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Everything posted by mayzee

  1. I wonder how Shelli will plead her case to Becky regarding nominations? 1. Clay & I saved you when we voted out Jason. We love you and we kept our promise. 2. I'm in mourning because Clay left, please give me a break. 3. It was all Austin's fault. 4. The backdoor Austin plan was all Vanessa's idea, I had nothing to do with it.
  2. Becky's in a good position game wise as long as she nominates 2 people from Vanessa's crew and if the veto is used she has to name the replacement nominee from the same group. Johnny Mac, Meg, Jackie & James are a solid 4 person block. If Vanessa & Shelli are on the block together, that leaves Steve, Austin, Liz & Julia as a solid 4 person block. In a 4-4 tie the HOH Becky breaks the tie. The underdogs have a good chance to recover. Vanessa's argument of "we have the numbers" becomes a non-factor.
  3. I just want Vanessa and Shelli to take their meds and go to bed early tonight. I want BBAD to be fun and entertaining tonight. IMHO Nobody wants to see Vanessa crying over nothing or Meg & Shelli crying and mourning Clay's eviction. That mandatory trek up to the HOH room reveal is gonna be AWKWARD.
  4. I was losing faith in Becky as a player when she faux-aligned with Shelli, Vanessa & Clay and turned into a rat. But I get it now. She was caught up in the Blue Moon alliance and thought it was real. When the original plan fell apart Becky went into survival mode and did what she had to do to make it through the week. But now that Becky's fully aware that Vanessa cannot be trusted, I don't think that she will make any deals with her.
  5. Now she's crying again because she didn't win the HOH comp. BOOO HOOO HOOO The 5 week faux-mance is over. The game continues.
  6. Austin tried to make amends to James by telling him ahead of time about the votes, but Austin's so called "reason" came straight from Vanessa and was total BS. Austin got played by Vanessa, he just hasnt realized it yet. The poor guy is gonna be crushed when he gets to the jury house with Liz and she tells him, "I'm just not into you". OK Bye.
  7. Yay!!!!!!!!! Becky won the HOH comp.. Congratulations to Becky!!!!! I wanna see some serious game talk with Johnny Mac in the HOH room tonight. And I hope that she keeps Vanessa & Shelli at a distance, and sticks close to Jackie & Johnny Mac for support. I hope she nominates Vanessa & Shelli straight up, and if the veto is used, put up Austin or one of the twins as the replacement nominee. Vanessa on the block should be quite entertaining and way better than any of her "staged" fights.
  8. Vanessa'a blow up today didn't cause the votes to magically change in favor of keeping Shelli. James was counting on the votes of Austin & the twins in exchange for not putting any of them up. This was Austin & the twins chance to build some trust relationships outside the alliance. But Vanessa wasn't about to let that happen, so she manipulated Austin & the twins to vote against their own best interest. Austin and the twins burned their bridges to James, Meg, Jackie, & possibly Johnny Mac in order to keep Shelli in the game. Last week, Clay & Shelli drew their line in the sand with Jason's eviction. Clay & Shelli could have voted out Becky because she's a floater and not aligned with anybody. Nobody would have been coming after them over Becky's eviction. But Jason had allies, and they knew it. They listened to Vanessa and got outplayed. This week Austin & the twins drew their line in the sand regarding the shelli vote. They listened to Vanessa and probably screwed up their games too.
  9. PeP talk to Becky: Go Becky..... Go Becky... You can do it!!!!. We are rooting for you!!!!!!. You are strong!!!!!. you are a tough physical competitor!!!!!. Don't let that Party Planner intern from Florida beat you.!!! Show these people that you came to play and win!!!! Think of how miserable Shelli & Vanessa will feel when you win this comp. Think of how good you will feel lounging in the HOH knowing that you are safe this week. Dig deep Becky!
  10. IF Shelli wins the game in first place Clay will definitely come calling. But if she's not in first or second place I don't see Clay following up with Shelli. When he does get back home, I can see his buddies teasing him about looking way way way too much like Shelli's twin brother. Awkward!
  11. It's the teeth that get my attention, and I can sorta understand why some of the BB fans refer to her as "Chompers".
  12. Austin didn't want James to be blindsided. Jackie, Meg & James knew before the live show that they didn't have the votes to evict Shelli. That unanimous vote will give Shelli & Vanessa the big head and crazy Vanessa will think that her blowup worked to scare everybody.
  13. Me Too!!!! And I'm praying for a Johnny Mac win for all three prizes. That blowup with Vanessa needs to be repaid with a nomination and put her BFF Shelli or Austin on the block with her.
  14. Sorry to hear about your upcoming bankruptcy. LOL!
  15. Good riddance to Clay's sorry ass. Any body willing to give up their game for somebody they've only known for 6 weeks doesn't deserve to be playing BB. And when Julie asked Clay if he loved Shelli - he hesitated. Julie then said more than $500K and he said yes. But when Julie asked him about Meg - he had no problem saying that he loved her. I don't see a real world relationship between Shelli & Clay post BB wrap party.
  16. Vanessa doesn't have the emotional stability to play the game like Derrick, but the problem is that SHE thinks she's playing a very logical & strategic game.
  17. Vanessa's game officially jumped the shark for me when she accused Clay & Johnny Mac of being related or gay lovers because it's the only thing that makes sense to her. Vanessa thinks that she can "read" people so well and that she's never wrong about anything.
  18. I just read the update and I'm not surprised because Vanessa has been scheming and plotting for another fake fight so she can be the victim & cry. I just hope that one of her minions realizes that vindictive Shelli and crazy Vanessa is not a good combination for their BB games. At least Johnny Mac told Steve the truth about both of them being the potential targets from the big HOH meeting that they were not included in. Steve needs to wake up and see that Vanessa has been playing both sides and lying to him. I like Steve and I don't want his blind loyalty to Shelli and Vanessa to end up costing him his game.
  19. Vanessa has done it AGAIN. She is one big emotional drama queen of a wreck. Her manipulations are worse than Audrey's. The fake fights and tears are just too much BS coming from her. Vanessa has been scheming for days about staging a fake fight among the HGs. First she wanted to go after Becky and blow up her game, Now it's Johnny Mac, James and Clay. Vanessa doesn't have enough faith that her minions will vote the way SHE bullied them into voting that she just had to create some fake BS drama and make it all about her. She wanted to publicly dirty up Clay and Johnny Mac to the other HGs. I am so tired of Vanessa's game that I really want someone to take her out. She is truly starting to look emotionally unstable and she is playing so hard that the paranoia is getting the best of her. I just wish that she would take her meds and relax and ease up trying to control everybody and everything. I wanna get off the Vanessa-coaster.
  20. Steve definitely has the knowledge, he has demonstrated that numerous times. Some of the HGs use him like a textbook when it comes to the different comps. I'm just anxious to see Steve play his own game and get away from Vanessa.
  21. Rather than predictable voting, I would love to see an appearance from Judas voting to evict Shelli because she was the person in her alliance to rat out the Audrey vote to the other side. Judas where are you when we need you???
  22. Austin does not really benefit by keeping Shelli in the game because Austin is keeping Shelli in the game to benefit Vanessa's game. Austin cannot see that by evicting Clay (a big physical threat) he makes himself the #1 physical threat to all the others.
  23. I would love for the vote to be 7-2 evicting Shelli from the house just to see Vanessa's face but only for 1 second. I'd want to see Steve's face and the realization that he and Vanessa voted on the losing side. I want Steve to wake up and play his own game and stop letting Vanessa use him. I thought that Steve would have a stronger game than just hiding behind big targets. Steve is not using his extensive knowledge of the game in a way to benefit to his game. Because Steve is such a big fan he loves talking about BB and I get that. But IMHO Steve is doing the same thing that Jason did. Accurate information in the BB house is currency. Rumors, lies and speculation runs rampant. Jason gossiped his currency away and Steve is not using his currency very well either. Most of the HGs have only watched a few seasons so when Shelli asked Steve about James breaking his deal on the wall with Shelli, Steve told Shelli that it had never been done before in BB history. That's not true, so now I'm wondering if Steve forgot, or is he lying to Shelli?
  24. I think that this is the best time for Johnny Mac to win the HOH. He seems to think that the house is split with 2 distinct sides. The next week only 8 HGs are voting and there could possibly be a 4-4 tie at the next eviction. The HOH breaks the tie. If Johnny Mac also won the veto that's a whole lotta power and I'd really like to see him in power to see his game. I'd really enjoy seeing Vanessa and Austin on the block this week to see how they play under pressure. I like that Vanessa can't get a "read" on Johnny Mac's game. She thought that James was nothing more than the BB jester. I really want her to be nominated by Johnny Mac so she can see his game up close.
  25. Jackie is a very strong physical competitor. When James & Jackie won their BOB comp. I was impressed. Jackie is clearly not intimidated by Vanessa and if they got into a heated argument - my money's on Jackie. The other girls in the house, Liz, Julia, Meg, Becky and to some extent Shelli are all afraid of having a confrontation with Vanessa. I think Jackie is primed and ready to be drenched in Vanessa's blood. Jackie is not scared, and Vanessa knows it.



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