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Everything posted by mayzee

  1. The only hope for a Shelli eviction is if Judas shows up to vote for it. Vanessa and her other minions (Liz, Julia & Steve) are pretty firm in voting the way that Vanessa dictates. Austin told James that he would be stupid to keep someone in the game who is targeting him. At the time Vanessa had convinced Austin & the twins that Clay was a bigger threat to their game than Shelli. Austin knows that Clay & Shelli both went together and threw him under the bus to James. Since Vanessa made Shelli apologize to Austin & the twins, apparently Shelli is forgiven and all the blame falls on Clay. Austin & James made a deal and James did not put up Austin or the twins. Austin is torn between doing what Vanessa wants and doing what James wants. No matter the outcome, Austin is a big target for all the factions in the house and with Clay gone Austin is a big physical threat. I think that the only one to be pissed off if Shelli gets evicted tonight is Vanessa. Clay will be in shock. but he'll get over it as soon as he sees how happy Meg is. If Clay gets evicted Jackie, Meg, Johnny Mac and Becky will initially be upset, but they should all be properly motivated to go out there and win the HOH. James will know for sure that the others (Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Julia & Steve ) are all working together and another line has been drawn.
  2. I want Jackie to win the HOH comp tonight. I really wanna see a strong woman as HOH with no crying in the HOH room this week. I like that Jackie rocked that silver "armor-tard" this past week without a lot of excess complaining. Good sportsmanship in this game is always a plus in my book.
  3. What's really amazing is how Vanessa shoots down any of their ideas by telling them that it's either stupid or dumb, and they accept it. The other day when Vanessa was talking to Steve she actually asked him for his opinion, and Steve was surprised and flattered. Vanessa knows that she has her crew under her control, but the other HGs are kinda on to Vanessa and can see her as a big threat. Vanessa's plan is to use her crew to take out the threats to her game, and Austin, Liz & Julia are poised to do just that. I just don't think that Vanessa is gonna be able to emotionally handle the game when they have to turn on each other.
  4. It's time for Becky to win an HOH and pick a side, she cannot float in the middle anymore. The big alliances are not working and she needs to pair up with somebody or align with a pair. Being uncommitted at this point with this group makes you an easy target.
  5. I'd love to be a fly on the wall because with no cameras around Shelli would lose it - big time.
  6. Shelli has a really ugly looking "cry face", she definitely needs more practice in the mirror.
  7. I've been really impressed with Steve & James private one-on-one early morning conversations. I don't think that James has been pressuring and/or persuading Steve to vote his way. James has been encouraging Steve to do what is best for his game, not someone else's. Even though James and Steve are on opposite sides in the house, James treated Steve with more respect than his own alliance members. James didn't lie to Steve and he kept his word with regard to nominations. James even told Steve to watch his back re: Austin. Steve knows he's on the bottom in his alliance with Vanessa, I just think that Steve is too afraid of Vanessa's wrath to jump ship.
  8. Shelli deciding to make a deal with James on the wall wasn't very a. s Shelli & Clay were trying to play both factions in the house and got caught. Shelli betrayed James, Jason, Jackie & Meg and didn't seem to care. Shelli & Clay picked a faction that was currently in power. They solidified that alliance with their votes to evict Jason. Those 2 votes drew the line that separated Shelli & Clay from James, Meg, Jackie. When the HOH power shifted to James Shelli & Clay thought that they could sweet talk James and be instantly be forgiven. Shelli and Clay decided that playing Vanessa's game (saving Austin) was more beneficial to keep their numbers high. Shelli wasn't watching their backside and the betrayal cost one of them their game.
  9. Is it just me, or did it look like Becky threw the last round of the veto comp? Did she choke at the last minute? She managed to get on the scoreboard for 4 rounds beating out Jackie, Shelli, Vanessa and Clay, but then in the final round she couldn't get on the scoreboard. Becky didn't really want to win the veto because she knew that Shelli, Clay and Vanessa would be pressuring her to save them. I'm glad that Becky did well in the veto comp and got $5K for coming in 2nd.
  10. Meg is very lucky that Johnny Mac was the only HG to witness her "consolation hug/pep talk", with Clay in the bathroom after the veto comp. Since Meg and Johnny Mac both admitting to being a little drunk, he didn't make a big deal out of it. Any other HG could have run to tell Shelli and all hell could have broke loose.
  11. If Vanessa does not slow down pretty soon SHE is gonna blow up her own game. She is so busy trying to micro manage everybody's interpersonal relationships in the house that she can't seem to understand that she is browbeating her loyal subjects Austin, Liz, Julia and Steve. I have started to notice that when the HGs (Austin, Liz, Julia, James, Jackie, Becky, & Meg) are hanging out and having fun, sometimes Vanessa enters the area and suddenly the mood changes. Vanessa has been working double time planting her little seeds of doubt & suspicion among several HGs. But she is too impatient to allow them to grow. Her insistence that she is always right 100% of the time is ridiculous because she really does not know everything. Vanessa & Shelli both underestimated James's ability to play the game. They cannot admit that they got outplayed this week by James. I really don't like how Vanessa characterized the meeting in the HOH to Shelli, Steve & Johnny Mac. Vanessa totally lied to Steve & Johnny Mac and they bought it, for now. But eventually the truth will come out. And since Vanessa was totally unsuccessful in persuading the other HGs to agree that keeping Shelli was a good idea, she told Shelli that James bullied her and the others attacked Austin. WoW
  12. I think that Vanessa believes that she is playing a very strategic game. She thinks that having a conversation with another HG enables her to "read" them with 100% accuracy. Her poker playing skills may be handy but this is Big Brother and Vanessa has not been able to keep her emotions under control and her game play is all over the place. Vanessa has a severe case of "HOHitis". Vanessa & Shelli were running the BB house for 4 weeks in a row. They have been in power for so long that they don't know how to play the game as a regular HG. Poor Audrey was playing so aggressively that she flipped out BEFORE she was even nominated. Jason, James, Johnny Mac, Jackie have each been nominated multiple times but none of them flipped out or started throwing people UTB. Shelli's first time being nominated and she turned really nasty, real quick. Vanessa was able to smooth things over. Vanessa has been bragging with Austin & the twins about the 3 of them never being on the block. When Liz was nominated Vanessa didn't protect her. Liz was able to win the BOB and save herself. In week 2 Austin saved Liz from being named as the replacement nominee, but that was before any of them knew about the twin twist. I can't wait until one of these HGs win an HOH and have the balls to nominate Vanessa. Shelli got a taste of the block, and now its time for Vanessa to get a taste of it too.
  13. At least Julia seems to recognize that being aligned with a big target like Austin is not necessarily good for her game. I think that Julia might do better aligning with Steve and Johnny Mac. Julia wants somebody else to take out Austin because she doesn't want to piss off her sister. Keeping Shelli in the game over Clay may sound good, but Vanessa is gonna keep Shelli fired up and channeling all her anger into James, Meg, & Jackie. However, if Clay stays in the game Vanessa cannot control him anymore without Shelli. Clay will be targeting James, Vanessa & Austin. I don't believe that the twins would be on Clay's radar.
  14. ITA about his character being menacing in GOT. I never saw him out of character, but once I saw the real life pic - he is definitely HOT! I think that either Julia or another HG said that Austin & Liz look like "Beauty & the Beast". And I must say that I agree 1,000,000,000%.
  15. There's always the chance that Steve, Liz, or Julia will start to think and play for themselves, but I guess it's much easier to go along and play Vanessa's game instead. At some point in the game, you'd think that they would want to actually play BB and make their own decisions. Personally, I feel that Vanessa has aligned herself with HGs that she can control & manipulate, and if that's her strategy, that's OK. But the constant scheming, plotting, and threatening way that she sometimes talks to them is kinda demeaning. She's ruling these HGs with an iron fist. It's like she doesn't have a soft touch.
  16. I wonder what is up with Steve & Johnny Mac???? When are they gonna figure out that they are always the last to know what the plan is???? If Steve wins HOH, Vanessa will be controlling his HOH, so I don't believe that Steve wants to win an HOH comp. But if Johnny Mac wins the next HOH, who's gonna be in his ear???? I know that he trusts Becky and would probably confide in her. I just don't know if Johnny Mac would make his own decisions, or be manipulated by another HG.
  17. I'm just glad that she's not kissing up to Shelli anymore. And that she's on to Vanessa's game and does not really trust her anymore either. Becky is due for another HOH win because she is a fairly good competitor. However her status as a floater makes her a prime nominee by Vanessa's crew.
  18. Vanessa kinda overplayed her hand with that stupid meeting. Even Becky said that Vanessa keeps her word, up until she breaks it. Everybody in that meeting knows that James wants Shelli out and for Clay to stay. Vanessa's argument to leave a bigger threat in the game kinda fell on deaf ears. Some of the HGs are kinda tired of Shelli & Vanessa running the game, telling them what to do and how to vote. I hope this is the week that the twins jump ship from Vanessa & Shelli.
  19. 1. Meg will cry when Clay walks out the door. Vanessa will make a big deal of Clay not giving her a goodbye hug. 2. Definitely want Clay to stay, the girls have been running things long enough, it's time for the boys to step up & win something. 3. Austin, Steve & Johnny Mac.
  20. OMG!!!! James has slipped back into the gullible zone. He told Austin that Vanessa wants to have a meeting to discuss their strategy for the upcoming DE. WHAT THE HELL!!!!! I thought that he believed that Vanessa was the head of the snake, I truly do not understand what he is doing. These idiots are all gonna name their targets and readily provide Vanessa with the info to take them down. I hope that this meeting does not take place before the next HOH is played. Hopefully, James will stop trusting Vanessa after Shelli remains in the game and James, Jackie, Meg & Becky will finally learn their lesson and realize that Vanessa played them AGAIN.
  21. Clay will be so shocked IF he figures out that his 5 alliance members are the one who voted him out. But then again, he did tell them to vote him out of the game for Shelli to stay in the game. Clay is so dense that he'll probably blame James for lying to him about the unanimous vote to evict Shelli.
  22. 6 weeks into the game and she is still a non-factor.
  23. Becky thinks that she's in an alliance with Shelli & Vanessa. She's also trying to make an F2 deal with Johnny Mac. Somehow she's managed to stay safe with James, Jackie & Meg, for now. But Becky is not slick enough to make it work out in her favor. You can only float for so long and eventually you pick a side, or you get picked off.
  24. For the second time I have been impressed by another James & Steve early morning game talk session. You could tell that there was genuine game respect for each other. They were both being as open and as honest as they could be. That was so refreshing that I really wish that they could pair up & work together, but Steve is too comfortable being Vanessa's little rat. Steve knows that Vanessa has been deliberately keeping game information from him, only telling him on a "need to know" basis. Steve told James that he knows that he's on the bottom in his group. I'm glad that James told Steve that Clay & Austin have been tossing Steve's name around as a replacement nominee. And that Meg & Jackie were pissed off when Clay suggested that Steve go up and get backdoored. James made his intentions clear who he wanted out, but he didn't pressure or threaten Steve in any way. James told Steve to vote what is best for Steve's game. I really really hope that Steve flips his vote this week and does not follow Vanessa's orders. He successfully did it once, when it didn't matter. But I want him to do it again and shake up the Vanessa/Shelli reign.



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