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Saturday, August 11th - Live Feed and BBAD


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Ashley - Flip-flop bimbo. Lays in bed all day with Janelle then becomes a member of "the herd". She will be gone within three weeks. Couldn't play first HOH, just sat on the floor for how long doing nothing! And by the way bimbo Ash, she said Shane looks emancipated. Big Brother, pleasegive these people a dictionary. The word air-head is emaciated! Even Danielle should have corrected that one, brilliant wanna-be physician that she is.

Britney - Lousy Liar. Pay attention and you'll catch that stunned deer-in-the-headlight look on her face - eyes wide, mouth half-open looking dumb

Dan - Best player after Ian (now that Janelle is gone); Danielle's puppet master

Danielle - puppet to Dan. Folly to not-yet-out-of-the-closet Shane's awkward advances. Grow up D, highschool is long over for you! (Why is it that females named Danielle's on this show are always so jealous of others and are/or become so unlikable?)

Frank - the spirit-tard is his true calling; bimbo cheerleader style. Daddy Psycho Sid emasculated him. I'm quite sure that if the spirit-tard had been shorter as he requested, it would have looked more like camel-toe than junk-in-the-front! Not as big a threat as everyone seems to think he is. HOH comp this week must have been about road-kill or some simpleton challenge.

Ian - Intelligent and has great game. Currently the best player in the house. Should win overall. Also, the best looking male in the entire house; comes off more masculine than any other male in the house.

Jenn - Who? This year's player, who when you start counting up votes, you forget she's there to cast one. Could float to end if others weren't aware of her presence. Just joking!

Joe - loud-mouthed story-telling jackass. Production, tell him to stop screaming at the camera; we can hear him just fine. I'd bet any money that his family is enjoying the peace & quiet of his mouth not being around.

Mike - Whiny, piggy-backing ignorant woman-hating pig! His bromance-showmances have more to do with his personal preferences than his game plan. Wake up. You dress and act like a 12-year old kid who runs and pouts when he can't get his way. Hopefully, his child is not privvy to his ignorant ways.

Shane - Tom Cruise look-a-like. Likes a LOT of pink. Come out of the closet already and stop teasing Danielle! Boogie wants to nuzzle up to you.

Wil - in"flamed" egotistical irritant. Started out great and personable but can't except that someone saved his game for him two weeks running. And where is he now? Block, block baby! Social game will only take you so far.

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Great post Yawnie. You are right on about them. I agree- I think Shane needs to come out of the closet and cuudle w/boogie in the bed - then we could watch stalker dani loose her cool. That would be worth watching.

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I can understand Danielle being upset. Afterall, she came on this dating show and look at the choice of men she gets. Shane (half his wardrobe is pink), Boogie (disgusting gay or straight), Frank (likes to dress up like a women), Joe (Yuck and married), Wil (also likes to dress up like a woman but was never an option), Dan (she'd go for it but his halo gets in the way) and Ian (The only definately straight, unmarried male in the house). With choices like that, whats a stalker girl to do?

Wait... you mean BB isn't a show like The Bachelor Pad?

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I can understand Danielle being upset. Afterall, she came on this dating show and look at the choice of men she gets. Shane (half his wardrobe is pink), Boogie (disgusting gay or straight), Frank (likes to dress up like a women), Joe (Yuck and married), Wil (also likes to dress up like a woman but was never an option), Dan (she'd go for it but his halo gets in the way) and Ian (The only definately straight, unmarried male in the house). With choices like that, whats a stalker girl to do?

Wait... you mean BB isn't a show like The Bachelor Pad?

This is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

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ZINGBOT just came into the house...

I had the feeds last year (that was the first year) but I don't remember seeing the very beginning of the comps. They did this yesterday with the Have Not (saw the first 10 seconds of that too). Is this normal or some idiot on the feed button? Not that I'm complaining except now I'm ticked cause we'll have to wait til Wed to see it.

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I had the feeds last year (that was the first year) but I don't remember seeing the very beginning of the comps. They did this yesterday with the Have Not (saw the first 10 seconds of that too). Is this normal or some idiot on the feed button? Not that I'm complaining except now I'm ticked cause we'll have to wait til Wed to see it.

I would guess that it is just someone that is off with their timing or hasn't been told before hand.... I kinda like getting little glimpses of what is happening... I would rather see all of it & not get any FotF or WBRB....

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she probably couldn't pass the mental evaluations. Big Brother obviously doesn't give them lol

Oh my goodness you have to go to her thread on here and look at the awesome link that kywildcat put up!!!!!! We are all spot on with our Dumbell analysis!!!!

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I would guess that it is just someone that is off with their timing or hasn't been told before hand.... I kinda like getting little glimpses of what is happening... I would rather see all of it & not get any FotF or WBRB....

I like it too but I'm bummed cause I like the Zingbot.

I think we should be able to see the comps too since we're paying for the feeds!!!

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