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Wednesday, August 1st - Live Feed & BBAD


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This is it... last day for Frank to change his fate. Or Janelle and her team continue down the path they did yesterday and it will end up saving Frank instead of Joe.

Should be an interesting LATE night, either way.

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CeCi, Hi! Frank is on the block? :huh: I thought Shane decided to be loyal to Shane?

I have been out of the loop since the last show. Is there anyway you can catch me up? (I went into Chat but nobody was there)

So I guess things have REALLY changed in the house huh?

I would appreciate any help!

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with all the pressure from Janelle and Brit and the sense that Goober was a factor in whether Frank would be loyal, Shane caved in and put him on the block and Frank better go home because he will def go after Shane if he does not go home

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with all the pressure from Janelle and Brit and the sense that Goober was a factor in whether Frank would be loyal, Shane caved in and put him on the block and Frank better go home because he will def go after Shane if he does not go home

Oh wow Shane is CRAZY! I guess I should give Shane more credit than I thought. I actually agree that getting Frank out of that house is a good thing for Shane. Especially because he's with Goober. I don't trust Goober as far as I could throw that disgusting man. When did this all take place? Maybe I can go watch it. I would love to see when Shane made this decision.

So I guess Shane won the veto and then took off Ashley and replaced her with Frank? How did Frank take all of this? How did Goober take it? (I guess Goober isn't so darn smug anymore?? Or is that asking to much?)

Wow I figured I would come back and it would all be the same and as boring as ever. I guess I missed ALOT!

Frank better go home because he will def go after Shane if he does not go home

Wow I bet Frank and Goober will go FULL speed after Shane IF Frank stays it that house. Wasn't Shane worried about that?? I would hate to deal with going against Frank and Goober.

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It is so funny to watch Janelle and Ashley and their game of keeping control of people. Janelle and Ashley get on either side of Danielle keeping an eye on her.

Then Wil goes over and is hanging with Boogie and Frank. Janelle goes and sits between Boogie and Wil.

There is a word for that if I remember correctly. C**k blocking?

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Danielle will vote to get rid of Frank, so Shane will be safe. Hate that Joe will stay. I wouldn't put it past Grodner to have Frank magically return. He seems to be a fave or hers. Frank acts like he knows he's staying. Don't think Wil fools them.

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Danielle will vote to get rid of Frank, so Shane will be safe. Hate that Joe will stay. I wouldn't put it past Grodner to have Frank magically return. He seems to be a fave or hers. Frank acts like he knows he's staying. Don't think Wil fools them.

I think that you are right.

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Hi, Slimcruz....I also fear no matter who joins game, the loyalties will remain pretty much as they are Janelle's peeps vs. Boogies, with the others floating between sides. Obvious imo at the end it will be in F2 Boogie vs. Janelle or if it were a movie it would be "The Revenge of the 50-foot Woman..."

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Hi, Slimcruz....I also fear no matter who joins game, the loyalties will remain pretty much as they are Janelle's peeps vs. Boogies, with the others floating between sides. Obvious imo at the end it will be in F2 Boogie vs. Janelle or if it were a movie it would be "The Revenge of the 50-foot Woman..."

Hi, LenRay. I agree. I never realized how tall Mike Boogie is.

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Whatever happens I really want it to be a blindside! Somehow I always get the feeling they know--the surprise always gets ruined--I want to see actual shock and then a truly classless exit!!!! :karatelou:

OK Now they are saying the show won't even be live tomorrow!!! Why am I always disappointed like this?

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CeCi, Hi! Frank is on the block? :huh: I thought Shane decided to be loyal to Shane?

I have been out of the loop since the last show. Is there anyway you can catch me up? (I went into Chat but nobody was there)

So I guess things have REALLY changed in the house huh?

I would appreciate any help!

Hi vanna... good to see you got some answers from our fantatic members. I've been logged off all day.

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OK Now they are saying the show won't even be live tomorrow!!! Why am I always disappointed like this?

I didn't hear them say that but, I did nap today.

I heard Brit/Shane and I think Dan was there... talk about how the two nominees won't be giving their "speeches" for voting... which they are assuming means they need time for Julie to make her big "announcement".

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