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Everything posted by mayzee

  1. Shelli is listening to Vanessa, who's telling her they they have the 5 votes necessary ( Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Julia & Steve) to keep her in the game. Vanessa told Steve the vote would be 5-4 with Jackie, Becky, Meg, & Johnny Mac voting out Shelli. I really want Steve, Liz, or Julia would not follow Vanessa's voting orders and instead vote out Shelli. I wanna see 2 heads explode on Thursday night. Shelli & Vanessa have had too much power & control for too long. And I'm really tired of all the stupid crying, real or fake. If you gonna be an HBIC, then please stop with all the crying. I want them to own it and be strong women competitors.
  2. I want to believe that Johnny Mac can see that Vanessa & Shelli have been running the house. I don't understand how he could see keeping Shelli over Clay is good for his game. I hope that he has at least figured out that Vanessa is clearly aligned with the twins & Austin, despite her talking about being all alone in the game.
  3. Johnny Mac & Becky want to save Clay to align with him. Since Steve didn't actually commit to Vanessa that he would keep Shelli, it's very possible that Steve is the swing vote.
  4. If they're smart players they would vote out Shelli, but Vanessa has them convinced to keep Shelli. Clay is gonna be quite surprised when he finds out what some of the BB fans think about him. His Momma should tell him to steer clear of the BB fan websites for a while.
  5. If James does manage to survive next week I sure hope he does not continue to drag Meg along because she is totally useless to him in the game. Yesterday, Meg told Steve that she would give him a kiss if he won the next HOH. I don't recall if James got an offer of a kiss for his HOH win. I really want James to wake up and stop crushing on Meg - it's not gonna happen. James should pair up with Jackie because she's a much better competitor than Meg will ever be.
  6. Thanks for the am chuckle. That was funny as hell. LOL!!! Shelli ain't gonna be able to keep Clay down on the farm once he's been in LA for 2 months.
  7. The only thing that Meg won was the Gronk Cruise, so at least she won't be leaving empty handed. Meg is likeable, but that's it. She'll probably float along for another week or two, but she can go at any time and I would not miss her.
  8. I think that some of the so-called "idiots" in the house believe that keeping a bigger " target" in the game keeps them safe. Their strategy, is to lay low and not appear to be a threat. It seems like Vanessa is quite successful at manipulating them, even Shelli.
  9. Thanks Linda, I stand corrected, he looks waaaaaaaay better than I remembered from GOT. He's HOT HOT HOT and Austin is NOT, NOT, NOT,
  10. Unfortunately not all 16 HGs that came into BB17 came to win the game. Some came to hang out and party for he summer. Steve & Jason came in as superfans and are just glad to be there. Some came just to increase their fan base of social media followers. Others came for fame & fortune, or to use BB as a stepping stone for offers or opportunities in the entertainment industry. James & Johnny Mac came for the money, and I believe that Vanessa wants to win BB for bragging rights or the title.
  11. Provided there is no stupid BB takeover this week I think that James has accomplished what he set out to do. Break up one of the pairs in the house. Mission Accomplished I don't think that Clay was really into playing the game. He was much too comfortable letting Shelli do all the heavy lifting.
  12. Meg is not a good ally for James at this point in the game. When Shelli wanted to give up some info to help her & Clay, dumbass Meg said that she didn't want to know. What the Hell??? Good intel is currency in the BB house. James spend hours trying to obtain some useful information for his game from Shelli & Clay. I bet if Jackie was James' sidekick she definitely would have accepted the info - no questions asked and she would report back to James. I think that Meg doesn't want James to have info that could be damaging to Clay for obvious reasons.
  13. I kinda wanna see Shelli stay in the game because Clay was such a dummy and was really pulling Shelli down. Shelli is furious and has a lot of targets. James is the obvious #1 target. However I think that Vanessa is a strong #2 because Shelli has absolved herself of any responsibility in Jason's eviction. No matter how much Shelli says that she loved Jason and didn't want to see him go, she did vote him out, and she can't change that fact. Shelli is also pissed at Liz for persuading Vanessa to keep Austin, although she agreed with it at the time. She's pissed that Austin is gonna be in jury with Liz. She is also upset that she saved Becky last week, and this week Becky won $5K. I just don't see how Shelli is gonna be able to hold it together and play the game effectively with all that anger inside.
  14. Catching up on the overnight updates was exhausting. Shelli & Clay thought that they could play the 'loyalty card" and that James would fall for it, but he didn't. James wanted information that is useful to his game, but they weren't giving him any. It's clear that Clay & Shelli are in some kind of alliance, but they keep denying it. When Clay said that they trust Vanessa 100%, but they are not in an alliance - that was just stupid. Clay made it obvious that they are protecting somebody else. Throwing Austin under the bus now and saying he can't be trusted only makes Clay & Shelli look weak. The group that changed the target from Austin to Jason was in power, and if Austin was so bad, they could have backdoored him as planned. Clay & Shelli deny any lines being drawn, but James is not that dense. They cannot smooth over last week's blindside of Jason with fake apologies.
  15. Clay is just stupid to keep going back to his loyalty and his word. If Shelli & Clay were serious about doing anything to save their game they would give James some real truth. They should be willing to out the 6th Sense Alliance and then maybe James might be willing to at least consider saving them. Out the 6th Sense Alliance, cut ties with them and join with James, Meg & Jackie officially no more "secret or fake alliances". Shelli & Clay keep saying they are not aligned with anybody else in the house. And James knows that this is not true. It's easy for Clay to say he'd never nominate James or Meg because he hasn't won an HOH comp. But Shelli nominated Meg in week 2. James has been nominated 3 times (Vanessa, Liz & Jackie). No wonder one of Shelli's arguments is to just wipe the slate clean and start over.
  16. I'm listening to Clay & Shelli plead their case to James & Meg to keep both of them together in the game. So far, their case is weak. I'm waiting to see which HG they are suggesting be evicted instead of one of them.
  17. I can see where Austin would say that because of the hair and big muscular body, but I never thought that Drogo was all that handsome, but then neither is Austin.
  18. That montage of mumbling Clay was hilarious!!!!! I always thought it was just me who couldn't understand him half the time with his low whispering and mumbling. Shelli is ruthless and since she said that she'd do anything to stay in the game. Watch out Steve & Becky!
  19. I watch GOT, but I don't know all of the cast. Which character does Jason Momoa play??
  20. Poor Becky, she's been patting herself on the back for her spying abilities to help Shelli & Clay. When I heard that she ratted out James' plan to backdoor Shelli, I was kinda pissed off at Becky. what Becky heard in the HOH was only the initial discussion with his group, James did not make his final decision until hours later. But Becky ran to Shelli & Clay and basically told them "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Shelli already knew that James, Meg & Jackie were working together, so for Becky to throw them all under the bus was useless information. It's only a matter of time before Shelli turns on Becky and reduces her to tears. Shelli resents the position Becky's in now (being safe this week) because she & Clay voted to keep Becky in the game last week. Shelli feels that Becky owes her and Becky winning that $5K in the veto comp is only making it worse.
  21. Shelli's outburst at the nomination ceremony about the Jason was a veiled threat to Vanessa & her crew. When Shelli mentioned the deal that she made with James in front of the whole house that was kinda silly IMO. Playing Big Brother involves lying, deceit & deception with a good sized helping of manipulation thrown in. Trust is elusive and whenever you make deals, you take your chances. Kaysar & Ollie made deals in the waning moments of an endurance comp that did not work out to their benefit. In Shelli's BB game only she & Clay are allowed lie & manipulate because she has been in power for 2 weeks she expects things to go her way all the time. Right after the Jason Blindside last week, Shelli snapped at James because of the way he was looking at her. Apparently Shelli was offended by the look that James gave her and she was feeling guilty about it. If Shelli manages to stay in the house over Clay, I see nothing but catfights in the coming weeks, because Clay was able to keep Shelli relatively calm and with nobody to restrain Shelli she is gonna be hell to live with.
  22. When Vanessa & Jackie got their costumes last night, I sorta got the feeling that Austin was fantasizing that it was him & Liz. Austin would have been in 7th heaven if his punishment had been shinning Liz's armour for 24 hours, and she would have been in hell.
  23. I think that Vanessa has figured out that Clay & Shelli had a "secret F4 deal" with Jason & Meg. After the noms when Shelli & Vanessa were talking and Shelli was complaining that they (Clay & Shelli) were taking the blame for Jason going home, Vanessa kept saying for "whatever reason" Meg, James & Jackie felt closer to Shelli & Clay than they did to Vanessa. Also when Vanessa, Jackie, Liz & Shelli were in the HOH discussing the Jason nomination, Shelli got defensive when Jackie asked Shelli if she was a part of the big majority that wanted Jason out. All Shelli had to do was say yes, but instead of being honest, she was still trying to play both sides and that did not go unnoticed by Vanessa.
  24. I'm glad that Steve is being more social in the house. Even though he 's kinda shy with girls, I liked that he actively joined in the game of 'spin the bottle' lat night. Steven left his comfort zone and upped his tally from 5 to 7 girls that he' kissed. He looked really scared when Meg approached him and he handled it a bit better with Jackie. However, steve was not ready to kiss James on the lips, (even though James was willing to do it) and opted for the cheek instead. IMO I think that Steven would have been on cloud 9 if he had kissed Julia. I sincerely hope that somebody (Meg, James, Liz or Julia) tells Steve that Clay & Shelli are offering him up as a replacement nominee to be backdoored in order to keep Clay & Shelli in the game.



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