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Week 8 - Favorite and Least Favorite Houseguest


Favorite and Least Favorite Houseguest  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite housguest?

    • Jeff
    • Jordan
    • Kevin
    • Michelle
    • Natalie
    • Russell
  2. 2. Who is your least favorite houseguest?

    • Jeff
    • Jordan
    • Kevin
    • Michelle
    • Natalie
    • Russell

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Who is your favorite and least favorite? Have you changed during the previous 7 weeks?

Week 1 results: 143 votes

Favorites - Jeff in 1st place with 31.47 % and Michelle in 2nd with 17.48%, #rd was a 3 way tie between Casey, Jordan, and Kevin with 9.09%.

Least Favorite - Jesse took 1st place with 43.36% and Russell in 2nd with 18.88 %, Natalie took 3rd with 10.49%.

Week 2 results: 164 votes (this week we allowed more than one choice)

Favorites - Jeff with 38.8 %, Jordan in second with 18%, Casey with 14.22 %, and Laura with 11.37%

Least Favorites - Ronnie took the lead with 26.78%, followed by Chima 14.64%, then in a close 3rd is Jesse with 14.23%, and finally Lydia beat Russell for fourth place with 13.81%. (Russell only had 12.97%)

Week 3 results: 145 votes

Favorites - Jeff continued in 1st place with 57.93 %, Jordan in 2nd with 20.69%, and 3rd went to Casey went 7.59%.

Least favorite - Jesse in 1st with 42.76%, 2nd is Natalie 21.38%, and in 3rd it is Ronnie with 15.86%.

Week 4 results: 135 votes

Favorites - Jeff really took the lead this week with 66.67% of the vote. Jordan with 18.52% of the vote. And way behind but in 3rd is Michelle with 5.93%.

Least Favorite - Jesse was out in front with 52.59%. Natalie came in 3rd at 21.48% with Ronnie a close 3rd at 18.52%.

Week 5 results: 146 votes

Favorites - Jeff was the overwhelming favorite with 75% of the votes. Jordan had 16 % and Michelle came in 3rd with 6%. (No surprise that Chima, Natalie, and Lydia had no votes for being favorite)

Least Favorite - Natalie took the front with 48% of the vote followed of course by Jesse with 35%. 3rd place was Chima with 12%.

Week 6 :56 votes

Favorites - Jeff 64%, Jordan 21%, and Russell and Michelle tied with 5%.

Least Favorites - Chima 71%, Natalie 21%, and Lydia 3%.

Week 7 : 117 votes

Favorites - As always Jeff had the lead with 47% followed by Jordan with 30%, Michelle came in 3rd with 14%.

Least favorites - Natalie took the lead with 70%, and Lydia in second place with 23%, Russell came in 3rd with 3%.

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Bahahhahahhaa... I can't believe so many people hate Natalie... it's funny! I wonder if she'll ever know.

My fondest wish would be that Natalie, Chima and Ronnie would know how much they were disliked!!! It is sweet that America got to tell Jessie AGAIN how much we disliked him and that was with his phony hey. look at me, I am a nice guy exterior.

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Complete change for me...

Fav = Russell

Least = Kevin

I'm completely off the Jeff/Jordan bandwagon. No way I want two idiots to win this game.

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I'm completely off the Jeff/Jordan bandwagon. No way I want two idiots to win this game.

:animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

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Fav: Russell

Least Fav: Jeff

ok...Jeff is not really my least favorite...but he keeps talking about backdooring Russell and trying to go to F3 with Nasty...ugh...I'm really disappointed with him and I'm sorry but I won't support stupid behavior!

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But Ceci.. if they do make final2, maybe they arent such iditots..

If they some how remotely make it to F2 ,they will have backed into IT... It won't be because of game play. The only way they will make it is by winning HOH's and POV"s ,which is part of the game, but IMHO it is NOT gameplay! I'm sorry sending lydiot home,the weakest player in the house who is not even playing the game over kevin or gnat,or for that matter even BD'ing russell if so inclinded??? Running your mouth off to everyone in the house what your game plan is. I don't think that is good gameplay ,no matter how you dice and slice it!

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But Ceci.. if they do make final2, maybe they arent such iditots..

It's going to be virtually impossible for J/J to make it to the F2 no matter who goes the next couple weeks. The only way for that to happen is for Jeff to win the last HoH (cause we know Jordan ain't winnin' that one.)

The biggest mistake J/J/M and even R are making is that NONE of them can win the 500,00 against Nat or Kev. So, they've got to take their chances on battling it to the end with each other (M/J/J/R.) What really po's me about this whole thing is that I don't think Jeff really believes Russell is after him. Russell has shown him since week 3 when he had HoH that he is going to be loyal to him and when he shakes hands on his father, he means it. I think what really is happening is that Jeff is worried he can't beat Russell when it comes to F4 and he's trying to save face now...

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How could no one win against Nat or Kevin?

If either J/J/M is up against N/K in the end, the JH votes would be tied.

Jessie, Lydia and either N/K would vote for N/K.

Russ and Jeff's crew would vote for J/J/M.

America would break the tie and Jeff's crew would win.

(Looks confusing but I hope it's not lol)

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i actually thought n/k chances to win was over when chima left. i guess most are expecting russell if he gets bd and leaves him holding a grudge . when chima hg was still in play i had no doubt her or kevin would win the game easily . with her gone i thought their chances was pretty much gone . its still too early to tell if russell goes which way he will vote. jeff did save him with coup de charity :animated_bouncy: .

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I agree if jeff doesn't backdoor him ,russell will probably vote for any of the other 3 jeff/jordan/michelle/ over kevin or gnat...

If jeff does backdoor him I would bet money he wouldn't vote for Jeff/jordan over kevin or gnat!!

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