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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. If we had real players in the game, he would be toast. Unfortunately, I believe most of them will allow him to control their vote from the block.
  2. I think, if Day is evicted before Z, Paulie will carry her to final 3 because he knows that she is loyal to him. He basically has two votes as long as he keeps her.
  3. Z is a place holder or a fill in and definitely a follower. She will go as far as someone else takes her.
  4. Unfortunately, unless Bridgette wins HOH, she's going on the block. If she doesn't win HOH or Veto, she is going home. But, in my opinion, once Frank is gone, voting out Bridgette is a waste of an HOH. These folks have their heads so far up Paulie's ass, they don't even consider thinking on their own. Does anybody have a final 3 that doesn't involve Paulie?
  5. Man, James really disappointed me. I always feel that if you make a public deal like that, you have to honor your word. Even though the rest of the house may have wanted him to nominate Frank and Bridgette, I feel like he should have manned up and told them that he made a deal and he had to honor that deal. He only made the deal with Bridgette, so he could have put Frank on the block along with Victor. Now, his word means nothing and no one else will feel like they have to honor any deals that may be made with him and Natalie. This is absolutely the shittest group of vets to ever return.
  6. I think Natalie is starting to figure some things out, unfortunately, they may have waited too late. Everyone knows that Paulie, Cory and the two girls are a foursome, but, there doesn't seem to be any coordinated effort to break them up. Someone really needs to make a move against Paulie, but they keep eliminating themselves.
  7. You would think that Zakiyah doesn't have any problem getting a man on the outside, so it is kind of surprising to see how starved for a man she is. Her whining and constantly hurt feelings, over the way Paulie treats her, is pathetic. Apparently, they really do forget about the cameras, because, no self-respecting woman should be whining about a man, the way she does when she has only known him for a month. She needs to think about the image she is presenting for all of America to see.
  8. If I remember correctly, on Afterdark, Bridgette said that she was volunteering to be evicted. I believe she said it when her, Frank and Paulie was having a convo.
  9. @mayzee - I agree with everything you said. I was really disappointed when James ratted out Da to Paulie. In fact, I have been really disappointed with the vets play this season. As vets, they should know that information equals power, and, that they should be very selective with the information that you share and only use that information to gain an advantage. Unfortunately, the vets seem to have diarrhea of the mouth and tell everything they know. After Frank got screwed with the Bronte vote, he should have been a lot smarter than to start blabbing about what Da told him. Everyone should know that you never call a house meeting, and, you never air dirty laundry in public. Basically, the people on the bottom has set themselves up to be evicted by setting up the people they will need down the road. Idiots.
  10. The guys are able to get away with that attitude because the girls always snitch on their alliance and never stick together. Every year, you have some form of guys alliance of 3 or 4, but they hardly ever out themselves to the girls...until it is too late. The girls need to play smarter and be more selfish.
  11. I actually liked Nicole in her first season, even though she wasn't much of a gamer. I really expected her to come to play this year. But she is really a disappointment. She seems to be even more needy this season than she was last season. I hope she gets booted within the next two weeks. I know this may be an exaggeration, but it seems as if over half the women that come on BB, show up looking for a man. So many of them latch onto the first guy they think look good and then put all their hopes into that guy carrying them to the end. It makes me wonder if BB specifically recruits women that they know are starved for a man's attention. Every year, an all girls alliance is proposed or made, but, they all seem to fall apart within the first 2 or 3 weeks. I would love to see a girls alliance whose members were more committed to the other girls than their showmance.
  12. I hope Frank doesn't decide that he needs a dog in the house because Idjet would be fetching bones and turning flips before you knew it.
  13. Tiffany is Vanessa's clone, not her sister.
  14. Wait. When did he talk crap about military veterans? I was under the impression that watchers reference to vets were "BB" vets. Am I wrong?
  15. I really wanted Glenn to win last night. But, i guess it was for the best since BB had basically doomed him by making him the only person from his age group. I don't know why they could not put at least 3 or 4 from the 40+ age group in the house.
  16. The only thing I can say about this guy is that he is not quite as dumb as Josea, but he is damn close.
  17. Calling him a dumbass would be giving him too much credit.
  18. So far, none of them have grown on me. Just wasn't impressed. But, it normally takes a few weeks before I get a favorite.
  19. Hopefully I won't have to watch him for too many weeks.
  20. I hate that they use those questions at that point in the game. I would not have a problem if they used comments that players made during conversations in the game. However, asking the questions after the player leaves the game, lessens the chance that the player will give an authentic answer. In the case of Jmac, I would have guessed he would say that the best part of the summer was not having to drill people's teeth. However, I would never have guess that he would say that the best part was not having to drill peoples "nasty" teeth. He's a practicing dentist. Under normal circumstances, in which he knows a large number of his patients are watching, I don't think he would ever use the descriptor "nasty" to describe his patients teeth.
  21. I am glad that you saw it that way. This is the first season that I felt was boring from start to finish. Normally, I enjoy the whole season, even the parts when other people are calling it boring. However, this season just was not exciting to me. But, as boring as I thought it was, I will be waiting for next season. Also, just because someone thinks a season was the worst ever, doesn't mean that they will not watch the next season.
  22. I think her big reveal would have gone over better is she didn't add the part about four and half million dollars...twice. I imagine the players who work for less than 10 dollars per hour, live in their moms basement, etc felt like she was rubbing their face in it with the 4 1/2 mil comments.
  23. Boy, I am so glad this season is over. In past seasons, the last six or seven weeks have generally been the most exciting part of the season. It is when players started making real deals and the backstabbing was interesting and added to the show. Not this year. The last six weeks may have been the most boring 6 weeks in BB history. In my opinion, if they would have stopped the game 3 weeks ago and allowed the folks in the jury to vote and pick a champion...I don't think many fans would have gotten upset. I really think the end of the season was like putting down an injured animal...we were ready to be put out of our misery.
  24. I really thought Jmac was gonna win. Glad James won. Other than that, I did not really care who won. To me this season was just too long...but it had nothing to do with the 98 days. It have every thing to do with the uninspiring cast. To me opening night of survivor was way better than the finale of BB.
  25. I knew I would get her evicted. She was 1 question away from winning, but my jinx caught up with her.



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