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I've been watching since season 1. My favorite season was 6 then 8. Janie is my fave of all. Dr. Will is great too. I was very happy with how season 8 ended, which was a first. I also liked the season with Cowboy simply because the board here was hilariously funny everyday. Remember the thread about the answering machine messages from all the hg's that season? That was literally LOL funny.

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Caught a few episodes of season 1 and most of season 2, but I didn't start watching religiously until season 3. I agree that season 6 was good because off all of the things mentioned above. It is hard to pick a favorite, though...

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I have been hooked since season 1, what was that dark haired girls name who was really goofy and started a showmance with one of the cute boys?? I do remember them taking the cards away. Loved season 2 with Dr. Will hardy boogie and chill town, thatis when that weird guy pretended to slice that girls throat(cannot remember her name) and got kicked off for threatening violence, even if he was just drunk and acting out,lol, he had her on top of the kitchen table,lol, had the knife up against her throat hand a handfull of her hair and pulled her head back and threatend to slice her, and it was sort of sexual as I remember it

Then I think it startend changing with season 3, I forget who won, it was a dark haired girl and I missed the show cause my video recorder f- ed up and I had to get my friend to print out the finale from the iternet,lol I did not have a puter then. Wasn't drew season 4 and things were also really changin by then, I really hated Maggies winning her season but we got Kaysar and Janie, loved all stars, the only time any one that I liked won was last summer when ED won.

Now we have the After dark, and DVR,a nd the feeds are not free any more, the times they are a changin,lol

I think I came accross Morty's during season 4, Drews season, loved it here, and the rest is history, I will always watch even tho this year doesn't interest me much, just like comin to Morty's to post and be with other die hard fans of BB, we have sort of become a cult,lol

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I've been watching since Season #1. I though Season #1 was boring and the cast of Season #1 was boring.

My favorite Seasons were Season #6 and Season #7

I'm SHOCKED that people liked Season #8. I didn't like the cast of Season #8.

I don't like the cast of BB9 either but I still watch it because I like the BB game.

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it is kind of weird about season 8 I wasn't crazy about a lot of them, and even tho ED was loathed, I was rootin for him, I was not so hot about his daughter, tho, at least some of them were funny and I did have some good laughs, Jen was a trip now,and Nick, lordy, oh and Mrs. Robinson, yeah whatever, I know that season 8 caused the biggest rift between posters Morty's has ever seen, but here we all are laughin oh, and Agreeing, gotta love it,lol

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season 1

my fav season was 4 by far

lots of power shift

none of silly scripted crap bb is having now

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Season 1 was my first season, and I was quite young when i started. My brother and I have watched it together since then, and I only just turned 19, so Bb has been a part of my life for quite a good chunk of it. I don't remember much about season 1, accept that I wanted..... Curtis to win, yeah. He didn't.

Favorite houseguest of all time is Dr. Will, followed by danielle and Nakomis.

My least favorite season was season 6, which might be replaced with this season.

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I started with season 1. Haven't missed an episode since.. thank goodness for Tivo.

I can't pick a favorite - each have had something that I liked. Even if I didn't root specifically for a houseguest, there was always someone that I loved to hate. Even this season which many people don't seem to enjoy! I can honestly say Big Brother has done it's job in entertaining me each season.

My favorite houseguest would have to be Janelle. But I'm usually partial to the underdog or most disliked person. It's not on purpose, but I can guarantee at the beginning of each year that my husband will loathe my favorite player. He usually ends up rooting for them right along with me by the end though.

I will say my least favorite houseguest has been Chelsia. I don't know why but man she drove me nuts. And talk about sore loser!

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Came in half way through season 1 and have watched faithfully every season since. Season 6 is my fav, followed by season 2 (but not a Dr. Will fan). The past two seasons have been my least fav thanks to ED and Dani and basically the whole cast this season. But I continue to watch......... :popcorn2:

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I have been watching since Season 1. Man, was it a sad little season.

My favorite is Season 2. Dr. Will is my all time favorite player. I hated Season 6. Janelle drives me to drink. I also enjoyed Season 8, but I couldn't stand ED or Dani. Ugh.

I am hoping Season 10 is even better.

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Since day one of season one. My favorite seasons were 2 and All Stars. Funny, I hated the idea of all stars, but watching the Evil Doctor do his thing again made the season worth while for me. I liked season 3 a lot too. Loved the Jason and Danni alliance.

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worst bb season 6,7,8,9 i see a pattern

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how was bb 6 your first season yet you watch 3-9? :mellow:

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I haven't missed an episode since it started - season 1. I'm a nerd. I only liked BB 1 until I watched BB2 and saw how the game could be played! Season 2 was one of the best for that reason.

I must confess to not hating any season, though I have hated some players. I'm not a huge fan of the side vs side strategy employed as of late. When did that start? I'm liking the Ryan/Josh pairing right now, though I don't care if either win. I just like that they're trying to do something besides the house divided thing.

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started bb 6 imho

you always had sides in all season

but bb6 took it to another level

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Season 6 for me...My cousin Howie was on the show...

loved his season and loved him! Please tell "big boy" a small family in Ga. loves him!

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i got hooked with Season 1! was very pleased that Eddy won b/c he actually deserved it! too bad we can't say the same for today's winners! it started going down hill with Season 6 and how fast has it gone! the point of the game has been lost and the houseguests/actors make the show unbearable to watch. this season is by far the worst season and very well could be the downfall of the series.

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BB allmost lost me at season 1 but then it got better with the voting and veto....Every season has 1 or 2 people that you really like..This season you have to make yourself like someone....

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