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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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julie's favorite houseguest this year is janelle and her least favorite house guest ever was jase. While her fav comp was in season 1 with the sumo outfits and she would never be a contestant on big brother.

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I am now a fan of Marcellas the man ROCKS!!!!! He isnt afraid to voice HIS opinion, the dude calls it as he sees it!!! I didnt care one way or the other before but after his interveiw with Eric on House Calls the man got a new fan. I even took it so far as to Email cbs and told them to give Marcellas Juile Chens job cause he rocks so hard!!! 

and no Im not gay I am a straight white 40 year old getting fat bald guy!!! 


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Guest ennayerac71
Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone knew how to e-mail Marcellas Reynolds... If anyone knows please reply because I made this Kaysar and Janelle Poster and I want to send it to him. Thanks in advance.


try his website


I know he posts on it all the time

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Guest DraftKing

I'm watching today's (8/4) House Calls today right now (which is already archived), and Marcellas backed up a point I've been saying on here about how CBS/Endemol (well, he didn't mention Endemol) editing the show to make Ivette's side look much nicer than they are in actuality. I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone on that thought (I know others on here have echoed that sentiment), but it was nice to hear Marcellas acknowledge that on HC.

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Cappy's Cafe of Newport Beach Ca should change it's name so it wont sound of any relation to the crappy Cappy

I think that Marcellas did a great job with what CBS allowed. I think that unfortunately Eric won't be able to see why everyone hates his behavior until he sees the tapes. Keep in mind that Eric had just got evicted the night before so reality hasn't really set in. I think they should have done the House calls interview later on after they have had a chance to watch the tapes of themselves to be a really honest interview.

Maybe Eric would have felt like a heel then. I liked Eric in the beginning but at the end he was way too much for me. I still hope Maggie wins though!

He really should've ripped Eric a new one. Im talkin' pushing him to the floor and start slapping him and all that.

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Marcie, FYI I saw BB the clown on MTV "Made" as a personal shopper and you should have seen the the outfits he put together...gag!

Actually the point of his exercise with her, was that if she could be comfortable wearing weird clothes, she could be comfortable struttinger her stuff in anything. He was trying to get her to be comfortable out of her style comfort zone.

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So I watched Housecalls today, like I always do, religously. Anywho, Marcellas sweetie, I have to tell you something: I was SO jealous of you today. You had the yummy Kaysar next to you. I applaud you for not jumping his bones. I mean I don't think I could have reisisted. And he patted your thigh. HE PATTED YOUR THIGH! Bugger, that is so unfair!

But I have an important question: What colour were his eyes?

And a comment on Kaysar: It's pretty funny how a straight guy who so obviously doesn't have a personal shopper has better fashion sense (and taste) than a gay man who is a personal shopper (Beau Beau the clown). Because besides for that brown sweater, which I think looked a bit oversized (but boy oh boy could you see his pecks under it), that blue shirt he had under it looked divine! And did so much for his skin tone.

Did you think I was talking about you Marcellas? Of course not! You always look amazing!

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Guest WhatUpKaysar!!!

Marcellas, I agree you do an awesome job...there will always be critics but better yet there will always be fans!

OMGosh I envied you today! Kaysar was beyond H-O-T! LOL, I would have PAID to do that interview! That man has sex apPEAL!

Keep it up babe!


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I feel sorry for Gretchen, she does an excellent job. This is the second week in a row where she might have had to pull Marcellas off of a contestant. (different reasons though).

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Hey there Marcie.....it was sooooooo great to c yu being YOU again while you interviewed the gorgeous hunk of a man, KAYSAR!! You are SOOOOO beautiful when your exhuberance shines as it did with him.!!!!

LUV YOU BUNCHES...I"M VOTING VOTING VOTING for KAYSAR for BB and also to get to c yu shine again with him !!!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSS


(I'd buy the DVD also if ya make one!!!)

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vote kasyer.

Holy. I'm too fresh of a poster to be asking this, but do you actually say anything but 'vote for kaysar' or variants thereof? I am voting for Kaysar, a lot, and this is still bugging me. Are you some sort of new species of Kaysar bots? Were you brought to earth to vote for Kaysar and be witness to his greatness everywhere you go? Do you sell Amway, too?

I mean the thing is, in rhetoric, one must buy the authority of the person giving the directive before obeying him or her, and I'm unclear why I or anyone should obey a Kaysar-bot. I'm a fan of Kay, but not so much a fan of slavish unthinking obedience, hence my dislike of the Girl Scouts under Maggie.


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Hey Marcellas, I just watched some archived episodes of Housecalls and I JUST LOVE YOU! I never really got into Housecalls last year, but I was so proud of how you interviewed Eric (what a creep)! And I laughed my a$$ off after the Kaysar interviews. I love Kaysar and Janelle too!

I was explaining BB6 to my 24 year old daughter the other day (yes, I'm old) and I brought up your name. She said, "Oh yeah, I know who Marcellas is" and reminded me of Season 3 when they would show you talking to yourself in the house (and answering). I had forgotten all about it, and had another laugh about it. She doesn't watch BB now, but you were memorable to even her! I wish we could see those episodes again.

You rock, Marcellas!

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Hey Marcellas, I just watched some archived episodes of Housecalls and I JUST LOVE YOU! I never really got into Housecalls last year, but I was so proud of how you interviewed Eric (what a creep)! And I laughed my a$$ off after the Kaysar interviews. I love Kaysar and Janelle too!

I was explaining BB6 to my 24 year old daughter the other day (yes, I'm old) and I brought up your name. She said, "Oh yeah, I know who Marcellas is" and reminded me of Season 3 when they would show you talking to yourself in the house (and answering). I had forgotten all about it, and had another laugh about it. She doesn't watch BB now, but you were memorable to even her! I wish we could see those episodes again. 

You rock, Marcellas!

You CAN......they have ALL of Season 3 for sale in DVD box set for $29.99 at http://www.mortysmall.com/cgi-bin/amazon/s...earch&locale=us

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Guest jimmydot

Marcellas, I at last got a chance to watch the eric show..... I was surprise that you kept your feeling in.... that not like you.... kind of wish you had gave him hell.....

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On todays show you said the producers cut off the phone call by the guy asking about the fairness of the million vote programs and you campaining for Kaysar's vote. I think they felt he was going to accuse them of rigging the voting. I don't think that's what he was going to say and they should have let him finish his point.

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I was curious what that guy was going to say, too, though he might have been cut off because he was going on and on and on and on - but I have heard calls equally long. I just rewatched it; I really hope that guy calls back, but gets to the point faster.

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Tuesday August 9th, Lynette Rice of "Entertainment Weekly" will be in & later this week we will have Shannon Elizabeth!

Hopefully Ivette will be in Friday. ;)

& coming soon... KG...

I hope, I hope, I hope!!!! Should be SOME interview...you won't be able to get a word in edgewise! (ya' know what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying to you?)

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What the _ _ _ _?

Quote, "Please NO shout outs on House calls. Please. You cannot do that.

Yet, here you are pluggin' your show, and upcoming guests.

Whats good for the goose ..............

so many double standards surrounding HC and next day change of policy after critisism.

Gotta say, I love the show for the information content, Gretchen is great, but the kvetching ain't.

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