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Everything posted by mayzee

  1. Becky & Johnny Mac were so busy scheming for DE that they forgot about the first eviction. Johnny Mac & Becky took the goblins for granted and assumed those votes were locked in on evicting Vanessa and then they spent most of their time plotting a game plan that included Shelli & Steve. Becky failed to come clean with the goblins regarding her activities with Vanessa & Shelli when Becky was on the block. Vanessa used those activities to cause the goblins to doubt Becky's credibility going forward. I don't think that Johnny Mac even had a conversation with the goblins about voting out Vanessa this week instead of Shelli. I wonder if Becky even told Johnny Mac about her playing both sides and ratting out James nominations to Clay & Shelli??? Poor Becky, her devotion to Shelli is putting her in a bad place right now. With Shelli out of the game, Becky better hope that Vanessa or Steve don't win the next HOH, because if they do, she's going up.
  2. Since Becky & Jackie have been friendly with each other since week 1, I think Jackie is having some difficulty fully believing that Becky is the rat that James & Meg thinks she is. However, Jackie can see that Becky really wants to keep Shelli in the game to work with Johnny Mac, and since Becky can't play in the next HOH Jackie's gotta be thinking about Becky jumping on the Shelli bandwagon again. I hope that Jackie wins the next HOH and puts Vanessa on the block again.
  3. I think that Meg originally referred to herself, Jason & James as the "goblins". After Jason was evicted, I think Jackie became a member, but Becky was never a goblin. I think it's funny that Steve keeps referring to them as "gremlins".
  4. I'd much rather see Vanessa play against an opponent and fierce competitor than a willing supplicant. I just want Johnny Mac win the next HOH and nominate Vanessa straight up, no backdoor plan.
  5. Apparently there are no specific rules, and common courtesy does not apply. Although there was an incident involving HGs toothbrushes years ago, but I don't remember the specifics.
  6. I never would have thought that James and his girls (Meg & Jackie) would approach Austin and his girls (Liz & Julia) and form a 6 man alliance to vote out Shelli and leave Vanessa in the game. At times, James & Austin play kinda dumb, but this move is great for now. Shelli, Johnny Mac, & Steve have no idea that their "scampering" has been so noticeable by the others, and that they're now aligned against them.
  7. I think that the goblins are gonna get suspicious if/when Shelli doesn't do some campaigning to stay in the game. Last week Shelli let Vanessa campaign on her behalf and a stupid fight broke out hours before the live eviction. Vanessa believes that the fight caused the vote to flip in Shelli's favor, but it really didn't. Early that morning, Austin didn't want James to be blindsided so he confessed to Meg that they didn't have the votes, so they knew before the fight that Clay was gonna be evicted. If Shelli continues to act all high & mighty, that might be just enough to get the goblins to switch their votes. Even though James didn't say anything bad about Becky's ratting to Clay & Shelli, that had to hurt him just a little. Jackie & Meg understood and forgave Becky, but I think that "Generals" alliance still bothered James because he was not included.
  8. Either Steve or Austin need to explain to Vanessa as calmly as they can that Vanessa got caught playing both sides of the house. They should each point out in detail where she went astray. Jeff was playing all sides, got caught and was evicted. Clay was playing all sides, got caught, and was evicted. Since Becky was never officially in their core alliance, Vanessa really had no right to be so personally offended by what Becky did. Becky is playing her game and Vanessa was named as the replacement nominee. When Vanessa drew attention to the deal that Becky broke with her, she exposed her own deal-making moves to the others in her alliance. When Vanessa called the HOH DE meeting, Shelli & Steve were not included, and then Vanessa lied about what happened in the meeting. Vanessa was the one who led the charge to backdoor Austin. Vanessa has targeted her own alliance members and lied to them repeatedly. Someone within her groups needs to be honest with her if they are to move forward and continue to work together.
  9. I think that James is still a little pissed off that the house flipped and evicted Clay instead of Shelli last week. He's afraid that if Shelli wins the next HOH that he's getting nominated, for sure. James passed up cash & prizes and his target is still in the game. He feels no allegiance to "the house" and probably thinks that since everybody else is playing for their own self interest, then he might as well do the same. James is ripe for flipping the house to vote out Shelli this week, because he is unaware of anybody else targeting him. And if Vanessa stayed in the house her #1 target would be Becky and possibly Johnny Mac. Austin is starting to hang out with James more and likes him and the twins want to target Meg because they believe that she is the "brains" of the goblins. And with Shelli gone, Johnny Mac will be targeting Vanessa. I would love to see Shelli voted out 6-2 on Thursday. Shelli would be stunned, but she would force her fake smile. Austin would just sit & glare at them. The twins would be smiling. And Becky, Johnny Mac & Steve will crap their pants knowing they will soon feel the wrath of Vanessa. The goblins would be grinning because they finally got Shelli out.
  10. Exactly, and Vanessa knew that Shelli was insecure regarding her showmance with Clay. Vanessa told Shelli that Becky "wanted" Clay to keep Shelli from getting close to Becky. ( Vanessa also tried to get some beef started between Jackie and the twins, over Austin. ) And now that Clay is out of the picture, and Becky is in a position to save Shelli, Vanessa is pissed.
  11. Shelli & Johnny Mac were talking game outside the other day. Johnny Mac advised Shelli to lay low and stay out of the drama and she should be OK this week. For the DE they (Johnny Mac, Steve & Shelli) want to target the twins & backdoor Austin, but they need to team up with the goblins to make it happen. Johnny Mac told Shelli to make amends with James, so they could work together this one time. Shelli & Johnny Mac both agree that James is afraid of Shelli targeting him if she wins HOH. James found some of Clay's clothes and laundered them. He gave the Texas A&M shirt to Shelli, and she seemed really appreciative. Then later Shelli & one of the twins go to the HaveNot room and take some more shirts that Shelli says are Clay's. Later, when James is looking for one of the shirts, he now knows that Shelli took it. And now James is a little pissed that Shelli didn't ask for the other items, she just took them without him knowing. They all wear each other's clothes from time to time, and it's really not a big deal. But in the BB house little things often get blown out of proportion. Just when I was starting think that Shelli teaming up with Johnny Mac & Steve was a good idea, Shelli goes and pulls this "shirtgate". I hope it bites her in the butt.
  12. I think the Goblins (James, Meg & Jackie) are still feeling pissed about "the house" flipping and keeping Shelli instead of Clay. They may think this is their best chance to get Shelli out. Jackie is tight with Becky, but she also knows that Becky likes Shelli and wants to keep her in the game. Shelli was kinda lukewarm when she talked to Jackie (because Shelli already has a plan with Johnny Mac, Steve & Becky). All they need is a reason.
  13. If Vanessa were to find out about "shirtgate" she could use that against Shelli to flip James's vote.
  14. If Vanessa could just get to James and convince him that Shelli is targeting him first, it could work. Vanessa could tell James that her #1 target is Becky and that's believable. Once Shelli is gone, he is safe. Because James is fully aware that if Shelli is in the house and wins the next HOH he is going to be nominated. James is still pissed that during his HOH he sacrificed money & prizes for the veto to ensure that Shelli was evicted. The house flipped and Shelli's still there. James liked Clay, and a few of the others did too, and that's why Vanessa wanted to keep Shelli instead. James isn't really tight with Becky, he's closer to Meg & Jackie. James is gullible enough to fall for another one of Vanessa's schemes. And if James flips, Meg & Jackie probably will too.
  15. I can see Johnny Mac and Steve as final 3 with either Jackie or Becky.
  16. They think that the show is about them now that the clay & Shelli showmance is over. One of the twins was complaining that they won't be on the show this eek because they have not been called to the DR. And it's only Monday. I don't think that they understand that you get on the show when you are nominated and when you play (and win) in comps. The twin twist was weeks ago and the novelty has worn off. Liz is only making herself look bad by "playing" poor Austin and Julia isn't doing herself any favors by constantly talking smack about Steve, Johnny Mac and James. The twins are acting like dumbass brats, and I hope they're in the jury house soon to keep Vanessa company.
  17. I really like the way that Becky talked to Vanessa outside. She didn't scream or yell and she did not cry. Becky was quite clear about being pissed off when Vanessa kinda forced her to agree with the 8 person DE deal in the HOH room. Everybody knows that Vanessa called the meeting, but she tried to deflect any responsibility by saying that she was the last one in the room. Becky didn't fall for it. She gave Vanessa her answer, got up and walked away. Becky was calm and unemotional Sometimes I think that the HGs forget that they are on camera and we mostly see it all. Vanessa exaggerating the details to the HGs is one way to possibly get some sympathy from them, but the live feed watchers know exactly how it went down.
  18. If Austin, Liz or Julia don't win the next HOH one of them will be the next jury member. I think that the only one in the house who wouldn't nominate them is Meg. And that's because her dumbass is still looking to "work" with them. Everybody else has a reason to target them.
  19. Vanessa has told so many lies and manipulated so many people that she actually believes her own BS. She has grossly exaggerated minor details into major blowups unnecessarily in an attempt to portray herself as "the only victim". Vanessa played too many sides unsuccessfully and got caught with her hands in many cookie jars. Vanessa had absolutely no problem subjecting her alliance mates and other HGs to her intensive interrogations over minor incidents that happened weeks ago. She treated quite a few HGs like crap and didn't seem to care about their feelings. I really don't like how she characterized James, Meg & Jackie as bullies when they clearly were not. Vanessa prided herself on her ability to obtain valuable information from various HGs without any regard how she was coming across. Calling someone out for being a liar in BB is part of the game, but Vanessa went overboard by claiming that everyone else is a liar and she's the only one telling the truth because of her so-called "integrity."
  20. Liz wants both her sister Julia and Austin as allies in the game. Liz knows that Julia will not dump her under any circumstances, but if Liz tells Austin to back off, she's afraid that he will turn to Jackie or Meg after being rejected by her. Liz feels safe with 2 allies, not understanding that having 2 allies makes her a big target.
  21. Becky seems to be in a good spot. She's OK with the James, Jackie, Meg trio, She's OK with Austin & the twins, and she's OK with Johnny Mac & Shelli. Since Becky cannot play in the next HOH comp her only concern would be if Austin and/or one of the twins winning and seeking revenge for backdooring Vanessa.
  22. And a bit of a cheater too. Some of the HGs have been talking about her antics in the HOH Midway Mayhem comp. . James as the outgoing HOH was not allowed to play and from the sidelines he saw her filling her funnel with the crisco they were sliding on. James thought it was funny and was making jokes about it. Another HG (can't remember who ?) said that Vanessa tried to reach her hand down inside the container because she could contort her hand. Being creative is one thing, but cheating is not something that I thought Miss Integrity would stoop to in a comp. Vanessa also blamed her poor performance in the veto comp on not taking her "meds" on time and leaving her head "fuzzy".
  23. Johnny Mac is in a good place with Becky winning the HOH. all he has to do is keep his distance from Vanessa and stay out of any drama that unfolds prior to the veto ceremony. Once Vanessa is named as the replacement nominee, she will self destruct all on her own.
  24. No matter how many times that Vanessa says that she's 100% loyal to her alliance and 100% trustworthy, she really doe not have 1 trusted ally in the house. Initially, it was Austin with TAR Fast Forward/Express Pass. Then Austin went rogue and started playing for Liz. Vanessa tried to steal Audrey from Shelli for a secret F2, but Audrey told Shelli and that blew up. When it was Steve, I really thought they were an unlikely pair, and could possibly make it work. But Vanessa kept Steve in the dark and kept lying to him. No HG in BB history has ever come back from the jury and won the game. If Vanessa truly had one or 2 trusted allies in the game, she might have a shot. But even if she does come back into the game, 2-3 weeks will have passed and she will probably be voted out just like Judd & Nicole when they returned to the game from the jury.
  25. Austin knows how to play the game, but he is distracted by his infatuation with Liz. Austin is no longer interested in winning BB, his sole desire is hanging out in the jury house with Liz. Julia knows that Austin is a big target and Liz doesn't like that Shelli threw Austin UTB to try & save Clay. With Vanessa out of the picture, I don't think that Austin will naturally turn to Shelli as an ally.



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