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Ok, I'm done. This is the second time I posted unquoted comments as random thoughts during long fish intermissions and it was deleted by the moderators. All were comments made today, most in the last hour. Can you explain why it's gone?

Game over for me.

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People are in the gold room and looking around the house for clues.

Rachel and Maggie are guiding Jennifer through several combinations that Maggie is reading

something from a card.

Sarah is looking in the fish tank.

to open the treasure inside, follow this simple guide (maggie reading from card)

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Kaysar has a blue flashlight and is scanning the GR with it while others are cracking the safe.

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Jen: this is an ending clue - reads: "to open the treasure inside, follow this simple guide"

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BB: Kaysar, please move your microphone higher

(silence in the house)

1 sec later.. everyone keeps doing what they do.

rachel still trying to 'crack' the safe open.

maggie reading the clue card over again.

added: Ivette and April are talking outside about evictions.

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April to ivette (in privacy): nothing was honest until today. we are on the outside now. people will speculate. people will CONTINUE because it doesnt make sense

April isn't convinced that eric will be up tomorrow

A: I Know people think jennifer and i are friends. do you really think im that stupid to say what sorority and college im in?

I: I want to rock the boat. kaysar got to. kaysar and janelle got the last laugh. i want to rock the boat.

A: we can rock the boat. if im talking to her or kaysar dont think anything about it. we need to keep our eyes and ears open. the more you listen and look the more that's available. *pause* it will. i love that guy [eric] i love him. i love that guy

I: he's pissed, he's never been so blindsided.

A: I love him. i love him to death, i straight up told him [james], if things were the same, i know maggie better. take a chill until we know hes up for sre. then we can work it. he might even not go up. he needs to talk to Kaysar [cappy]. they can still work something out.

A: James is gonna screw him, i know he is (him??)

A: in this game no man wants to go feeling they got scrweed by another man. did you ask rachel?

I: rachel said we'll talk. rachel is up in the air

A: wont it go where howie goes?

I: absolutely.

A yells to cappy, dont stress unless we have to, then we'll work it.

I: you wont just sit down and talk to james?!

Cappy: no. im leaving the same way i came in. what could i possibly say to him? changing his vote changes sarahs vote. it wont happen. it isnt gonna happen.

bb: eric, please put on your mic.

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Ivette and April on patio. Ivette feels bad for Eric. April does too but James has to save himself because he's now afraid of Eric

April says nothing was honest up to this point and they all have to start fresh. Stop speclating AND forget everything everyone has heard or said about anyone.

April thinks Eric might not get put up and tells Ivette not to stress herself out.

Ivette wondering about the secrets Mike was talking about. April again dissing the relationship with Jennifer "do you really think i would be that stupid?" Ivette "that's not even my concern. my concern is how to push the restart button myself." She wants to rock the boat like Kaysar did because she is pissed that Kay and Janelle are having the last laugh.

April is listening to what anyone has to say because "we can rock the boat". Tells Ivette not to worry if she sees her talking to Kay and that crowd because she's getting info. Tells Ivette to listen to everything.

April about Eric - I love that guy, i love him, i love him, i love him to death

Ivette - he's pissed. he's never been so blindsided

April - i told James straight up I know Maggie better. Don't start rocking the boat until we know who's up there. Take a chill pill. We will have time to rock the boat. Eric needs to talk to Kaysar. He can still work something out.

Ivette - he can't trust kay anymore. the only ones that can make amends is cappy and james

April - james might want to screw him, i know he is. in this game no man wants to go up feeling screwed by another man. it's a testosterone thing. Did you ask Rachel what they.....

Ivette - She's up in the air

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Eric is venting to ivette and april, he says he played this game ALL wrong- with integrity.

E: the minute james said maggie was evil on day 3..that was it. if maggie and i are going down, im calling everyone else out too.

lots of he said she said about sarah and maggie, ivette saying james and eric got protective of their girls, so they had to.

Eric telling everyone james was the 2nd vote for james. everyone thinking. eric continues to complain. ask them whats the point is. eric saying rachels the only swing vote. and she wont do it because of howie. he adds not to forget they [howie and rachel] are a pair. eric says he's f--- nausiated.

ivette stewing over james voting for ash to stay. beau, april, ivette stewing. april sasys she will ask janelle if mike voted for ash to stay.

silence. i think their in thought.

I: im votig for cappy to stay.-- pause-- im not changing that.

A: he has never done anything to me.

I: james is the one who started getting everyone worked up.

Eric: that m-fer will sell anyone out. [who??]

Eric: im not going to cower down and go begging for votes. [walks away]

Beau: relax.

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Eric is venting to ivette and april, he says he played this game ALL wrong- with integrity.

E: the minute james said maggie was evil on day 3..that was it. if maggie and i are going down, im calling everyone else out too.

lots of he said she said about sarah and maggie, ivette saying james and eric got protective of their girls, so they had to.

Eric telling everyone james was the 2nd vote for james. everyone thinking. eric continues to complain. ask them whats the point is. eric saying rachels the only swing vote. and she wont do it because of howie. he adds not to forget they [howie and rachel] are a pair. eric says he's f--- nausiated.

ivette stewing over james voting for ash to stay. beau, april, ivette stewing. april sasys she will ask janelle if mike voted for ash to stay.

silence. i think their in thought.

I: im votig for cappy to stay.-- pause-- im not changing that.

A: he has never done anything to me.

I: james is the one who started getting everyone worked up.

Eric: that m-fer will sell anyone out. [who??]

Eric: im not going to cower down and go begging for votes. [walks away]

Beau: relax.

April still stewing. saying she'll ask kaysar who was the second vote. says she knows the truth. beau says dont even worry about it. april exclaims I WANNA KNOW.

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Appears like the HG's have given up on the clues. They are now playing the coaster game.

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Eric now grunting the gym, just messing with the screws to set up weight. He can't seem to breathe without grunting when he's angry.

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howie saying he emails rachel to keep in touch. most of his relatives see him on tv - blind date, elimidate, big brother etc.

howie wants them to see the tapes..saying it's halarious.

camrea zooms in on compass , green thing, vase- everything on that table.

chitchat, howie going on about nothing in particular...

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