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Just because they have different view points on the war on terrorism doesnt mean that they cant be friends in the real world. Eric and Kaysar had similiar views and Kaysar is kicking Eric's sorry self out of the house. So I guess to be a friend you have to agree on everything? Or are you making the point that James is not a trustworthy person in general because he is a Republican? Not sure what you are getting at.

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Guest sara-is-hot

Wait I take back the Jannelle part. I like eye candy if its women. Put some hot female blondes in with some geeks, lol.

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Guest sara-is-hot
Wow, Ivette actually has 1 friend listed!  :lol:

She actually has no real friends listed. Tom runs myspace and is automatically listed on everyones when they first register.

Under Ivettes people she would like to meet:

the judge who looked beyond my family's pain, the boy who i hope loses sleep over night for destroying my family...

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Guest Hot for Kaysar

i hear that sarah has a myspace also.......can't find her page, anyone got a link to that one?

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Janelle was combing through all her hair extentions after she got out of the shower at 1:30am. It took her forever and underneath all that hair there is truly a mess. They are all matted up, and tangled, looks like a mess. I wonder what she would look like without them. I bet her hair is wicked thin. No wonder it takes her 2 hours to do her hair.........

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Guest Queen Of The Jumbies
Whether you love or hate her you have to admit...Janelle is beautiful


If you like a girl where everything about her is FAKE! :roll:

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Guest md1998

I think the only fake about her is her boobies. April and Howie have more fake and worked on body parts than Janelle.

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Guest princessmean1

I don't like girls, but I think she's pretty and alot better on the eyes that Ivette!! *barf*

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Guest metaldale

I like Janelle as a player but honestly do not find her very pretty at all, especially her face.

That is just my taste in women I guess, she has a decent body and very nice legs though.

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I used to hate her, not anymore. she is really pretty!!

I think sarah is really pretty too and jenny. april isnt bad for a smoker.

lol im girl...but im not gay!!!

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Guest livefeedwatcher

I usually don't think blondes are that pretty but she really is gorgeous, even when she just wakes up in the morning. stunning.

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IMO, she is beautifull, but WITHOUT makeup ! lol

She looks much better natural. When she wears makeup, THERE she looks fake !

We can totally see that she's not the result of surgery: look at her nose.... this thing is so big lol it cannot be surgery.

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That i'm not sure off. I know lot of girls with natural breast looking just like this. Just because someone looks good doesn't mean it's surgery. It might be though, but IMO, if her lips would've been surgery, she would have got her nose done too :roll:

But her hair are totally fake lol

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Guest Peaches

Personally, I don't care if people want to enhance themselves for whatever reason. To each their own and it's none of my business to judge.

And to answer the question, Yes, Janelle is gorgeous! I'm a straight female and even I can't stop looking at her.

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I agree, Janelle is mesmerizing. I can't stop looking at her! But her intelligence makes her even more attractive. I have a good friend who is GORGEOUS and every time we meet new people, women always dislike her because she is SO pretty.

Personally (being a somewhat pretty girl myself lol), I think pretty girls are easier to be friends. They have so much more confidence and are rarely envious. If I see a BEAUTIFUL woman walk in the room, I smile at her from ear to ear, because I can guarantee, she is getting dirty looks from almost every other woman in the room. :lol:

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