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i think she is very very hot. i wanna be in the club to.

at the very beggining before the show even started people disliked her becaus they thought she was going to be another dumb blonde holly type and everybody hated her but i think the tides have turned and now every1 hates eric and ivette(not every1 but its a majority)

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Guest CHRIS1227

Count me in. Janelle is very smart. The odds are against her, so she better make some friend quick and take out Eric.

Kaysar is a good place to start, who will want to avenge Michael's obvious departure coming next week.

She could get Kaysar, Rachel, Howie, Sarah, James if she plays her cards right. That is a pretty strong group.

Guest gosarah

I'm in, too!! You go, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will never pre-judge a blonde again. Janelle has gone from being my least to my most favorite in record time. Good girl. Get those retards!

Guest blondie212

I am also rooting for Janelle. I like how she stand her own ground and doesn't act like a pushover like other housequests. Hopefully she wins HOH or power of veto -next week -that would be soo funny!

Guest AlexHinn

Yay Janelle! w00t! Let's hope we can get a live feed pic with some of those boobies.



Go janelle and knock the psychos eric and ivette out and i cant wait to see what marcellas and gretchen do on House Calls when they are guest lol!!! :D

Guest lucky me

I did not see any other posts regarding Janelle's response to James' request to explain to him why he should use the POV on her.

If this has already been posted, excuuuuuuuuuse me!

Just trying to figure out her strategy for staying in the house. Someone, April I think, told her that she would be safe. Why would she solely hang out with Mike? Kaysar is his partner and even he is trying to distance himself from him.

Not really sure why she answered James the way that she did.

If I were on the block, I would be kissing A$$ big time!! I would be a sheep or a cow or whatever it took to stay in the house.


I think when Ashlea got kicked out last week she said she was going to get revenge on those who wanted her out.


From what I just heard from the feeds...Janelle knows about the Kay/Mike alliance and they are joining forces. Howie snuck in on the deal too. So Kay/Jan/How together...they just don't know that Howie is with Rachel too.

Guest lucky me

but why alienate yourself away from everyone else. Join the masses (even though you think they are "retards"), get on their good side and plot your revenge in a not-so-obvious manner.

I just don't get her strategy???????


because in king eric castle once an outcast always an outcast. fromm day one he was in janelle grill when they first got in house.

Guest lucky me

I think Janelle is smart and a very strong competitor but her comment during the Veto meeting just didn't make any sense.

I think she had time to redeem herself. I also think that if Mike had done some quick damage control, he might have been able to save him self as well.

Why keep yourself in the cross-hairs on purpose?????

So what if Eric is bossy and Ivette is a loud mouth, and if the others are such "sheep" and you are so smart, think of a way to get the numbers on your side.

Obviously this is a thinking game.

Guest Ms Alucard

It seems like by now they will really be wondering who Howies partner is- Cappy and Maggie may be on to the Rachel/Howie team. I hope there are some splits in alliances very soon!

Guest somepeople

They have no plans to keep her. April telling her she was safe ment nothing. Just like Eric making everone promise not to put him up if they get HOH and he wont put them up means nothing because his only plan was to put Mike up and out. They would never let her in the group no matter what they say to her and K.

Guest lucky me

Janelle did not play this out correctly. James is already on to her and Mike is no threat to him so James could vote to evict Janelle, Sarah will vote to evict ANY female that even looks at her boyfriend James, Kaysar will vote to evict Janelle; Jenny might feel sorry for Mike and vote to evit Janelle and maybe April will vote the same as her partner??? All she needs is one more vote and Mike stays?????

You can't get revenge when you're not even in the house.


I told ya'll to watch for this... Next watch for Howie's stuff... :)


:otay I thought I seen her somewhere before :rofl

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