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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. Zakiyah is just a special kind of DUMB. She has definitely earned a spot in the top five most gullible BB players ever.
  2. Considering you have 3 couples in the game, I don't see why these people do not make a move and send Z home. They all know that she is going to vote whatever way Paulie tells her to vote. If these people have watch BB at all, they should know that at some point, you have to make a move and start building a resume for yourself. Just waiting for the prize to fall into your lap, usually does not work. I wish James would get a little more aggressive and try to build a real alliance. Right now, it is just a matter of time before he is on the way out the door. He knows he's at the bottom of the guys alliance, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything tp change things up. Waiting for him or Nat to win HOH is not going to cut it.
  3. Natalie has basically figured out what is going on in the house, but, she doesn't understand how to make the information she has work for her. However, this year, it probably would not matter if she did understand how to play the game, all the other folks, who know a little about playing the game is completely owned by Paulie.
  4. Yes, he is that dumb. His nomination speech was intended to be good television, but all it did was made him look stupid as hell. How can he possibly be ragging on the girls about the vote to send him home, when Paulie is the one who back-doored him?
  5. If they do not take him out this week, Paulie will be in the F3.
  6. This would be the perfect time for Vic and James to get together and make a move. They just have to make sure the veto is used, James cancels out 2 votes and presto...new game.
  7. You hit that right o the head. Z and Meech is up on the block. Vic was backdoored by Paulie and now he's Paulie's bit**. We must be watching Big Brother, the spineless edition.
  8. Last night or early am, James told Cory that he was not going to try to win the HOH. Of course, that was relayed back to Paul and Paulie. So, when Paul and Paulie were talking, Paul suggested that they may need to get James out next. Paulie disagrees because he knows he can continue to use James for a vote. But, they see his not trying as a sign of disloyalty and laying low since he would not be trying to further the cause of the guys. I honestly think James was just trying to relay that he would let the guys win over him, rather than, he was just going to flat out throw it. But either way, it shows how James has completely lost control of his destiny in the game. Paulie, Paul and Cory pretty much own him now.
  9. ITA. If Paulie and his minions continue to win the HOH, I figure James will have about 3 more weeks. Depending on who wins HOHs down the road, he will be the first guy evicted.
  10. I think James is playing a terrible game.He has allowed himself to just become a vote. I don't see any type of strategy that he has to advance to the F2 or F3. He's basically just going along to get along and hoping they will take him and Natalie to sixth and fifth place.
  11. This is probably part of a larger plan by CBS. I suspect, they will be looking to see if it is profitable to have reality programming that will be for online viewing only. There have been lots of news stories about people cutting the cable. This will help BB and other networks gauge how successful they can be in expanding programming to internet only viewers. Personally, I hope the fall version is different from the summer version. I hope they use a different host, producer, and be more creative with games and challenges.
  12. Day is the target because Paulie believes that Day has more influence over Z than he does. He also believes that she could reel Michelle in. everybody else is under his control, either directly or via a showmance. Over the last few weeks, Day and Paul have also gotten pretty close. So, taking Day out takes away a potential ally for Z, Mich and Paul.
  13. Are y'all sure Corey did the goat thing? He doesn't seem t have the brain matter to do anything on his own, even if it is stupid sh**.
  14. I would love to believe that, but, based on the way these girls are playing now and how easily influenced they are, there's no way the five girls will vote for one of the other girls to win.
  15. I believe it was on Saturday, but I could be wrong.
  16. If Paulie makes it to F3 and he wins HOH, if Nicole is sitting there, he will definitely take her to F2. Paulie and every other guy will be thinking about Cody and Derrick. From now on, I believe the weakest player will always be carried to the F2. And frankly, I think Nicole's game is even weaker than last year. After Britney Haynes, you would think every woman would be very cautious about getting in showmances, but, every year 3 or 4 women show up ready to find them a man and become the next Jordan or Rachel. They forget about the other 50 that got used and made to look like fools.
  17. The only reason the Bronte vs Tiff vote was close was because it was engineered to be that way. Otherwise, it would have been just like every other vote. "The house" means one of two things...either I am a puss and doesn't have any backbone, so I am being controlled by one or two other people or I am going to screw you but I don't have the guts to just tell you.
  18. James is a nice guy and everyone likes him. However, James doesn't know how to turn friendships into strategic partners. There is a good chance that, if he or Nat does not win the HOH, one of them could go home next week. Paulie has been telling people that Z will be out after Day, but I doubt it. Once Day is gone, there will not be a reason to send Z home, for a few weeks. Paulie is going to switch things up and target James if he can.
  19. Unfortunately for Day, you need allies to execute a plan and every possible ally is a willing servant of Paulie's.
  20. From a game standpoint, Paulie is playing an excellent game. You cannot blame him for taking advantage of the stooges. I wonder if any of them will wake up before they are targeted?
  21. Michelle let her jealousy get in the way of smart game play. If she wanted to play with Frank, she should have been an adult about the whole thing and worked with Frank and Bridgette. Practically every one of them seems to be happy with just making it another week, rather than, trying to figure out a end strategy and trying to make some moves. I really do not know what Michelle's game strategy is.
  22. You have hit the nail on the head. These idiots do not even understand that they are getting rid of Paulie's enemies instead of theirs. What did James get from his HOH? Nothing. His position in the game has not improved. I felt that if he would have honored the deal with Bridgette, Bridgette might be working with him and Nat now. But, he went back on the deal and he was not able to form any new alliances. He basically threw her out in the cold where she could easily be snatched up and feel obligated to the first person willing to do her a favor. Paulie is right there to use Paul's HOH to do Bridgette a favor. Now, she feels more appreciative and obligated to Paulie than Paul.
  23. I think the new plan is to take out Day, the other player who is basically alone.
  24. Zakiyah had another freak out last night over the way Paulie treats her. She is soooo dumb. It is just pathetic. She is going to be so hurt when she gets out and watches the season. She will be devastated to find that he was planning her exit while she was crying over him. It is frustrating to watch a woman or anybody, make such a fool of themselves. She should have applied for The Bachelorette rather than BB.
  25. Since Michelle is concerned with her image, I have to wonder if she considers how she will be viewed before she opens her mouth. She couldn't have thought she would be portrayed in a good light when she basically told Bridgette that she didn't like her because she came between her and Frank. She came across as the jilted lover that was denied a showmance.



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