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Daniele - Week 7 (Replacement Nominee) Part 2- Evicted 8/25 Jury #2


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Dani now pitching to Adam. She is telling Adam that her Dad would not think he is a good player. She is getting really snotty with him.

LOL! Not hard for her to be snotty... she is VERY good at that...

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If Dani only had a fraction of the class J/J have she might be able to do something or be somebody. I cannot stand this girl and will be soooo glad to get rid of her tonight. Then onto that two faced Shelly!

Assie you are so right! I wanted to slap that girl across the face last night. Has it entered her selfish little brain that Jordan was on slop for 2 weeks in a row and we never heard this kind of whining. Dani is one person that I feel is in real life as she is in the house. As long as she has need of you she is nice and if not, a person is not on her radar. I have the feeling that Rachel is nicer outside the house than Dani could ever think of. I so hope she goes on Thursday and if Adam is smart he will not jump to Dani cause she will treat him about as well as dirt. Dani and ED deserve each other. This is the first house guest I have bashed. The way she was treating Kalia, her "friend" last night was plain ugly. She may have had a rough life with ED as a father but that is no excuse. She needs to put some big girl panties on and accept what SHE started in motion!! Not sure who is worse....Dani or Shelly but that bitch (shelly) needs to return Rachel's stuffed dog INTACT with an apology!!

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EXACTLY, wildcat.......dani rides her father's coat tails,production coat tails, uses and abuses them all...."they'll quit if I'm evicted"......no way.they didn't have to take crap for that.....who is this person who cares about no one's life than her own.....ding, ding, ding, ED's daughter

Actually that is not true. Her first season she was won a lot and was behind quite a few moves that helped keep them there. Just because dick was the loudest doesnt mean he carried her

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Jeff wasn't feeling 'entitled', he was pissed that his 'solid' vet alliance was a sham--from the one who was so adamant about keeping them 5 strong & trying to bring another player for a strong 6 (Dominic). Dani made a big move at a bad time & screwed her game royally. She's even admitted it. Her behavior is childish & petty. When she, Kalia & Porsche took up residence in the HoH the last 3 weeks she was smiles, giggles--until Kalia dared to go against her & put up Lawon. Then her divatude kicked in full force, until SHE decided it was a 'good move', then back to peaches & cream. She preaches that she KNOWS this game so well & acted as though the house should throw petals as she walks to the F2. It's ridiculous. She's a fierce competitor & she of all people knows that ability alone puts a major target on you. Add to that betraying your alliance too early in the game & she escorted herself to the jury instead of the F2. She honestly could have won this game(based on comps alone)--she has no one to blame but the person looking back at her in the mirror.

Amen, Amen and AMEN!!!

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For Dani to tell Adam if he doesn't keep her that her Dad would think he is not a good player. Playing on the fact that he is an Evel Dick fan. OMG what next.

Shelly told Adam this morning it was time for him to man up.

He has got to see what nut cases these girls are.

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You mean the same way Jeff and Jordan expect everyone to hand them the win. Daani made mistakes, but at least she played the game and made moves. Game wise Jeff and Jordan have done nothing except get Dani out. If I was on jury I would not vote for them to win. if they do make final 2 I hope it goes to Jordan again and not greedy lazy reality tv attention manwhore Jeff.

And if Jeff and Jordan do get to the final two Dani will be able to say "Told you so" to every single person in the house

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Dani now pitching to Adam. She is telling Adam that her Dad would not think he is a good player. She is getting really snotty with him.

Wiat until she finds out her FATHER THINKS she's a BAD PLAYER TOO!

And her bashing Rachel for NOT cleaning up, Jordan for floating and everyone complaining and whining...SHE TAKES THE PRIZE FOR ALL THAT!!

Her first 4 weeks she did NOTHING in the kitchen but eat, complain and bash whoever she needed to to get her alliance going and look at her now...a complete picture of all she has been, is and will be. I LOVE when she says "I HATE people who do nothing but complain and don't play th game, I'm so NOT that way"...so who are we watching? Her ALTER EGO??? She's gotta go cause her mission to show she didn't need Daddy has been proven wrong, she is NOTHING without him there to push her, protect her and correct her!

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Assie you are so right! I wanted to slap that girl across the face last night. Has it entered her selfish little brain that Jordan was on slop for 2 weeks in a row and we never heard this kind of whining. Dani is one person that I feel is in real life as she is in the house. As long as she has need of you she is nice and if not, a person is not on her radar. I have the feeling that Rachel is nicer outside the house than Dani could ever think of. I so hope she goes on Thursday and if Adam is smart he will not jump to Dani cause she will treat him about as well as dirt. Dani and ED deserve each other. This is the first house guest I have bashed. The way she was treating Kalia, her "friend" last night was plain ugly. She may have had a rough life with ED as a father but that is no excuse. She needs to put some big girl panties on and accept what SHE started in motion!! Not sure who is worse....Dani or Shelly but that bitch (shelly) needs to return Rachel's stuffed dog INTACT with an apology!!

You're right Cuddle, even having a father like Dick is no excuse for treating her own alliance so badly.

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Well, I sure hope that BB catches her sneaking cookies last night and give her a penalty vote......That would be sooooooo funny and the other houseguests would be so shocked!! If the live feeders can catch screenshots of this then BB should be able too as well!! I saw these shots on another BB spolier site!! Not sure if anyone here caught them or not. Appearently it took place at 2:11 a.m BB time, she was in bed in the have not room all covered up and sneaking the cookies under her blanket!!!

I use to like Dani alot but this season, not so much!! and it has nothing to do with the way she is treating Jeff & Jordan, it's just her arrogance and how the BB world is only about her and for her!!

It is obvious she is sneaking something. this morning, 2:11am lead 2. She pulls something out and slips it in her mouth but doesn't really chew! She would not be eating slop this way!!

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It is obvious she is sneaking something. this morning, 2:11am lead 2. She pulls something out and slips it in her mouth but doesn't really chew! She would not be eating slop this way!!

Yes Sucks has been reporting all morning she was sneaking cookies and thinks she should do it out it the open like Jen. LOL

She said she was going to raise hell--yeah OK :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

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It is obvious she is sneaking something. this morning, 2:11am lead 2. She pulls something out and slips it in her mouth but doesn't really chew! She would not be eating slop this way!!

Wait til you read the rest of the posts it wasnt food it was her retainer

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Wait til you read the rest of the posts it wasnt food it was her retainer

It was her retainer once but several people are saying she also ate cookies. I don't know but people who watched the feeds all night are saying this.

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Dani has Adam trapped in the kitchen now working him for his vote. She would say nobody has to know. She is begging him. She keeps telling him how good they would be if he was on her team. She said Jordan sucks. bla bla bla bla

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now she is telling adam she sucked at vetos

adam reminds her that she won a ton in her season :animated_bouncy:

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Dani has Adam trapped in the kitchen now working him for his vote. She would say nobody has to know. She is begging him. She keeps telling him how good they would be if he was on her team. She said Jordan sucks. bla bla bla bla

I think Adam will hold steady but it still makes me nervous! I can't wait for Thursday.

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I think Adam will hold steady but it still makes me nervous! I can't wait for Thursday.

I am a wee bit nervous as well... Dani is not shadowing Adam & telling him that Jeff plays a personal game & she doesn't... Jeeze... she is almost as delusional as Shelly...

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Dani thinks she is not an emotional, hold-a-grudge player--you're right-she's delusional.

I wish Adam would try to hang around Jeff or whoever and stay away from dani.

I know RIGHT! That is what I am saying!!!! He keeps saying to J/J to "Save me if I am not out in a few minutes" when he talks to the Hag Nots...

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