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Sheila - "No One's Pet"

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I had to open this thread and see what others think. Sheila has exposed herself to BB fans and has shown a lot of herself. Sheila said she came on BB9 hoping to get her book written and published. After watching her on BB9

Do you think her book "No Ones Pet" will get published....

Do you think people would buy it?

Do you think it will make the best sellers list?

I could not see it as something worth reading and can't see anyone else being interested in reading it. I think that's why it's not published and I don't think her being in BB9 will help at all.

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hmmm.... someone might publish a small first printing.

Doubt if it would go into a second printing.

I don't know if any other HG's are in print.

If she's the 1st - it does have novelty value.

Best seller ??? DON't THINK SO

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I think I might be interested in reading it. I have spent a lot of time with Sheila the last few months and that makes me curious to know more about her life. :)

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why not?

i see total nobodys geting book publish 24/7

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Sheila's book...the answers to the questions no one (well, almost no one...I'm looking at you, Marty) asked.

To be fair though, if one were seeking to be prey for a Cougar, they could do worse. She looks like she could clean up real nice, but no spending the night...either way one of you is doing the "walk of shame" before the sun comes up, lest your friends catch you and make fun of you...like that time they caught you enjoying yourself riding a moped...there's a reason they're called "guilty pleasures"

I'd buy the book. Nothing more humiliating than, when you show up to the book burning, and you don't have anything to contribute...not unlike my reply to this thread. :blush:



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Well here is the deal, before you ever write the book you need to write a proposel for the book and what it will be about ,etc, then you submit it to many publishing houses, then if they are interested they give you money to write the book, and yes it will be published if they give you the advance of money to write it, you could not just sit down write the book and then take it around and peddle it to publishers, that would not work, or send it around, it would never get read. I have a really close friend who has published many books, and one was made into a movie, and he is now writing the sequel to the first book and I am sure the movie will follow, and I know that he recieved quite an advance for the go ahead to write the sequal, so yes, Sheilas book will probably get wrtten and published and I imagine people will buy it, I love to read any autobiographies, I love to read different stories of peoples lives, a best seller??? Don't know about that , but you do not have to have your book on the best seller list for it to make profit.

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I would like to Sheila's book do well, but it's not my cup of tea.

On the other hand, reading her has got to be better than listening to her!

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I would read it if I was in the bathroom and nothing else was there

Dont you mean USE it if there was nothing else to use?

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I think I might be interested in reading it. I have spent a lot of time with Sheila the last few months and that makes me curious to know more about her life.

I'm with you on that one, Marty. Not as much time, but still street-smart curious.



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Unexpeacted's post..

"Yew know wut, New York publishers? Yew don't owe me a publishing contract, but ya kinda dew"

reminded me of the photo-cap site Jedi posted awhile back...

lots of 'ya kinda dew' Shelia photo-caps....


(... just in case you missed it)

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Keeping it simple, Marty.

As I told Jem, my time is not my own. Haven't been here much, can't stay; yet couldn't resist tossing in a thought or two tonight.

Stay you --

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