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BB 14 Premiere, Thursday 7/12

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showtime!!!!! :balloon2::balloon3::balloon::animated_bouncy:

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we lose a hg before we even get to know them smh :animated_bouncy:

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Another season!! I'm not a big poster, but am always reading your comments! 14th season! Truly excited to see your posts and all again.....fatcat and smassadi and everyone! 10 minutes to go!

YES!!! A fan!!!! :animated_wave::wub: BTW IT"S OOOOOOOOON!!!!!! Time for BB!!! YAY :animated_bouncy:

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russell makes his mandatory appearance :animated_bouncy:

maybe ashley thing wasnt an act after all :):animated_bouncy:

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ok, just tuned in , had to wait for the dvr to get a little ahead as I like to get thru the commercials, yea!!!!

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i thought dr always coached :animated_bouncy:

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maggie :):animated_bouncy:

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janelle has nice boobies :animated_bouncy:

poor willie the gig is up on the first night :animated_bouncy:

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janelle has nice boobies :animated_bouncy:

poor willie the gig is up on the first night :animated_bouncy:

He looked less like him in those pre-show interviews. But looking at him on the show, exactly the same.

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so far I like most of them, wil with one L is hilarious just from the little I saw,lol

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