Beau was sitting between ashley's legs. Who does that when just meeting? Ashley = Ashlea
  4. It wasn't bad here in Baton Rouge at all. The storm came to the border of East Baton Rouge Parish then took a turn to the east. Dennis is going to be more trouble since it is already a hurricane (confirmed about an hour ago) and weather forecasters are predicting it will follow Cindy's path. Let's also pray Dennis goes somewheres else.
  5. lol... thought I made a typo for a moment
  6. I agree. Team Morty works hard to bring us the info. I spent most of the summer last year reading morty's website (I decided to register this year). Anyway, another typo that I think should be corrected so no one gets confused. The tour is on Tuesday, July 5th, but people can go to the website provided. Sorry about giving Team Morty a hard time. :wink:
  7. Well, if you look at it like that, then "it's just yellow fish" "it's just 14 people living in a house and voting each other off"
  8. lol. I know we're human. I laugh at my mistakes all the time.
  9. On morty's big brother page, it says June 39th....
  10. Whew... I thought I was going crazy when I was watching it
  11. I took it as fourteen too... but it seems like that that part of the commercial wasn't in there on Tuesday...
  12. I meant Maggie has a masculine face... nevermind
  13. Okay... Tuesday night I was watching "Fire Me Please" and the CBS Big Brother commercial came on with Julie Chen telling what's going to happen, then the screen goes "please stand by." Well, I saw the same commercial again tonight, but Julie Chen said a few extra words than Tuesday's night. Tuesday "We're going to... *stops*" Today "We're going to take the four... *stops*. Has anyone else caught this or am I imagining this? Maybe they're going to reveal a few words day by day until Thursday.... who knows.... :?:
  14. Howie and Sarah (Both live in Chicago Illinois) Beau and Ashlea (proven since they both have each other on friendster) April and Jennifer (The only two from Texas) Ivette and Janelle (Both are from Miami Beach, Fl) Kaysar and Michael (Both live in California and I think Irvine and Orange County are close to each other) Eric and Maggie (even though they live far away, they are both Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots fans) James and Rachel (These were the last two left... and the both like water...... ) Well, these pairings make logical sense, but watch me be completely wrong.



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