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    1. Big Brother Canada Season 12 - Morty's TV Digital Daily Coverage Page   (53,973 visits to this link)

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      Download the Morty's TV Big Brother Canada Season 12 HG Reference Guide! Read a summary of the day's Digital Dailies updates? Only on the Morty's TV Digital Daily Coverage Page for Big Brother Canada Season 12!

    2. Big Brother Canada Season 12 Community

      bbcanada.jpg..jpg Big Brother Canada 12 is the twelfth season of the Canadian reality television series Big Brother Canada. Hosted by Arisa Cox, the show revolves around a group of contestants, who volunteered to reside in a fake house built in a television studio under constant surveillance and without any communication with the outside world as they compete to win a grand prize of C$100,000 cash. 

    3. Survivor Season 46

      Survivor_46_logo.pngSeason 46 of Survivor is the 14th consecutive season to be filmed on the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. It continues to follow the post-COVID protocols, including a reduced game of 26 days, with 18 castaways in 3 tribes. The season will premier with a pair of 120-minute episodes on Wednesday nights before settling into 90-minute installments until the 3-hour finale. The season was filmed from June 3 to June 28 2023.


  2. TV - Reality

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    4. Survivor 45

      Survivor 45 Logo Season 45 of Survivor is the 13th consecutive season to be filmed in the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. It continues to follow the post-COVID protocols, including a reduced game of 26 days, with 18 castaways in 3 tribes. The season will be shown in 90 minute installments on Wednesday nights. The cast includes Bruce Perreault from Survivor 44, who was medically evacuated due to injury on the first episode.

    5. The Amazing Race Season 35

      The Amazing Race Logo The 35th running of the Amazing Race, hosted by Phil Keoghan, features 13 teams of two racing around the world for $1 million dollars. The winner will have visited 3 continents, 8 countries, and traveled over 23,800 miles. For the first time since COVID, teams will fly commercial. There are no non-elimination legs and there is also an Express Pass in play, and a required U-Turn. The season will also be aired in 90 minute episodes.



  3. Celebrities

    1. Yana's Celebrity Interviews

      yana_forum.jpgOur resident Spoiler Scout has branched out to become our Celebrity Interviewer. Yana's been contacting former HouseGuests from Big Brother and other reality shows. Check in here to post questions and see who Yana'a tracking down next.

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      ifound-this-funny-forum.webpFind a funny picture, or a joke, share it with your friends on the TVFanForums

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