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Britney - Week 8


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The thing about Britney is, she's not really that smart and she's not really very nice. All of her sarcasm, name calling, making fun of and general nastiness just makes her unappealing. She and Ragan are both detestable. My Mother taught me at a very young age that when you argue/compete with ignorant people, their only defense is to resort to name calling, foul language and making fun of you. I was a smart kid and grew up in rural Kentucky. I had to deal with backwoods hicks like Britney and they acted just like her. I'm not sure what to make of Ragan except he is just a very damaged, insecure, gay man with self esteem issues out the patootie. Brendon and Rachel both showed sympathy, forgiveness and just a general higher EQ than Britney or Ragan. I'm sorry this gruesome duo is still there and Rachel and Bendon are gone. Yes, they have been mean at times but they at least showed some remorse, unlike Brit and Rag. I'm not sure I can continue to watch the show at this point unless I just hang around to watch one of the brigade take down the two meanies. That might be worth it.

One more thing..nothing to do with the game just an observation...has anyone else noticed that Britney has a wandering eye? She reminds me of a little blonde female Marty Feldman.

Well said. I agree 100%

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Britney is intellectually very smart. How can you say she is not? She is not very smart when it comes to men it appears.

As far as her not being nice.... They are all playing the same backstabbing game.

I dont agree, Marty. Britney and Ragan could talk for hours about how much they hate Brenden or Rachel. None of the other houseguests spend that kind of time bashing others. Sure, they've all shared a quick insult or A conversation or two. Britney has literally spent the entire time in the house bashing other house guests. Last night she mentioned how much she hated Brenden as least a dozen times. The guy isnt even in the house and she's still talking about him. If she were so intellectually smart she would have other things to talk about - certainly not her HATRED for a male houseguest that isnt even in the house.

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Britney is intellectually very smart. How can you say she is not? She is not very smart when it comes to men it appears.

As far as her not being nice.... They are all playing the same backstabbing game.

I respectfully disagree. She is absolutely not "intellectually" smart. I defy you to name one intellectual that spends as much time making fun of people, insulting people and declaring such hatred. Intellectuals just do not conduct themselves in this manner. Britney is, for a lack of a better word, simply a smart ass. I suspect she may have, though I don't know for sure, learned this behavior from her somewhat bitter mother. She has been spoiled and doesn't realize the world doesn't revolve around her, therefore thinks whatever she thinks or feels is okay to say out loud. Something a true intelligent person would not do.

Definition of Intellectual according to Webster: of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"

It is NOT rational to lay around with another person constantly making nasty, mean, degrading comments about someone you barely know and not even letting it go once the person has been eliminated from the very context of your persistent stream of degradation.

So, I guess that's how I can say Britney is NOT intellectually smart.

I also disagree that the other's have made it a mission to bash and degrade her on national television the way she has Rachel and Brendon. Britney has definite issues in this regard.

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Perfect. In such a crappy season as this, such a scenario is all I have to look forward to.

1000% agree!

It always seems to come back to the way Brendon and Rachael were treated :guitarist:

It's simply an observation and it's not "were" it is "are". She hasn't stopped yet.

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Unfortunately, she's gonna swoon over the fact that Lane won't put her up and think he's still on her side.

Exactly! If she was smart...which she isn't...she could flip the script and make Lane her little slave. I have a feeling he might be easy.

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Unfortunately, Lane isn't smart either. He can't win against Hayden or Enzo in a final two vote. Both trump him on pure gameplay and friends. Especially if he personally evicts Britney this week, it'll be one less vote for him.

I know...and I kinda hate that because on a likability scale Lane has moved up a little this past week with his funny DR sessions. None of the remaining house guests have a very high level of likability but if I have to pick someone it's going to be Hayden or Lane. Enzo is way too annoying and the other two are just so freaking mean. Britney didn't even manage to get through her HOH blog without making derogatory remarks about Brendon and Rachel. Not a bad word about anyone else, just those two. Neither of them said a disparaging word about her...well unless you count Brendon calling her a spoiled brat...but then again, that's just a fact.

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It was 5:40 a.m. china time and I checked the feeds and Twit was still going on about Rachel and Brenda. The only thing that fuels that kind of endless hatred is some kind of jealousy IMO.

lmao - She's lived up to her nick "Twit" so many times and I've posted about it, so I'm not getting the "intellectual" part.

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Britney is scarily obsessed with Rachel and Brendon. I wondered who she would denigrate once Brendon was gone and now I know. Brendon and Rachel. Nothing has changed. She's a much worse wacko nutjob than Rachel. Sorry.

Was she in love with Brendon? Love gone wrong? What?

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Britney is scarily obsessed with Rachel and Brendon. I wondered who she would denigrate once Brendon was gone and now I know. Brendon and Rachel. Nothing has changed. She's a much worse wacko nutjob than Rachel. Sorry.

Was she in love with Brendon? Love gone wrong? What?

I don't think she is any more obsessed with Brendon and Rachel then some posters in this forum. :animated_rotfl:

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I think that posters have pretty much let go of rachel and also brendon considering that brendon just left. To say that britney is not obsessed with brendon and rachel is silly. It is there for anyone to see.

Wait. I detract that deduction. I just read a ridiculous post about Brendon and Ragan so yeah...they're still obsessing over them, too. ROFLMAO.

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Following the weasels for years after their BB stints, posting updates about them, writing "my boy" and "my girl," declaring love for them, defending them against posts that don't agree with you etc., etc is obsession in my book and it happens all the time here.

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I don't think she is any more obsessed with Brendon and Rachel then some posters in this forum. :animated_rotfl:

Isn't it ironic how some people mirror their own comments? :animated_rotfl:

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Britney is scarily obsessed with Rachel and Brendon. I wondered who she would denigrate once Brendon was gone and now I know. Brendon and Rachel. Nothing has changed. She's a much worse wacko nutjob than Rachel. Sorry.

Was she in love with Brendon? Love gone wrong? What?

she is obsessed with both of them.

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These HGs don't have much to talk about. The only thing they have in complete common is their (previous) roommates. All HGs have talked about eachother, in length, in all seasons. Why is Britney so special?

I wonder if Britney would use the POV to save Ragan, forcing Lane to nominate Hayden. I hope she would, but fear she wouldn't. For some reason, she'd rather get Ragan out and be with the other three guys.

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Following the weasels for years after their BB stints, posting updates about them, writing "my boy" and "my girl," declaring love for them, defending them against posts that don't agree with you etc., etc is obsession in my book and it happens all the time here.

I've noticed that. Gives a person pause.

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I've been a good boy all season. I've managed to stay awake during every episode. I've even pretended to look excited despite the fact that this is by far the worst cast I have ever seen.

So, you gotta grant me one wish.

Please let Britney win POV and use it to save Ragan. The look on Enzo and Hayden's face would be priceless.

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