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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. I checked out the flashback and was surprised how many kisses they went for knowing cameras were watching their every move. Frank's hands started to wander around and that's when Ashley would start to laugh. When they finally went downstairs Ian immediately went up to Frank and wanted to know if there was any kissing going on. Frank basically told him he doesn't kiss and tell and neither does a lady so the question wasn't appropriate. Frank was having guilt about Ian throughout the "date". I guess friendship doesn't mean bunkus when you're trying to get some action in the BB house.
  2. As long as Boogie doesn't win HOH this week I'm happy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the newbies vote out the coaches ASAP because I want one of them to win this year. I'm too burned out on returning HG to support any of them for final two.
  3. One evening Jenn and Britney were sitting outside and Jenn brought up the fact just girls have been evicted. She said if they didn't try to join together they would see the door way before the guys.(Britney just agreed with her and left it at that) Jenn seems to pay attention to the things happening in the house. I just don't think they show her as much on the feeds because she doesn't talk much game. It should be interesting to see how it affects her game play down the road.
  4. I like the entertainment value he brings to the house. Once he leaves the live feeds will be boring as all get out. I really like him because he reminds me so much of a close friend. He definitely doesn't get on my nerves like a lot of people at Morty's..
  5. If Boogie and Frank made it to the end I really think the jury would never pick Boogie. He's a rich dude and doesn't need the money. I just hope they find enough sense to get Boogie and Frank out the door next. If they stay in much longer they'll wipe them out. There's no doubt Ian will stick with Boogie and Frank. He's so dumb struck having previous players in the house he's going to end up not playing a very smart game. I hate the way Boogie talks about ian. He thinks he's an idiot because he's never aggressive like him. Boogie only uses him for an eviction vote. I hate that but if Ian isn't smart enough to do something separate from Boogie he'll end up in the jury.
  6. Britney is the queen of catty. She must think very little about herself the way she constantly seems to need to tear down all the women around her. She has no business in the BB game except she creates drama for Grodner. Pathetic.
  7. Back pain is no laughing matter. If she really is in that much pain it could be something more than spasms. After dealing with back pain for a very long time I sympathize for her. I would think they would bring someone into the DR to check her out or have already done so.
  8. Everybody in the BB house lies at one point or another. It's part of the game. It's always been part of the game. Even those players who claim they are "straight-forward" with everybody, aren't. Depending on who is sitting in that HOH room, they'll tell them the facts as they want the HOH to believe, whether they're truthful or not. This game is about surviving week after week and you do as best as you can. Period. This is not rocket science. lol Unfortunately the hamsters can't remember all the inconsistencies they've told and these things eventually catch up to them. They've been in that house for several weeks now so there are going to be things they forget from the first couple of weeks simply due to all the "game talk" they do on a daily basis. It's enough to give you brain freeze. lol The HG are familiar with Janelle's history on BB. They know she was a beast on the challenges in the past and feel threatened by that. It doesn't have to necessarily be things she's done this season. All four coaches have BB skeletons in their closet which ends up putting huge targets on their back. The HG didn't figure that out last year until it was too late. I have a feeling though that if the HOH comps fall well for the newbies they'll make different choices this time. Ya gotta hope some people can learn from history and not repeat it. Janelle is just the first coach to be targeted but I'm sure the others will end up having their day as well. Whether they can fool the people enough to stay in that house remains to be seen.
  9. She did the exact same thing in season 11 so I certainly didn't expect her to have matured very much. And guess what? She hasn't. Same crap, different season.
  10. I really like Wil and I'm glad he's off the block. He's one of the most entertaining people in the house and makes watching the feeds fun for me.
  11. I just get so tired of listening to younger people being obsessed with material things. They are so wrapped up in the right label they're missing out on what's truly important in their lives. I don't step foot in Wally-world or Nordstrom's. Material possessions are not that important. Janelle is too wrapped up in her "things". She can talk about it all she likes but it makes her look like a pretty shallow person IMO. I'll be glad to see her go.
  12. I love that Danielle put Janelle on the block. Janelle has been kissing HOH arse for the past couple of weeks and talking about everybody behind their backs, just like every other person in that house. Send her home this week so the others have a better chance getting down the road without her meddling in the house. Buy bye Jani. These people are nuts if they don't target the rest of the coaches next. Otherwise they will end up in final two just like the revolving door HG last year. I'm sooo over seeing the same faces in that house. Get 'em out now!!
  13. This afternoon after Boogie left the HOH making his pitch, Janelle walks in the door and Britney immediately starts spilling the whole conversation they just had with Boogie. Ummm, hello? THIS IS NOT YOUR HOH BRITNEY. I swear if I had been in Danielle's place I would have insisted to talk to Britney alone then read her the riot act. Maybe Danielle didn't want Janelle knowing what just happened. Who the h*ll does Britney think she is? Ugh. I can't stand this girl. I look forward to her eviction almost as much as I do Boogie!
  14. My friend sent me a text and said Boogie was in HOH trying to cut a deal so I hopped online and listened to the pathetic crap he was trying to shovel. He must think they're all idiots. It would be a cold day in you-know-where before I believed a word that came out of his mouth. He is hilarious!! They aren't about to form an alliance with him and Frank. Now that I've seen tonight's episode I'm confident saying I had his number from the minute he walked in that house. He wanted to lay around all summer and win the easy $100,000 but now he has to actually get off his butt and do something, He's acting like a 10 year old who isn't getting his way. Buh bye Boogie. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
  15. Not only is Frank walking out the door this week he has to wear a unitard for his last days in the BB house. Priceless!
  16. She needs to be able to have some time to herself to talk to other house guests without Dan or Britney sticking their two cents into the conversation. As long as they're hovering over her she doesn't have a chance to figure things out for herself which is exactly what they want.
  17. Finding out the entire house was pulling one over on him and Frank is eating him alive. He absolutely can't stand not knowing what's going on right under his nose and I love it! He may be in his 40's but he acts like a 10 year old. All he wanted to do this season was lay around, eat, sleep, eat, sleep some more, stir up trouble, eat, etc. etc. etc..... Now his "easy street" has been ripped out from underneath him and he can't deal with it. The possibility of $100,000 is down the tube and he knows he can't make it to the end to see the half million. Go ahead Boogie, walk out the front door. I dare you.
  18. It's become increasingly difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is lying out their arse. I'm wondering about the chats I've heard the newbies have without coaches present where they're real ticked off at their coach and say they'll ignore what the coach tells them. I would hope that's the case when they do enter the game. One of my concerns would be if Frank remains in the game. Would he band together with the newbies or continue being a puppet for Boogie? It could have an impact on the game. The newbies need someone who can compete well in comps in order to outnumber the coaches. Even though Shane has more than shown his worth for the newbie group it would be beneficial if Frank was there too.
  19. I can see the newbies ganging up together to get them out. Most of them have players who have already turned on them due to their coaching skills or lack thereof. I know that didn't happen last year & it was the season I disliked the most. Since Frank, Ian and Jenn seem to have pretty good knowledge of previous seasons, I would hope they would gang up with the others and get those coaches out yesterday! lol They already know what happens when you believe the crap the previous HG shovel on an hourly basis. My hope is they'll get some ideas to work against the "pros". It would be awesome to see Boogie voted out of that house with a unanimous vote!
  20. Boogie keeps proving over and over he's useless without Dr. Will. If he does get to come into the game I can see just about every person in that house wanting to target him for eviction ASAP including his three players. I would hope the newbies would join together and get the coaches out of the house quickly so at least some of them could play their own game. I have a feeling the newbies will be so ticked off because the coaches were handed three free weeks, they'll get a clue and get them out of the house first! And just for the record I HATE that BB brings in previous winners of this game. You've already won a half million dollars, go away!!
  21. If Frank did stay, I'm not sure he would stick with Boogie. Ian and Jenn are already burned out on Boogie showing all the attention to his curly pet and for the most part ignoring them. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if Frank stays in the game or not. If he did...well let's just say it would make things a lot more interesting with the coaches entering the game. I can see Boogie being alone and the entire house turning against him. Frank would definitely know it would be in his best interest to get the coaches out as soon as humanly possible and see him joining up with Shane to get it done.
  22. If Frank gets voted out of the house I think Boogie will have a hard time finding anybody to really form an alliance with since so many of them don't like him...at least that's what I hope, lol Seeing him hung out to dry without his security blanket in the house (Dr.Will) would make the season worth it for me! rofl He's way too cocky and being taken down a notch or two would be golden in my book. Let's see HIM in the hot seat and how much he's willing to beg for his safety!! Woohoo, I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it!
  23. America's Vote? How stupid do they think we are? Jojo has been doing interviews so it's obvious she's isn't in sequester and neither is anybody else who has walked out of that house. Right now they don't have the numbers in the house for jury and final two. I am getting so fed up with these predictable moves by the producers of this show I can't stand it. I've said it once and I'll say it one more time. Bringing any of the coaches into the game at this point is so freaking unfair to the original 12 players who came into this game with the hopes of being able to play THEIR game. Big Brother, you have turned this into something I no longer recognize. It's not the game I fell in love with in 2000. Not even close. Shame on you.
  24. IMO in that scenario I wouldn't trust America to make good choices. It would turn into a popularity contest and there wouldn't be much of a mix of personalities. I can't see someone like Ian being selected by this type of process and see it becoming rather lopsided overall.
  25. I don't see much difference between Janelle and Britney. They're both attention ho's and only care about themselves. They have no business being in that house in a "coaches" capacity. I do think that Janelle is better than Britney when it comes to provoking negative feelings in other HG. All three times she's been on this show she has intentionally started big fights just to get others in trouble and laughed about it the entire time. Good on her if she can get away with it. I wonder if any of these people have ever heard of karma?



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