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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. My excitement level has finally reached 10! I've got my snacks and beverages ready to go. Let's get this show on the road!
  2. I think it will be interesting to see if the mentors have separate sleeping arrangements or if they'll have to go through the have not restrictions along with their group. We already know there isn't enough beds for the 12 let alone 16. I would hope they have to do the same because it will give them the incentive to really fight against the have not punishment or fight to get HOH. I believe it's fine to judge the HG IN the house but I don't think it's fair to judge their personal life OUTSIDE the house. I realize that may be a fine line for a lot of folks but if Janelle decided to accept this offer and be in the BB house this summer that's her business. Hopefully people will have enough respect for her to not start in with the bashing. I admit I did post she probably wouldn't do BB this year and be away from her baby but I was wrong. When it's all said and done, she is the one who has to live with the decision. Not us.
  3. Just because there were 14 slots on the wall during media day doesn't mean it will be that many once the HG are there. They still had time to change things between media day and first day of HG. Just sayin'... I also think the four big surprises ARE the returning HG.
  4. Russell is five years older than Willie. I'm betting Willie learned a thing or two from his older brother. If he's got a short temper, he'll have to deal with a whole house full of people as opposed to half of the people on the island, lol I'll be very surprised if he makes it to jury.
  5. Annie was bisexual. I enjoyed her interviews. I think she'll take her time getting to know the other HG's after seeing how they are going to respond to her. I think she has a funny personality and makes those around here laugh on a regular basis. I just hope the more conservative HG will give her a chance and not judge her by physical appearance. Then again I wish that for all the HG. You're going to be locked in a house with many other people so take the time to get to know them. If I ever ended up in that kind of environment I'd make sure I had a lengthy one on one chat with every person there. I also think she'll be good entertainment on the live feeds.
  6. I do NOT see Will coming back since he stated he would never do BB again. If it's true they aren't bringing back anybody from last year that counts out Rachel, Jeff and Dani. Dick already stated what he's doing this summer and it won't be returning to that house. I would be pretty disappointed if they brought back Boogie. He's got a lot of negative baggage hanging around his neck. I can't see Janelle leaving that baby so she's out. Please, no more Jessie. He's worn out his welcome on this show IMO. Natalie is already off the list. That leaves seven possibilities; Britney, Dan, Enzo, Howie, Kaysar, Ragan and Renny. Picking from that group I'd choose Britney, Dan, Howie and Renny. BTW I think I remember Renny being interviewed during the after party last year and she said she would like to do BB again. Not sure if that's correct or not but I'll have to go back and see if I can find it to be sure. There are a couple of vets I would have liked to return like Casey or Marvin. They were both good for entertainment and made me laugh!
  7. I finally got BBLite to load correctly after a few tweaks. It's showing the beginning of BB13 so I'm assuming since they are functioning they will work once the show begins. There still hasn't been anything posted on their facebook page to say they are being updated. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Suez, just go to bblite and download the application. It's free or at least it was last season.
  8. After watching the interviews on SuperPass I found out there are several people going into the house who love to cook so Joe won't be alone in the kitchen. I'm hoping since they do have a chef that TPTB will give them more items to use in cooking like a good assortment of spices and condiments. The more you have on hand the better your dishes will be IMO.
  9. OK I'm confused. I posted in this thread but the post disappeared. Not sure why that happened... Was it something I said?
  10. My first impression was pretty positive. She's a big fan of BB and seems to know the show very well. She appeared rather laid back but nervous at the same time. Even though she's the oldest female I don't think that will have a negative affect. She has 5 stepchildren so I'm sure she's used to being a good referee in arguments, lol That could come in handy in the BB house!
  11. I really enjoyed his interview. He's very personable, polite and easy going. He was found on the internet by the producers. He was named Mr. Vermont by Cosmopolitan Magazine in 2010 which is how they found him. He's a newbie and doesn't know much about the game which could possibly hurt him. I think a lot of the HG will be drawn to him, both male and females. He grew up in a small town in Vermont. I think he has a very nice personality and will be fun to watch on the feeds. I get a real positive energy from him which is very good.
  12. My first impression of her is positive. She doesn't appear to me to be the type of model who's totally into herself. She's been a fan of BB since season 7 so she's familiar with the game. That can play to her advantage. I get the sense she's very grounded, sweet and gets along with others well. I think she'll not tell the HG she posed for Playboy because she won't want that label stuck on her in the house and I wouldn't blame her. I hate the way people will automatically stick you into a category they feel is a negative thing. Just because you posed for Playboy doesn't mean you can't be down to earth and not so hung up on your looks. It's the people who react by saying, "oh, you posed for Playboy huh? Well, that tells me a lot." Um, no it doesn't. Get to know someone first before you pass a negative judgment.
  13. I'm probably the only person who thinks this but it seems each year BB picks HG based on what is currently popular in our culture or media. Each person can be placed in a niche comparable to what's popular. I think this gal fits in to the "jersey girl" group. She's Sicilian and very head strong. Her attitude comes across like she's tough and nobody is going to mess with her. Very alpha female (not that that's a bad thing). I do like strong women but some have the tendency to be a little quick to react to others. If she can control her emotions and not let things get to her she may be able to go far in the game. I do respect the fact she's overcome her drug addiction. That takes a strong person to go through something like that and make it to the other side a lot stronger than they first went into it. Kudos Jojo!
  14. My first impression of her is a very sweet lady with a big heart. I love nurses because they give so much of themselves to their patients. When they're great you can't beat it! I've spent enough time in hospitals so I know what I'm talking about. lol I think she'll be a favorite with the other HG. I do see her being a little on the quiet side until she gets to know the others. I also think nurses are good at reading other people which can be a good trait to have in this show.
  15. Since I don't watch Survivor I am not familiar with the Hantz family so there's no preconceived notion about this guy. He appears to be cocky and a little arrogant. Even though he's a fan of the show I don't think it's going to be as easy as he thinks to stir up trouble and not end up in the middle of the mayhem. That's a tricky thing to pull off and not sure he's the one who can do it. I can see him becoming a polarizing HG. He may be laid back at first but after they've been in that house for a couple of weeks the true personality starts leaking out. At that point it's Katie bar the door! lol If his arrogance takes over he won't last very long in that house IMO.
  16. Even though she's a big BB fan she appeared to me like a typical ditzy blonde. She says that will work in her favor but I have my doubts. She wants to be Snow White? Seriously? Let's see how many HG she'll turn off with her "I'm all about love" mantra.
  17. First impression is he's likable, sensitive and outgoing. He appears to be a little high strung and that type can turn some people off after a while. I want to see how he interacts with the other HG and how open he'll be about himself. That will help me figure out how far I think he can go in this game.
  18. My first impression is he doesn't seem comfortable in his own skin. Throughout the interview he sat with his arms crossed like he was trying to protect himself and not say too much. Even though he's very analytical I don't think he has a lot of common sense. I don't mean that in a cruel way. There are many people I meet who have book sense but little common sense (that includes immediate family members of mine, lol) and I think he falls into that category. I'll know more once I get to watch him on the feeds. I thought it was funny he said he didn't like Russell Hantz. Ian, what about a relative of Russell's? lol He is pretty shy so not sure how far he will go in this game.
  19. I really enjoyed his interview. He seems like a very nice guy. He has a good personality and interacts very well. After watching his dad be in the limelight for all those years has probably given him a leg up on knowing how to be on camera, outgoing and fun to be around. He will make friends easily. He also knows the game and has watched BB since season 6. So far so good.
  20. I'm right there with you, kywildcat! I love it that there are two HG this year from Kentucky. I think Diane was the only other HG from our state so I was surprised when i saw two from here. lol I'm anxious to see a video of him though. I can pick up a lot about a person by their body movements and tone of voice on important subjects. I think the HG will enjoy having a chef in there but not sure how far that one item alone can get him to the end.
  21. Most of the people who go in that house have been fans of the show. I'm sure they all feel they have a strategy how they want to play the game. When TPTB throw a wrench into the works where their fate ends up in somebody else's hands, it can't be easy. There's a litle voice in my head (I know I should see somebody about that, lol) telling me there isn't going to be mentors. Having mentors will drastically change their game plans from what they originally thought they would do in that house when they received their house key. I know that's the point where I would concentrate heavily on my approach to the game then along comes "expect the unexpected". Crap.
  22. Thanks for the posts uvp! You rock!!



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