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I have been watching Big Brother since the first one...while I liked having a say in who was voted out,I enjoyed it alot more when BB2 came out....and I have been hooked ever since.

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I have been watching since season 2, but this is the first time I have gotten involved in the boards. I have to say that I always liked the Dr. Will and Boogie antics in the DR.

On another note, for some reason I keep seeing a small "j" In the title of the thread. It has to be this cast and season that is causing my eyes to play tricks on me. :P


It would be interesting to see the people from Season One (my First ;_0) able to play again. Their game was COMPLETELY different...It was like a test run for Big Brother...I enjoyed season One because i had never seen anything like it...Favorite Season ...THREE..


I have been watching since Season 1. I find it more interesting now since they do BBAD. You get to see the real personalities of the people. I have never had the live feeds before.


Started with season 1. I loved all the seasons , some years I have liked better then others, but enjoyed everyseason. This year, season 9 is my first year with live feeds and showtime. And season 8 was my first year with showtime. I really wish i could go back and get the live feed for the previous seasons. This show is totally a different exsperiance with them.


First season for me was 1 and then for some reason, I forgot Big Brother existed until a friend of mine re-introduced me to Season 6. I was hooked from then on. That was my favorite season. This season is my least favorite. I can't find anyone to root for.

I started posting here during season 6 and even though I read more than I post, I still enjoy the boards.


My first season was season 1. I guess my favorite is season 6 because it was the first time I got the feeds and saw the "real"game! Least favorite was season 7, which is due to the Booger factor.


well i didn't start watching until season 3, but i was hooked immediately....and through the years i kept hearing about dr. will...so i was very glad to get to see him in action in the all star season, where he became my favorite for sure....after watching him there i found a BB2 and watched him again...i have liked every year, but last year stands out for me more because i found morty's....and that changed everything about BB for me(not to mention survivor)....i went from being a 3 days a week television watcher to everyday a week computer person...more of a lurker last year, but now i am really getting into it....this season i have become a total addict subscribing to the live feeds....so even tho this season isn't the best, by far...for me it is so much more with all that i can see....i wish i had done all of this much sooner...but who knows what BB10 will bring..... :animated_wave:


The first episode I ever watched was when Amy got voted back in the house. LOVED the rest of Season 3. Watching every episode of Season 4 the next year and by Season 5 I had the live feeds. Its been eating up every summer (and now spring) since =P.

"Good Seasons"

BB6, BB2, BB3, BB8

"Not-so great Seasons"


The jury is still out on this season, but I'm really dissapointed that the alliance I liked (JJSC) is fading fast. Oh well, it seemed last year my favorites (Dick and Daniele) were going to the execution chamber and they ended up final two.

At the end of the day, BB is just a fun pass time and isnt life or death so I dont get to riled up over things. But I love it just the same.


I've been watching since season 1. Season 6 was my favorite because of Janie, Howie and Kayser. Season 2 was my least favorite because of Chill town. I would get so mad at Dr Will and Boogie that I would scream at the TV. Even though I still disliked them in All Stars, I finally could appreciate how good at the game Dr. Will is.

It was much better when they had to earn their luxuries. They all have it too easy.

I can't stand Sheila. She whines too much. When Ryan took the money from her, I couldn't believe the way she acted. She may have been mad about Chelsia calling her out on using the single mom card, but she is trying to use it. I'm sorry but it's a game and being a single mom doesn't mean you deserve it more than anyone else. Natalie reminds me of Amber when she keeps talking about the "good people". The ones who talk about the good people are not usually the good people. I don't really like any of them but there sure has been a lot of drama this year and I guess that's why I can't stop watching.


I watched the very first season of BB and my favorite was the black guy that got voted off first and the white girl he hung with ...

I only watched a couple of episodes after that b/c it got so boring when America voted that guy out ... It was so boring that BB brought him back into the house ... :lol:

Reality TV was kinda new then and I don't think America realized how much fun it would be to watch trouble makers in the house ... That season got boring really fast ... Everyone got along and who wants to watch that???

I officially started to watch BB again at season 6 ...


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