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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. Shane is not a naive person. When you listen to his conversations you know he's got everybody's number in that house. The only thing that bothers me is he hasn't watched enough of the show to understand some of the dynamics of BB. When he went to the HOH to talk to Frank, Boogie was there and wouldn't shut up long enough for Frank to get a word in edgewise. I think Shane is playing as many angles as he possibly can right now so I thought it was brilliant the way he kept playing into Boogie's big ego. I didn't get the hear the entire conversation since my feeds keep freezing on me but the parts I heard were pretty good. If I could get more than 10 minutes in a row maybe I would know more about what's going on, lol
  2. I found a new respect for Joe after the conversation he had the other night with Dan. I felt it was very sincere and he showed me there's another side to him that he doesn't show in the house. WTG Joe.
  3. When I heard Britney was a coach I immediately thought to myself, "she is going to make someone's life miserable". She was such a hateful person the last time she was on this show. All she did all day long was hate and degrade all the other HG. She hasn't changed one bit. This girl has some serious issues. I felt very uncomfortable watching her on Sunday's show how she was treating Willie. Chalk it up as the most pathetic coach to ever be on this show. Period. I feel sorry for Shane and Jojo. They don't stand a chance with her as their "leader". Ugh.
  4. Turn on The Talk. Julie is talking about Willie's blowout.

  5. The reason I started watching BB was the psychological aspect of the show. "Strangers" placed in a house together without any TV, radio, telephone or contact with loved ones. They have drifted so far away from the original concept it's disappointing. I think the producers are doing a great disservice to this show by bringing back HG each year. I've been pretty laid back as far as accepting what they've thrown at us but I'm getting burnt on this revolving door. Add to that the problems we're having with the live feeds, no bblite and way too many WBRB and it's a season doomed for failure. Another thing that is going to take me away from this season is the Olympics. I'm a sport fanatic and now that there will be more channels carrying the games I'll be spending more of my time watching them instead of BB. I don't want to say if they do the returning HG again next year I won't watch but I realllllly wish they would go back to the beginning of Big Brother and have all new people. It's the least they could do for those of us who have stuck around all these years. I for one would LOVE it.
  6. I'm so glad he won POV. I'd love to see him win HOH next and stick Boogie's players up for eviction. Really don't care which ones he chooses because if one comes off he can stick the other one up there. Somebody needs to take Boogie down a few notches especially after this week. I don't like that he ended up a have not two weeks in a row because it can take a toll on your body and he needs all the strength he can get with these ppl sticking him on the block week after week.
  7. I've said it a few times and I'll say it once more. You could look at his eyes and tell he was ready to explode. He would get these looks on his face last week when he had to sit in that room with two women who didn't know when to put a cork in it! I'm sure he has never been put in that situation before because if he needed to get away from it in the past, all he had to do was walk out of the room. rofl I'm sure the idiot thought since he was probably leaving this week why not make a grand exit. However, he may have just screwed the pooch when it comes to his paycheck. If he left like a regular person he would get his stipend. Being forced to leave after a physical altercation probably nullifies the money. I could be wrong about that but wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.
  8. Ashley was talking about how the people who wanted Kara to stay were trying to talk to her prior to the eviction but Janelle was sticking to her like glue so they never got the chance to speak to her in private. She said Jani was actually doing the same thing the other people in the house were doing and it made her uncomfortable but she felt there wasn't anything she could say about it since she's her coach. Janelle uses the tactic of "killing them with kindness". She thinks all she has to do is expose those pearly whites and it makes others go weak in the knees! lmao They'll do whatever she's trying to get them to do and so far it's worked for her. It may only be week two but Jani is in this for the long haul. Not sure I agree with her tactics though. Last night she was sticking to Frank and Boogie like glue. If any game talk was going to take place between them she was NOT going to miss it! lol Gotta admit, she's a real go-getter.
  9. Poor Frank doesn't stand a chance with Boogie as his coach. He won't make any of his own choices any more than Willie did last week. These people should have taken Willie's advice and not listen very close to the coaches. They are not your friend especially this washed up loser. Ugh.
  10. The newbies this year are getting screwed like the newbies last year thanks to repeats.
  11. That team will learn in short order that Brit is only there for Brit. To heck with coaching anybody. IMO she hasn't changed since her season and she'll end up being her own worst enemy, and THEIRS!
  12. I don't believe for a minute they get to "enter" the contest and play for the grand prize. Too many factors would work against CBS for them to go that route. Besides, the producers know it wouldn't be right to let them come into the game a few weeks down the road when they were never in a position for possible eviction. It was simply a person blowing smoke into space and had absolutely no substance. Period.
  13. His smarmy arrogance is revolting. I hope he's the first coach to leave the house.
  14. Ya know...a whole lot of stuff has been perpetrated by Janelle and Brit. The long talk sessions they've had upstairs has probably fried Willie's brain. He probably hasn't had to sit and listen to two women yak that much since he was a kid and couldn't just leave the room, rofl You can see it in his eyes when they start to glaze over after 10 minutes! Cracks me up! Maybe if Jani & Brit weren't constantly in the HOH, Willie would be playing a better game. I don't see a good coaching aspect from any of them except Dan. IMO the other three are working more on what will give them the glory and not letting their team make their own decisions. They TELL them what to do and these crazy ppl are doing it. This is definitely why I don't like this angle of the game. They don't need coaches barking orders at them and the sooner the HG figure that out the better. It looks like Willie has already cooked his goose so now he'll have to live with his actions. Played too hard, too fast and ended up hanging himself.
  15. I am beyond frustrated with the live feeds. I can get it open but it only runs for a couple of minutes then starts with that loading icon in the middle of the screen. I've shut just about everything down in my startup menu so there isn't much running in the background. I thought maybe that was the problem where too many resources are running at the same time but that didn't even help the situation. I have a great connection with my modem and it doesn't appear there's anything there that's causing the problem. I truly hope they get bblite going soon because I don't think I'm going to be able to watch the feeds if they don't and that really makes me mad! I've been reading so many posts across the internet where there are a bunch of people dealing with Real issues. This totally sucks!
  16. He's still as disgusting as ever. I can't stand listening to him.
  17. *UPDATE* We have gotten ahold of Real Networks and will be working through this. This is the last message left on bblite's facebook page. Apparently they did finally make contact with Real Network and they're working on getting bblite working again. No clue how long it will take them but many people seem to be contacting them saying they desperately miss bblite and can't wait for it to work this season. 36 hours ago I had given up on bblite but now I'm hopeful we may get it after all. Keep thinking good thoughts that we'll be able to use it this year!
  18. I like him too. He's sharp as a tack and very little will get by him in this game. If he's warmed up to all the HG I'm sure he'll be a favorite with them too. I love that he immediately had Willie's ticket. Now that everybody knows who that dude is chances are he won't be around very long. I seriously doubt he's going to be kissing any butt being the HOH and all. Good on Ian! I can't wait to see how he's going to play these things to his advantage.
  19. Willie couldn't lie about his hometown. His accent would have told everybody he was lying, lol I got a big kick out of the first show and can't wait to get on the feeds! It's time, let's go superpass!!
  20. I'm sure this is one guy who will milk the cameras for all they're worth. I expect him to not last real long but if he does, good on him.
  21. Does anybody know what happened with the embezzlement lawsuit against Boogie? I've been looking around and can't find much on it.
  22. Thx for the pics and spoiler posts! I can't believe I'm gonna have to wait until 1am on the east coast to see the live feeds. Bring it on though. I'm ready!
  23. It's a shame the people who developed bblite won't return any e-mails sent to them from fans. I went to their facebook page and nothing has been posted by the owners but several fans who have tried to get a response from them have made a post there. This is so disappointing to me. That program made my life so much easier with live feed updates. Now that I'll have to use the super pass in a browser it's going to slow my computer down. If I had a new computer I wouldn't worry about it but this thing is several years old and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it makes it through BB. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.
  24. I thought most people who are fans of BB wants to see craziness in the house and not watch a bunch of boring people lying around all the time. Well, it looks like Wil is going to fit that bill. I can't wait to watch him in there and how he interacts with the other HG!! I feel that way about a few of the HG this season. Bring on the mayhem, we're watching!!



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