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What FoTH do you remember and/or want this year?

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We have had ... fish.... front doors.... weird flames.. what others foth have we had and what do you think we will have this year?


I won't have the feeds this year, but I liked the fish the best...


I liked the fish best.

I can't think of anything else to fit FoTH..maybe Furniture of The House?


hmmm... maybe they could have some flags flying at the top of the fence in the back yard...

and we would have Flag of The House ???

^_^ maybe not

I just DON'T want to hear that theme music played over and over and over again ... arrggghhhhh :angry:


They will probably have something green since so much of the house is "green" this season. But I don't know what terminology they will use for the FOTH abbreviation.


For those that missed the first season (BB1) what we refer to now as FOTH was back then a live camera feed from inside the backyard chicken coup. Live chickens, theme song and all! (Chicken Man George was born here...) LOL!

Hmmm...I'm gonna say Fertalizer of the House

Oooh, that's a good one since they have a compost pile in the back yard.


They could show pictures of the grass and plants growing in the back yard... Flora Of The House?

Or show spiders making webs on the patio, or the ants, I hear that's usually a problem in the house... Fauna Of The House?

and yes, I had to look up the meaning of fauna. But after I read the text below, it seems to fit for the BB House :)

"The flora and fauna of any given region is usually explained in biological terms to include the genus and species of plant and animal life, their preferred growing or breeding habits, and their connection to one another in the environment as well."


With fertalizer of the house, we could watch the grass grow...hint hint...unless it's an outside comp then it'd have to be Fighting of the House where they show past BB fights.


ferrets of the house or felines and let kittens be playing lol


Oooh! They could do a slide show of all the BB HGs that "flew under the radar" and rode coattails...Freeloaders of the House?

Or they can show censored clips of all the HGs that got it on in the house....Freaks of the House?


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