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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. You may want to go ahead and Google how to magically go through your TV, because if Vanessa tells him to do something, he's gonna do it. He is a pure patsy.
  2. If Liz stays, I could see her beating Vanessa straight up. Here's a scenario to consider. Liz stays and wins HOH. She evicts Steve. Jmac wins at F4 and Austin is evicted. Liz win at F3 and evicts Jmac. In my opinion, Liz would have the resume to beat Vanessa straight up. If Austin or Liz wins the next two out of three HOH's, Vanessa's chances of beating them at the end is very slim if you ask me. If either Austin or Liz makes the final against Vanessa, they will have two automatic votes on the jury to Vanessa's one (Steve). Actually, they would probably have 4 votes because of the way Vanessa treated James when he tried to talk to her. When you start counting jury votes, Vanessa better make sure that she is sitting next to Steve or Jmac at the end.
  3. Other than James and Becky, no one wanted to take out any top players unless they could blame it on someone else. This is the blood-free season. Maybe, they should pull straws to see when each of them will be evicted.
  4. Based on Jmac's past performance, regardless of the comp for next week, when push comes to shove, Jmac will look for some justification to throw the comp and let someone else make the decisions next week.
  5. Steve believes he is playing a much better game than he is/has played. I would not be surprised if he won the comp at final 3, he would try to be another Ian and take Vanessa to the final. Of coarse, I think that would be a stupid move, but i would not be surprised if he tried it.
  6. I could definitely see Austin being in TNA. There's already an angle for him to play as a nemesis to Jesse (Mr. Pec-tacular). Or, they could work as the team from BB. I
  7. rally votes? Steve? You must know a different steve than the bumbling geek I watched.
  8. I would assume that a person that graduated HS and college would know what a salutatorian was. Sometimes it is hard to remember what the person with the second highest gpa is called, but, when someone says the name, you would think it would jog the memory of a couple of college graduates.
  9. Vanessa keeps saying that it was irrelevant to her game who won between austin and Jmac, because she did not want people to analyze the advice she gave Julia. The last thing vanessa wanted was Julia to take out Jmac and end up facing austin, because she knew austin would throw the comp to julia. she needed julia out as soon as possible. But, I have to give it her, the twins has bought her BS hook line and sinker.
  10. Steve's bear with the look of bewilderment. He's trying to figure why he has bigger balls than Steve.
  11. The bratwins having a hissy fit because austin would not fall on the sword. Liz is done with Austin...well, unless he wins the 500,000.
  12. What happened to all the shyt the Austwins was spewing last week about getting rid of vanessa? Tonight was the perfect opportunity to take her out,
  13. I think steve is the biggest wuss to ever be on big brother. He is another super-fan that is a terrible game player, if you ask me. He is playing for second, at best. As a super-fan, he should know that he will need a resume at the end. What is his accomplishment? Keeping vanessa happy and being a pu$$y?
  14. Well, the last man left the house. Now it's 3 eunuchs that happily handed over their balls to the two of the women and a brat.
  15. Vanessa has been doing this the whole season. Remember how she treated Jeff? Remember how she treated Steve when she was thinking about sending him home? Or, Jmac in the blow-up before Clay went home? Everytime that she has been hoh or had pov, she crapped all over people. She goes on a power trip. I think it is ingrained in her real personality of entitlement and belief that she is better than other people.
  16. That is because Jmac is lil biatch. He needs vanessa to command him to vote out julia. it is sickning to see how happy he is to working with (for) vanessa.
  17. It would be sweet to see Julia go, followed by Vanessa.
  18. Well, if they pull it off and blame steve for the vote, that will be all vanessa needs. She would be all over steve for going against her and nothing will change her mind once she has decided that steve lied to her.
  19. In my opinion, if vanessa does not breakup the 3some this week and either one of the 3some wins HOH, vanessa's chances of winning will be nil because she will never get the chance to have the numbers over them again. I my opinion, evicting Meg this week is just a waste of an HOH where a significant move could be made.
  20. I hate to ask, but, are you making a joke or is this a transcript? In the case of Vanessa, both are possible.
  21. If you asked me, they are all scared to make the move and go for the win. Based on the way things are going, the person who wins will win by default, not because of the moves they made. Vanessa is playing the best game, even though everyone is on to her and talks about voting her out, they haven't. If the vote was held today, I don't see how anyone could vote for anyone else.
  22. I hate that the game is playing out this way, but, I do not feel sorry for Jmac's punk ass. He deserves to be on the block and he deserves to be voted out...again. The week before Jmac was voted out, he and Steve made an alliance with Austin and the twins. So, during the HOH comp, he and Steve threw the comp, Austin won and Austin ended up putting them on the block and Jmac was voted out. He then won the right to go back into the house. So, what did he do? Did he learn anything from the previous week about what could happen when you throw a comp? NOOOOOO. He didn't learn a thing. He made a deal to put his bb life in the hands of vanessa...an ally of the three people who double crossed him the previous week. So, in my opinion, he does not deserve to make it past this week. Send the stupid dentist home.
  23. Jmac is back. vanessa is HOH. Geez. Over the last two weeks, this game could not have gone any worse for me.
  24. I would like to see Jackie come back with Becky being my second choice. However, I believe Shelly is a very strong competitor and she will be the one that comes back. If Jmac goes out, I hope he does not come back. He doesn't deserve to be in the game. He spent to much time throwing comps and being Clelly's bitch. If Steve goes, do not come back. I do not understand his game strategy to get to the end. I liked him better when he was absolutely irrelevant in the game.
  25. Why Meg? Personally, I would think that Meg would be at or near the bottom of the list for people to evict, game-wise. That would be the person I would be dragging to the F2. Then again, Meg may be the only person left that Vanessa hasn't made a F2 with.



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